NationStates Jolt Archive


02-06-2008, 20:55
how do i make it any better?

and can you go to war with different regions?
The Unaware
03-06-2008, 07:25
No, you can't go to war. That's a possibility in NS 2, but for the time being, no.
In answer to your other question, if you want a strong economy make sure you back your own companies more than foreign ones. For instance, if there's a tariff issue, and one way to resolve it is to make the tariffs higher, do it. This will shift more business toward local and domestic companies, generating more income within your country.
Good luck
~The Unaware
04-06-2008, 20:59
Actually tariffs worsen your economy. If you really want a strong economy you need to not care about the poor. Cut everything except Defense, Police & Commerce. No Healthcare, no education, no social welfare, no social equality.
Bluth Corporation
04-06-2008, 21:29
Actually tariffs worsen your economy. If you really want a strong economy you need to not care about the poor. Cut everything except Defense, Police & Commerce. No Healthcare, no education, no social welfare, no social equality.

In other words, you cut government down to its objectively proper size and scope, as proven clearly and conclusively by the eminent 20th-century Russian-American philosopher Ayn Rand.
Kantian Prussia
05-06-2008, 00:20
In other words, you cut government down to its objectively proper size and scope, as proven clearly and conclusively by the eminent 20th-century Russian-American philosopher Ayn Rand.

Surely you mean "as 'proven' ... by the 'eminent' 20th-century Russian-American 'philosopher' Ayn Rand..."

But yes, to improve the economy, generally just go with letting corporations do what they want to.