Salted Crackers
22-04-2008, 10:07
Hey all,
Im fairly newbish to this game and was just wondering if any RPing regions out there which are recruiting and have region maps?
If any could recruit me thatd be coolies.
22-04-2008, 10:14
The Daedalus region is always looking for new members. We're not that big, but we have a nice, experienced RP community. Feel free to take take a look on our forums at
Kiru Tao
22-04-2008, 23:17
The Asian Continent ( fits your desires quite well. We're an active role-playing region with its own off-site board and map. Feel free to check us out.
Regular squirrels
23-04-2008, 02:59
I am also seeking an RP nation...anyone want a nation of Squirrels?