Nations Ethnicity
22-03-2008, 20:27
Homieville's "Hertiage Population"
35% Polish (North Western Poland"Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot* and some parts of Southern and mid Poland
25% Spanish (All over Spain)
15% Hungarian (Around Budapest)
10% Czech,Sloveka (All over the area)
9.3% Croatian (-)
3.4% Asian (Japan,China,India)
1.6% African (Nigeria, and some other parts of Africa)
.7% Other
Official Langages
Polish, and Slovekian based langage
Secondary Langages
Spanish, and Slovekian based langage
22-03-2008, 21:34
we've got like everything lol
22-03-2008, 21:47
Homieville's "Hertiage Population"
35% Polish (North Western Poland"Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot* and some parts of Southern and mid Poland
25% Spanish (All over Spain)
15% Hungarian (Around Budapest)
10% Czech,Sloveka (All over the area)
10% Croatian (-)
3.4% Asian (Japan,China,India)
1.6% African (Nigeria, and some other parts of Africa)So, in other words, you're 95% white? I guess with a name like "Homieville," I was expecting more of an urban feel. :p
So much for that.
About half the Kennyites are multiracial. Mostly black and part white, in fact, with beaks and flippers and stubby little legs that they hobble around the ice on. They're expert swimmers, but don't communicate very well, expressing themselves mostly through an odd sort of quacking. They call themselves "penguins," but we've never known any form of avian wildlife to explode so easily. The rest of the population is wise to avoid them. And if that makes us "segregationists," so be it.
The other half of the population is human (well, at least most anthropologists seem to think so (, a quarter being White Boys, and another quarter being White Girls. About 20% are Xt'Tapolopaquetl natives (who are kind of like the RL Aztecs, but explode themselves more frequently than even those crazy "penguins" we were talking about before), and another 20% are a white/Xt'Tap mix which we were too lazy to come up with a unique name for, so we just call them Mexicans. About a quarter of these folk are Hot Latinas, the most popular girls in all of Omigodtheykilledkenny. Then there are some blacks and Asians thrown in for fun, as well as immigrant communities from Ariddia, The Eternal Kawaii, Gruenberger Gelzia, Yelda, and all sorts of Antarctian nations, existing and ceasing to exist alike. Let it never be said the Kennyites will turn a blind eye to those in need. Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free -- unless you're Ardchoillean, in which case, get away from us, you wizard freaks!
Anywho, the population becomes less white, generation after generation, because the whites are not nearly the skilled breeders that the Xt'Taps and the Mexicans are (of course, the latter have the Hot Latinas, which helps). In about 50 years, you can expect whites to make up only about a third of the population.
The people communicate almost universally in a primitive series of moans and grunts known as "English," but the more sophisticated, romantic among us can also swear up a storm en español.
22-03-2008, 22:14
Homies are actually Spanish "Latino" People. :). Urban it is! 90% of the land is City.
22-03-2008, 22:45
Because Puckeds are so tolerant and borders are open for any imigrants so we have multiracial populity.But the are som native nations like Monterossians - highlanders who have autonomy in east part of country.
Or Punckeds who are native nation and creators of country (but it is mix between pre-punckedians and polish emigramts from XVII and XIX century.)
Nanatsu no Tsuki
23-03-2008, 00:42
Nanatsu no TsukiĀ“s population is divided between the following ethnicities:
55% Japanese
15% Chinese/Asian assorted
10% Spanish
5% German
2.2% Slavic (Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian)
.3% Other
23-03-2008, 01:08
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free -- unless you're Ardchoillean, in which case, get away from us, you wizard freaks!
Dicey Reilly, wrongfully President of Ardchoille (excited): "Look, Bast, this must put them in breach of I-dunno-how-many UN anti-discrimination resolutions! We've got them! Absolute proof that the Kennyites are a Rouge Nation!"
Bast, rightfully head of Security (and, being an Ardchoillean Cat, a magical creature in his own right):"No way we could make it stick, Dice. The Kennyites are so cute and cuddly and fluffy and peaceful and reasonable and all that stuff, everybody loves them."
(consumes another catnip Eostre egg.)
OOOPS! On-topic: approx 40% Cats, 40% Ardchoillean human mages of varying abilities, 10% Ardchoillean non-mages (born that way), 10% whoever wanders in, mostly Nemonicans.
Kiravians belong to multiple thousands of ethnic groups, and Ethnicity plays a major role in daily life. Nearly all ethnic groups speak their own version of the Coscivian macrolanguage.
Most Kiravians are of the Cosciv race, and have ethnicites based on their ancestral homeland in Coscivia. The Kaldev, for example, orignated in the Coscivian province of Kaldera.
Some ethnic groups, especially those formed in Kirav itself, are more like tribes.
Other ethnic groups are based more on a collective linguistic, customary, or social identification.
There are Ethno-Religious groups as well (Many Terranists, Jews, and Muslims in the EMpire claim their religion as their ethnicity.)
23-03-2008, 02:27
Altackia has many ethnicities but we do have a strong border policy, however if one wishes to come into our nation they must swear to uphold the ideals of Phantomism which is the nations political ideology.Basically we are a like a club were membership requires that you are interested in Phantomism.
23-03-2008, 05:44
60% Polish
50% Russian
8% Hungarian
2% Ukrainian
23-03-2008, 06:01
My nation is pretty homogenous with 99.7% of the population being native Nosorians.The remaining .3% are of many other groups.
Third Spanish States
23-03-2008, 07:16
My factbook is a bit outdated on this, considering how that the "population" in the NS page isn't something I RP as the entire population of a large island in the pacific about the size of Spain and a bit more maybe, but the entire population of it, Algeria, Tunisia and of a stretch of territory in the East of the Amazon region in South America. Now it would be more like, regarding "nationality" or continental location and cultural backgrounds:
20% Hispanics
15% British
15% North Africans(Algerians et al)
15% Brazilians
20% South Africans
10% Asians
4% Other European nationalities
1% Other
Now on a more exact technical ethnic description, my nation, due to its ultra-libertarian internationalist nature with an almost 100% open-borders policy coupled with a multi-ethnic nature(according to the region you are, the culture, although sharing similar ideological beliefs which reflect at it, can be completely different), and promising an Utopian land with no injustice and oppression, will soon cease to look like RL Spain... to the point it will be renamed as "Third Commune" in its future history and be removed of most obvious Spanish roots.:
45% Mixed "race" (
Non-determined*: 35%
Caucasian-African: 30%
Caucasian-Asian: 15%
African-Asian: 10%
Caucasian-Native American: 9%
Other: 1%
20% Caucasian
20% African
10% Asian
5% Native American (
*Means basically someone who has an "equal share" of Caucasian, African, Asian and Native American blood to the point the concept of ethnicity itself is obsolete. Interracial relationships are encouraged, specially if accompanied of liberal eugenics scientific support for having what is known as "designer babies".
24-03-2008, 22:53
St Edmund
25-03-2008, 11:58
60% Polish
50% Russian
8% Hungarian
2% Ukrainian
Total = 120%?!? ;)
Godwinnia was originally settled by Anglo-Saxon refugees from England: the first fleet of settlers crossed the ocean to these islands shortly after the latter country was conquered by the Normans, in 1066AD, but others joined them later on. Little immigration occurred during the next few centuries, when the very existence of Godwinnia was being kept secret from the rulers of Europe, and most of what new arrivals there were came from Scandinavia or the Celtic lands. A few shiploads of 'Ouphes' (a race who are normally classed as a type of 'Elf', and whose members have about triple the natural life-expectancy of Humans but otherwise differ little from [European] Humanity...) also made the crossing.
Contact with Europe was officially re-opened in 1536, when the explorer Sebastian Cabot ( -- who was then in English service -- discovered Godwinnia while on his way to the Americas, and the rate of immigration increased after this. Most of the new arrivals at this stage were from the British Isles, the Netherlands, Scandinavia or northern Germany, with the Godwinnian government making an effort to lure experts in various fields of technology into immigration, although significant populations of Sephardic Jews and French Huguenots also sought sanctuary here.
The development of a small empire during the 18th & 19th centuries led to the arrival of people from further afield too, as did the opening up for settlement of lands on several 'alternative' versions of Earth, but the population today is still predominantly of North-West European stock and culturally quite homogenous...
Well, except for the Talking Cats, anyway...
The nation of St Edmund has expanded outwards from a medium-sized island in the eastern Caribbean. This was originally inhabited by Native American peoples, firstly Arawaks and then Caribs. The latter were fierce enough to deter settlement by the Spanish, but the French subsequently seized control of the coastal areas and imported African slaves to tend the plantations that their settlers established there. The island was conquered by Godwinnia during the 'War of the Ruritanian Succession', following which settlers from both Godwinnia and Britain were added to the population, and after the abolition of slavery (in 1831AD) people from southern India were also encouraged to immigrate as an alternative source of labour.
The population of Old St Edmund (the original island) today is_
09% White
34% Mixed-race
40% African
12% South Indian
02% 'Carib' (actually mostly African or mixed-race)
03% Other
26-03-2008, 10:17
Tsaraine's population is ...
Other (Marshall Islanders, Hackers, and AIs predominantly)
In that order of prevalence (but no, I have no idea of the actual percentages). Since the Tsarainese government has an officially ethnically homogenising policy (detractors of the Soundly Governed State would say hegemonising) these ethnicities are mainly a matter of historical and genealogical interest and have little day-to-day applicability.
The Tsakh are, in their own eyes and the official histories at least, the founders of Tsaraine; they invaded the Mother Country (Ktaiya-Aten) some eleven centuries ago with a zillion screaming nomads on a zillion small horses with three zillion sharp and pointy swords. They tend to be tall, gaunt, pale-skinned and black-haired.
The Sche'dayach can make a more reasonable claim to being the first civilisation in what would become Tsaraine, insofar as they built the first cities. They were subsequently invaded and enslaved en masse by the Tsakh. They tend to be short, stocky, and olive-skinned.
The Scheighuikh are an odd case; the Sche'dayach claim they're a part of that ethnicity, and the Ktrazirha claim them on the grounds that the Tekhat Scheighu was granted to the Ktrazirha under the terms of the Peace of 220 AC. They themselves claim to be their own ethnicity.
The Ktrazirha tried to invade Tsaraine some 200 years after the Tsakh did it; unlike the Tsakh, they didn't manage to. Linguistically and culturally related to the Tsakh, they tend, like their cousins, to be tall, gaunt, and pale - but, unlike them, the Ktrazirha are pale-haired and blue or green eyed.
The Hyazinari are descended from nomads civilised by the Sche'dayach some centuries before the Conquest, and similarly subjugated by the Tsakh. They tend to be short, round, and blond.
The Amrasenatj are the indigenous inhabitants of an island archipelago colonised relatively recently by the Tsarainese, who needed the territory for intensive crop production. The Amrasenatj were not consulted about this beforehand. They tend to be tall, lean, black-haired and black-skinned.
These days, all of the above generalisations are best taken with a large helping of salt, as "pure" ethnic exemplars no longer exist outside of a few bloodlines carefully preserving an aristocratic heritage which no longer has any real meaning in the Greater Ascendancy.
well Karovia's ethnicity background is:
70% Arabs
10% black
10% white
5% latin
3% natives
2% mixed
main religion is islam, all other religions especially christianity and judaism are freely practised and their believers have all the freedom they want just as the muslims.
26-03-2008, 13:29
Cobdenia's as follows:
5% British non-Cobdenia (administrators sent from Britain, mainly Cobdenian Civil Service and British Army serving in Cobdenia, and many officers in the Cobdenian Army)
15% British Cobdenians (people of British heritage who consider themselves Cobdenian or have Cobdenian nationality alongside British: tradesmen, some Civil servents, some Cobdenian army officers, OR's in the White Cobdenian Regiments. The distinction between these and the non-Cobdenians is a bit blurred, more often then not)
70% Cobdenian Native
5% Anglo-Cobdenian (mixed raced, British and Cobdenian native)
5% Other (some Chinese, West Africans, inbreds, Arabs)