How many Earths are there?
The Great Lord Tiger
25-09-2008, 22:56
Just a question based on the RPs. With so many nations which are "Somewhere in North America...", it makes one wonder- how would this be possible? These are what I've considered:
1.) Multiple planets with Earth-like features
2.) Multiple Earths (different dimension)
3.) Really, really small nations.
Seriously... even accounting for FT nations living in space colonies and stuff, how can so many MT nations live on one planet?
25-09-2008, 23:29
Where's the poll?
And to answer your question, a combination of all three options. Some are alternative USAs, others are different USAs, others are tiny USAs...
26-09-2008, 16:09
I think - there is many realities. But every nation can chose to wich reality it want to participate. Other reality have FT nations, other MT/PMT nations - but MT/PMT after discovering interstellar voyages - will be transfered to FT reality. Other part is Fantasy nations reality. And - what is realy strange - all thease realities will corssing. And in every reality is many earths, and in every is many littler countries.
And realy - We don't konw which is which. This poll inspirate me to thinking about scientist who found some sort of gate and conntact between MT/PMT nation and FT or Fantasy nation.
The coalition of Rithian is my own invention, so it's not based off a country or something. It is made up of the four smaller countries, known as the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest. (Proper names only used in official government meetings and citizenships are Argos, Nerka, Palos, and Argos).
27-09-2008, 02:24
I would think that there are millions of small earth-like planets, each with its own form that can be called a "region," and each either round or flat. Each of these "planets" are then connected to the main hub of "NSEarth," where the majority of the huge regions, such as the feeder regions, and the connection points are invisible portals that warp space-time so that units from one region would appear seamlessly into another. It's a stretch, but oh well.
27-09-2008, 02:36
Or a giant planet with many 'earths' and other land masses repeated and scattered across it; like in "ringworld" perhaps
Aslan's country, definitely.
27-09-2008, 06:13
We threw out perfect realism the moment we started RPing here. It can't be recovered.
Yes, all of those nations are gigantic. Yes, you can get to any Earth nation from any other Earth nation by driving, walking, sailing, and so forth. No, we don't know how it works. The alternative (RPing teensy nations or a thousand different planets) would stomp on the RPs of somewhere between most people and everyone.
Personally, I hold to the opinion that the ability of nations to travel to and understand other nations is limited by their perceptions. Plenty of nations believe they're living on a little real-Earth-sized planet consisting of their region or sphere of influence or whatnot, so that's what they can see and travel to. Nations that believe in some sort of multiverse have more leeway.
I usually think of NS-world as a big honking planet with all those nations on it. Of course, I have to ignore real-world physics (how big CAN a life-supporting planet get? What would be the gravity of a rocky planet big enough to hold all those giant nations?), and many nations, by their own RPs and histories, don't fit with my world view. :p
I usually think of NS-world as a big honking planet with all those nations on it. Of course, I have to ignore real-world physics (how big CAN a life-supporting planet get? What would be the gravity of a rocky planet big enough to hold all those giant nations?), and many nations, by their own RPs and histories, don't fit with my world view. :p
I tend to go with yours, but I leave a great deal undefined.