NationStates Jolt Archive

Question about Nation Category

28-05-2008, 13:20
For months my beloved nation has been classified as a "Father Knows Best State." And life was good. My people work hard and get rewarded and I try to treat everybody fair. I really DO know best. That's why I am Dictator for Life.

However some dark forces have been leaking into my proud nation, consuming it from within and suddenly my poor folks live in something called "Compulsory Consumerist State".

I am still in shock and try to find out how that could happen. (if the offenders get caught I promise them a interesting time in the scorpion pit)

Is there a list somewhere that describes all the various Categories?
St Edmund
28-05-2008, 13:58
Is there a list somewhere that describes all the various Categories?

Here. (
29-05-2008, 11:51
Thank you. that was exactly what I needed to know.