But we need to learn. So help us please, Need to know stuff that you can tell us...
The Lupine People
24-05-2008, 00:21
I'm still somewhat of a newbie my self but hey I'll give you some advice: One tip I always see is to read the forum STICKIES at the top. I read them and they have all sorts of good advice on etiquette, how to start, etc. International Incidents (Bellow) has the good stickies.
And well don't think all NSers are fed up with newcomers, the ones eager to learn are always given a warm welcome.
24-05-2008, 00:41
The Lupine People has got it in one: read the stickies (his reference to "International Incidents,below" was made before I moved the thread; it's now above). The ones in NS by Euroslavia are terrific for roleplay ideas.
For practical advice on specific things, read through this forum (Gameplay). In this post (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13708597&postcount=4) I gave a link to a useful thread. There's also The Yellow Pages (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=499508). Another player,Safalra, has a useful website here (http://www.safalra.com/other/nationstates/).