Reigon Expandation Duty
The Heroic Emmisionarry is only home to ONE nation.
We need to expand nano-reigons to empires.
Quintessence of Dust
02-08-2008, 00:20
I strongly support reigon expandation.
O.O.C. literally reigon expandation is making me pink and damp with hilarity, what ever it is i want some, and i wont brook any delay lol lol lol
The Altan Steppes
02-08-2008, 00:42
If it's making you pink and damp, you have only the "Heroic Emmisionarry" to blame for that.
(sorry, couldn't resist)
O.O.C. ha ha ha too too hilaire (sic) it think i've had a few heroic emmisions in my time, legendary in fact. ha ha ha lol lol lol
Gobbannaen WA Mission
02-08-2008, 03:33
Pass the brain-bleach, please :-)
If it's making you pink and damp, you're going to need an anti-fungal. Bleach just won't cut it. ;)
02-08-2008, 12:19
Shoo, you reprobates! Back to the halls of the WA and let the newcomer recruit unspammed!
02-08-2008, 14:43
Recruit... unspammed...
*brain explodes*
Thank you, Ardchoille (sir)
02-08-2008, 23:58
Ma'am, actually. Pay them no mind, Linpada, there are some rapscallions in the WA. But they're quite sweet when you get to know them. *checks teacup for foreign substances*