21-08-2008, 19:53
What are the differences between Democratic Socialists and a New York Times Democracy? The pros and cons?:
A New York Times Democracy has a high level of political freedom and medium levels of personal and economic freedom. Democratic Socialists have the same amount of personal freedom (medium), but less political and economic freedom (medium and low, respectively).
This chart shows the various levels of freedom in each category. The higher up a rating is, the more free a country is in that category.
(--)Economic -----------Political Freedoms----Civil Rights(-- )
(15)Frightening---------Corrupted------------Widely Abused
(14)All-Consuming-----Widely Abused-------Frightening
(13)Powerhouse-------Excessive -------------Excessive
(12)Thriving-------------World Benchmark----World Benchmark
(11)Very Strong--------Superb-----------------Superb
(09)Good----------------Very good-------------Very Good
(06)Developing---------Below Average------Below Average
(02)Basket Case-------Unheard Of-----------Unheard Of