Moving to another region
I started the game not too long ago, and I see a few advertisements to move. However, it is not clear to me what the advantage in moving is.
Can someone explain that, please?
St Edmund
25-03-2008, 12:08
Some regions have specific themes, perhaps geographical or ideological in nature, that attract nations with the appropriate origins.
The main advantage of moving out of the 'feeder' region in which your nation started, however, is simply the fact that in a smaller region you're less likely to get lost in the crowd and might (depending on how that region is organised) find getting a place in the regional government -- if you're interested in that possibility -- easier.
Why not try Conservative Paradise ( We're open to centrist regimes as well as to right-wing ones, we can offer all of the "usual" advantages that regional recruiters do (although admittedly our roleplaying section needs reviving, as it's been decidely quiet for the last couple of months), and your nation looks as though it could fit in quite nicely amongst us...
Thanks for explaining.
I'll think I keep seeing how much I like the game and whether I want to involve myself more deeply. As I assume that it has not much use for a region to have a member that does nothing but mind her own affairs and govern her own little country.
25-03-2008, 13:56
Circle of Badularity is a region that caters to nations like yours. It's nice there.
St Edmund
25-03-2008, 14:02
That's okay, we welcome quiet nations too... because as they make our region slightly bigger they make it look more viable, and thus more attractive to other potential recruits some of whom might become active...
25-03-2008, 14:10
Probably best is something of a moderate size, certainly to start with. Where there's something going on but you'll be able to quickly get to know everyone and it's easy to get involved should you want to, or you'll be left to your own devices should you wish. The Grand Alliance happens to fit that bill ... ;)
Thanks for explaining.
I'll think I keep seeing how much I like the game and whether I want to involve myself more deeply. As I assume that it has not much use for a region to have a member that does nothing but mind her own affairs and govern her own little country.
Seeing as you were born into the south pacific at the moment, consider joining its forum to as well. it is found at
Kiru Tao
25-03-2008, 22:39
If you ever do decide on moving, please consider the Asian Continent ( in that choice.