Aircraft Identification Symbols
St Edmund
18-02-2008, 13:59
It's standard practice in RL, as I'm sure you all know, for each nation to have some distinctive emblem (such as a disc or 'roundel', possibly composed of several concentric rings, a star or a cross, in specific colours) that it places on all of its warplanes for ease of identification.
I expect that the same procedure is widely followed in NS, at least behind the scenes (by the nations IC, even if their players haven't thought about this detail yet), although the sheer number of nations involved -- and the fact that many of those nations draw on a relatively small number of RL ones for inspiration -- means that some duplication is likely to occur.
So, what symbols do your nations use? Place descriptions in this thread, and I'll update the master-list that's spread across the next three posts from time to time...
St Edmund
18-02-2008, 14:03
Aircraft Identification symbols, by nation, A-H
Altackia: airforce logo is a griffin with the phantom parties logo the torch or altackia. On aircraft a grey torch is placed on the bottom of of the wing and the tail wing.
Alversia: The Alversian People's Air Force uses a black eagle as the symbol on all of it's aircraft,
Amastol: the Amastoli Armed Royal Airforce (ARAF) uses roundels in either their traditional 'Parade' (peacetime) colors ( or 'Low Visibility' or 'Strike' colors (
Boico: This nation's aircraft use this ( symbol.
Brutland and Norden: The aircraft of the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force (Corzàre Reala Nordèbrutelliense) uses this roundel (
Bryn Shander: This symbol. (
Bulgoria: This nation’s aircraft bear roundels ( in the white, green and black colours of their national flag
They also have distinct logos for their Air Force’s bases (
Catawaba: The national flag, the black mythosaur skull on a red broken heart (, is used for this purpose.
Calizorinstan: A roundel like the British roundel, as shown in this artist's depiction of an F/A-15 from 163rd Fighter Squadron _
Cazelia: Cazelian roundels on an AM-4 Grand Slam attack aircraft_
Chamberliania (The Federation of): A large, six-pointed red star over the national flag, three horizontal bars of white, blue, and red, respectively.
Chernobyl-Pripyat: This nation’s aircraft are marked with a red star, within a white border that is outlined by a thin red border (
Cobdenia: Here's the Cobdenian Air Force insignia, on the side of one of our brand new Hawker Demons (
Cookesland: roundel, blue circle with large white star in the center, bars to the sides, blue border on sides inside is three lines of white, yellow, and white.
Efronmurillo: The USSE's aircraft symbol is the same as the flag, but in a circlet thus (…
Epsilon Halo: Every government-owned Epsilon Halo aircraft and ground vehicle has this logo, but only that the star and chevron are both white (unless it's a stealth logo, then the color varies) with a black (again, differs with stealth configuration) with a blue border.
This was the closest I could get. (
(I got it from the Civilization IV combat promotion, "Commando". Looks cool on aircraft and tanks.)
Espada Creciente: The Royal Espadan Army is represented by an Imperial Double Headed Crown Eagle with a black/red background ( signifying our duty to protect our Empire From enemies on all sides in the case of incoming war.
Gerainia: Thus... (
Godwinnia: roundel, green centre surrounded by yellow and medium-blue rings.
(This emblem is also used by most other Godwinnian Commonwealth member-nations.)
Good Saint George: The aircraft used by this nation's armed forces are identified by a white roundel, charged with a red cross whose ends extend to its edges, within a medium-blue ring.
Himazzazz: roundel, gold centre, next ring outwards black, outer ring bright red.
Holy Marsh: The national flag (which is a slightly modified version of the RL 'Strategic Air Command' logo) is used.
St Edmund
18-02-2008, 14:04
Aircraft Identification symbols, by nation, I-Q
Imperial isa: Wolf’s head, with red eyes that can only be seen if you zoom in. (
Itinerate Tree Dweller: This nation’s aircraft use a circular laurel with a crown in the centre (
Kajal: Oblong, Emblem of the Four Worlds on Navy Blue backing, outlining emblem with silver borders on Royal Blue oblong ellipse.
Kostemetsia: roundel with black, red, and gold concentric circles (from the centre outwards); military aerospacecraft use the same arrangement, except in a star shape.
Lurikastan: This nation's flag ( is painted on its warplanes' tails.
Metz-Lorraine;13496370]Mine is a red star and gold wreath around it. It symbolizes the republic of Metz-Lorraine's desire for peace (the wreath) but readiness for a long hard war against aggressors (the red star).
Mikitivity: The aircraft of the Mikitivity Luftwaffe (formerly known as the Miervatian Luftwaffe) normally use a symbol that bears the colours of the Mikitivity flag ( Night and winterized aircraft would have suitable variants on this design.
(OOC: Airplane fans will recognize this as being nothing more than a variation on the Polish Air Force roundel. :)
Minervias: The military of Minervias uses our national flag ( on the wings of our aircraft.
Morrdh: The Morridane Aerial Corps uses a shield like symbol based upon the Morridane flag itself but with a yellow border, thus ( Course, Morridane aircraft are either biplanes or airships.
Mott Haven: Pale Blue, with black border, with a large brown image of our beloved national animal _ The Rat.
Nanatsu no Tsuki: The Nanatsui Royal Aircraft are identified by a symbol ( that perpetuates the identifying mon of Kanagawa Prefecture, which Nanatsu no Tsuki takes after.
New Twilight Moon: The Corrupt (New Twilight Moon's air force official name) has a distinctly two-headed eagle, one head with an eye, the other without. The body of the bird is in an arrow shape (like that of an arrowhead) and the wings are evened out at the tip ( It symbolizes the belief of Twilight (that neither the good or evil would accept them as one of them) since the two headed bird looks in two different directions (towards good and evil) as if trying to go to them, but in the end they both fly up and towards the future (the arrow). One having an eye and the other not is to symbolize 'unbalance' in the sense that the government (or the creature behind it) is withdrawn from favoritism in foreign affairs (which is outward from the center on the wings of the eagle, expanding its borders from the nation at its heart).
Not So Sober Irish (Armed Republic of): It's a four leaf clover with one of those whiskey bottles with the three "X"s on it in front of the clover so that only the four leaves and the stem are really visible.
Ordgambon: This nation uses a diamond with an 8-pointed star ( ) in it as its national symbol.
Pikatroid: This nation’s Air-Force has an emblem with an inverted color Nazi swastika on a cyan background. Under it is the national motto, "All for One."
Punckeds ( United People's Repubics of): This nation uses a yellow-red star with a circle in its centre that contains the letters 'PAF' (for 'Punckeds Air Forces'), and wings above that with a red stripe between them.
St Edmund
18-02-2008, 14:06
Aircraft Identification symbols, by nation, R-Z
Regular squirrels: A cross, similar to the one in this picture (
Reploid Productions: Shogunate spacecraft usually are marked with the entire Shogunate flag design, or just the central emblem. Smaller craft generally just have the central emblem. At minimum, the black part of the emblem (though usually outlined or painted in a bright color- Tengai class gunships for instance have the black part of the emblem on their hull, but illuminated bright yellow):
Othertimes they are marked with Firefury Amahira's personal flag or emblem from the Dividing War revolts:
There's no real protocol for determining which flag or emblem is used- older craft tend to use Firefury's emblem, because they were built before the Shogunate flag had really been established in the public consciousness. For the most part now, the Shogunate emblem is the standard.
Revolutionary Esparada: The Esparadan People's Aviation Soldiers are represented by a simple red star behind a golden AK-47 being raised into the air (
The special "Escuadrilla del granuja" (Rogue Squadron, an air force version of special forces) emblem sports a red star with the letters 'EDG' in the centre ( There are two red banners sporting larger horizontal versions of the letters.
Sammy34: a green 34 with a big red S between the 3 and 4.
-Scaevola- : The same checker board design as our flag. (
Scolopendra: Black silhouette of a centipede in the shape of an 'S' like on the flag, but more... ess-y.
Sinthosia: A pirate flag, but instead of a skull it features a storm-trooper helmet. (
Skaugra: This nation has five symbols denoting specific groups of its aircraft ( 1st Air Division 'Fighting Vipers' (, 2nd Air Division 'Blood Wolves' (,
3rd Air Division 'Highland Harpies' (, 4th Air Division 'Falconers' (, 5th Air Division 'Spirits' (; those symbols are the only Division-specific symbols to be used, since they're the elite Air Divisions), along with a general symbol that goes with the entire Skaugran Airforce (
Slaytanicca: Black roundel with red pentagram and trefoil.
(No it's not a nation of satanists...)
Spice Mines: This symbol (
St Edmund: (as for 'Godwinnia')
Subistratica: All of Subistratica's military vehicles are emblazoned thusly:
Roundlet, inner circle white with a large, navy blue "S", single outer ring in dark red, around the ring is the following text: "בראשית ברא אלהים" (Hebrew for "At the Beginning Formed G-d", which is Subistratica's motto).
The 11th Seferot: The Dominion of The 11th Seferot has the following emblems for its armed forces _
Air force = Ten wands (staffs), crossed over a white rose.
Navy = Five cups, lying on their side in symmetry, around a white rose.
Marines = Nine daggers, arranged in an incomplete, downward pointing, triangle towards a white rose
Army = Eight disks, with the white rose in the center, with the others surrounding it.
All armed forces emblems include the white rose with petals increasing in intervals of five as seen on the flag being held by the skeleton knight in the trump card Death ( in the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
The Grand World Order: The Grand World Order Air Force Emblem is a grid-ed Globe focusing on the Bering Strait/Tip of Alaskan Archipelago with Wings emerging from it's sides, and an Iron Cross coming from the top of the globe.
The Most Glorious Hack: As might be expected, the Hack uses the Yellow Sign ( (without the black background):
Third Spanish States: The Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States and our allied, independent former colonies over the Confederation Internationale, use the symbol of the Confederation Revolutionary Air Force on our airborne instruments of freedom, which is a black triangle with two symmetric, black wings, which represent, first and foremost, true, absolute, unrestrained freedom, while its colors represent the ideals of anarchism, the flag-less force, the anti-symbol, the opposite of the white flag in the form of the refusal to ever surrender even when with all odds against them, the mourning for the oppressed and martyrs of freedom, the negation of all dogmas, oppressive structures, traditional military organization and absolute social values, like the anarchist black flag which represents the anti-flag, with a slightly reddish and thin hue surrounding it, representing our revolutionary, socialist ideal which guides the comrades of our revolutionary military forces through the eventual time when the revolution shall have to be defended against the enemies of freedom and of humanity, for, “revolution and war are sadly inseparable”. Finally, an white letter "A" lies in the middle of the triangle, as an obvious reference to Anarchism, the ideal they stand for, as all-around tacticians and strategists deciding and planning through efficient, but democratic and voluntary means, rather than mindless drones following orders.
Triden Prime (Grand Republic of): The Naval forces for this nation use a blue and gold roundel with a black spear in the middle as depicted on this fighter (
Varington: This nation is more medieval than ‘modern’, but its symbol would be this (
Volzgrad: Volzgrad's military all has the same insignia which is the same as its flag (
Walmington on Sea: The Royal Walimgtonian Air Force, serving The Constitutional Monarchy of Walmington on Sea and Her Empire (Walmingtonian Saharaland, Walmingtonian Togoland, Sao Tome and Principe, The Walmingtonian Cape Colonies, Waynesia, Madagascar, and Ceyloba), displays on its aircraft a roundel composed of a gold disc centred within a larger one of maroon, while many aircraft substitute in part -usually on the upright plane or planes of a tail assembly- an upright oblong divided equally on the vertical between these two colours, the left hand part being maroon, the right gold.
These identification symbols may be seen represented below on a line-drawing of the Wychwood Partridge, adopted by RWAF Bomber Command as the JBMkI.
Willink: Thus... (
Wotswazilandchulavakia: All vehicles in service of the Wotswazilandchulavakiaian military branch will bear this symbol (
Yannia: Yannian militairy aircraft carry the following symbol:
Zinaire: The Zinarian Air Force displays the symbol of the ZMA (Zinarian Military Authority) ( The three coloured sections represent the three branches of the military: green (army), blue (air force) and red (marines). Zinaire does not currently have a navy.
18-02-2008, 15:54
Cookesland: roundel, blue circle with large white star in the center, bars to the sides, blue border on sides inside is three lines of white, yellow, and white.
Imperial isa
18-02-2008, 17:53
it has red eyes which you can only see if you zoom in
19-02-2008, 05:14
Kostemetsia: roundel with black, red, and gold concentric circles (from the centre outwards); military aerospacecraft use the same arrangement, except in a star shape.
19-02-2008, 05:54
Catawaba uses its flag for aircraft identification insignia, the black mythosaur skull on a red broken heart. (
Walmington on Sea
19-02-2008, 06:04
The Royal Walimgtonian Air Force, serving The Constitutional Monarchy of Walmington on Sea and Her Empire (Walmingtonian Saharaland, Walmingtonian Togoland, Sao Tome and Principe, The Walmingtonian Cape Colonies, Waynesia, Madagascar, and Ceyloba), displays on its aircraft a roundel composed of a gold disc centred within a larger one of maroon, while many aircraft substitute in part -usually on the upright plane or planes of a tail assembly- an upright oblong divided equally on the vertical between these two colours, the left hand part being maroon, the right gold.
These identification symbols may be seen represented below on a line-drawing of the Wychwood Partridge, adopted by RWAF Bomber Command as the JBMkI.
20-02-2008, 01:19
Altackian: airforce logo is a griffin with the phantom parties logo the torch or altackia. On aircraft a grey torch is placed on the bottom of of the wing and the tail wing.
20-02-2008, 02:02
The same checker board design as our flag:right here. (
The Grand World Order
20-02-2008, 02:11
The Grand World Order Air Force Emblem is a grid-ed Globe focusing on the Bering Strait/Tip of Alaskan Archipelago with Wings emerging from it's sides, and an Iron Cross coming from the top of the globe.
New Twilight Moon
21-02-2008, 00:37
The Corrupt (New Twilight Moon's air force official name) has a distinctly two-headed eagle, one head with an eye, the other without. The body of the bird is in an arrow shape (like that of an arrowhead) and the wings are evened out at the tip. It symbolizes the belief of Twilight (that neither the good or evil would accept them as one of them) since the two headed bird looks in two different directions (towards good and evil) as if trying to go to them, but in the end they both fly up and towards the future (the arrow). One having an eye and the other not is to symbolize 'unbalance' in the sense that the government (or the creature behind it) is withdrawn from favoritism in foreign affairs (which is outward from the center on the wings of the eagle, expanding it's borders from the nation at it's heart)
The Corrupt (
21-02-2008, 05:00
The Nation Pikatroid Air-Force has an emblem with an inverted color Nazi swastika on a cyan background. Under it is my national motto, "All for One."
Not So Sober Irish
22-02-2008, 02:42
Armed Republic of Not So Sober Irish: It's a four leaf clover with one of those whiskey bottles with the three "X"s on it in front of the clover so that only the four leaves and the stem are really visible.
22-02-2008, 04:45
Black silhouette of a centipede in the shape of an 'S' like on the flag, but more... ess-y.
Oblong, Emblem of the Four Worlds on Navy Blue backing, outlining emblem with silver borders on Royal Blue oblong ellipse.
Reploid Productions
22-02-2008, 05:14
Shogunate spacecraft usually are marked with the entire Shogunate flag design, or just the central emblem. Smaller craft generally just have the central emblem. At minimum, the black part of the emblem (though usually outlined or painted in a bright color- Tengai class gunships for instance have the black part of the emblem on their hull, but illuminated bright yellow):
Othertimes they are marked with Firefury Amahira's personal flag or emblem from the Dividing War revolts:
There's no real protocol for determing which flag or emblem is used- older craft tend to use Firefury's emblem, because they were built before the Shogunate flag had really been established in the public consciousness. For the most part now, the Shogunate emblem is the standard.
The Most Glorious Hack
22-02-2008, 05:49
As might be expected, the Hack uses the Yellow Sign (without the black background):
Cazelian roundels on an AM-4 Grand Slam attack aircraft
sammy34 a greem 34 with a big red S betwen the 3 and 4
St Edmund
22-02-2008, 13:10
(The lists have been updated.)
22-02-2008, 14:25
A pirate flag but instead of a skull it is a storm trooper helmet.
22-02-2008, 21:15
We use a roundel like the British roundel, as shown in the artist's depiction of one of our F/A-15's from 163rd Fighter Squadron:
23-02-2008, 01:46
United Pepople's Repubics of Punckeds uses this emblem:
Yelow-red star with circle in center end letters PAF (Punckeds Air Forces)
And wings above that with red stripe between them.
On helmets and airstrips technicans' caps are only star without wings. On some fighters wings are turned to be pararell to ground and fit to airplaine size.
St Edmund
25-02-2008, 15:00
(The lists have been updated.)
Mott Haven
25-02-2008, 15:11
Mott Haven:
Pale Blue, with black border, with a large brown image of our beloved national animal: The Rat.
St Edmund
25-02-2008, 15:33
Mott Haven:
Pale Blue, with black border, with a large brown image of our beloved national animal: The Rat.
Roundel? Star? Rectangle?
25-02-2008, 22:38
Black roundel with red pentagram and trefoil.
(No it's not a nation of satanists...)
Triden Prime
02-03-2008, 22:39
The Naval forces for the Grand Republic of Triden Prime use a blue and gold roundel with a black spear in the middle as depicted on this fighter.
Holy Marsh
02-03-2008, 23:25
The same as my flag: The Strategic Air Command logo slightly modified.
Epsilon Halo
02-03-2008, 23:29
Every government-owned Epsilon Halo aircraft and ground vehicle has this logo, but only that the star and chevron are both white (unless it's a stealth logo, then the color varies) with a black (again, differs with stealth configuration) with a blue border.
This was the closest I could get:
Chck on this text for the logo (
I got it from the Civilization IV combat promotion, "Commando". Looks cool an aircraft and tanks.
03-03-2008, 03:40
Mine is a red star and gold wreath around it. It symbolizes the republic of Metz-Lorraine's want for peace (the wreath) but ready for a long hard war against aggresors (the red star).
St Edmund
08-03-2008, 12:43
(The lists have been updated.)
08-03-2008, 22:53
Volzgrad's military all has the same insignia which is the same as its flag (
Third Spanish States
10-03-2008, 09:31
The Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States and our allied, independent former colonies over the Confederation Internationale, use the symbol of the Confederation Revolutionary Air Force on our airborne instruments of freedom, which is a black triangle with two symmetric, black wings, which represent, first and foremost, true, absolute, unrestrained freedom, while its colors represent the ideals of anarchism, the flag-less force, the anti-symbol, the opposite of the white flag in the form of the refusal to ever surrender even when with all odds against them, the mourning for the oppressed and martyrs of freedom, the negation of all dogmas, oppressive structures, traditional military organization and absolute social values, like the anarchist black flag which represents the anti-flag, with a slightly reddish and thin hue surrounding it, representing our revolutionary, socialist ideal which guides the comrades of our revolutionary military forces through the eventual time when the revolution shall have to be defended against the enemies of freedom and of humanity, for, revolution and war are sadly inseparable ( Finally, an white letter "A" lies in the middle of the triangle, as an obvious reference to Anarchism, the ideal they stand for, as all-around tacticians and strategists deciding and planning through efficient, but democratic and voluntary means, rather than mindless drones following orders.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
10-03-2008, 14:20
This is the symbol that identifies the Nanatsui Royal Aircrafts. It's a perpetuation of the mon that identifies Kanagawa Prefecture, of which Nanatsu no Tsuki takes after.
The 11th Seferot
11-03-2008, 08:15
The Dominion of The 11th Seferot has the following emblems for it's armed forces:
Air force: Ten wands (staffs), crossed over a white rose.
Navy: Five cups, lying on their side in symmetry, around a white rose.
Marines: Nine daggers, arranged in an incomplete, downward pointing , triangle towards a white rose
Army: Eight disks, with the white rose in the center, with the others surrounding it.
All armed forces emblems include the white rose with petals increasing in intervals of five as seen on the flag being held by the skeleton knight in the trump card Death ( in the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
Yannian militairy aircraft carry the following symbol:
12-03-2008, 03:33
Ordgambon uses a dimoand with an 8-pointed star in it as its national symbal.
The star itself looks like this
Spice Mines
12-03-2008, 22:02
St Edmund
15-03-2008, 17:36
(The lists have been updated.)
15-03-2008, 18:23
The Alversian People's Air Force uses a black eagle as the symbol on all of it's aircraft,
Regular squirrels
15-03-2008, 18:48
just the cross part is on our planes.
16-03-2008, 20:35
Just to clear things up, all of Volzgrad's military has the same insignia, which is our flag. The wolf's head thing was a mistake because I forgot I had already posted something different.
16-03-2008, 21:54
the Federation of Chamberliania has a large six pointed red star over her flag, three horizontal bars of white, blue, and red, respectively.
St Edmund
22-03-2008, 15:08
(The lists have been updated.)
01-04-2008, 13:36
Himazzazz: roundel, gold centre, next ring outwards black, outer ring bright red.
Bryn Shander
01-04-2008, 20:53
The Zinarian Air Force displays the symbol of the ZMA (Zinarian Military Authority). The three colored sections represent the three branches of the military: green (army), blue (air force) and red (marines). Zinaire does not currently have a navy.
02-04-2008, 02:23
Here's the Cobdenian Air Force insinia, on the side of our brand new Hawker Demons
03-04-2008, 02:15
All vehicles in service of the Wotswazilandchulavakiaian military branch will bear this symbol
St Edmund
05-04-2008, 09:54
(The lists have been updated.)
Brutland and Norden
05-04-2008, 12:31
The aircraft of the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force (Corzàre Reala Nordèbrutelliense) uses this roundel:
OOC: Here's the URL for the above image:
06-04-2008, 11:30
The USSE's aircraft symbol is the same as the flag but in a circlet as follows:
St Edmund
12-04-2008, 09:55
(The lists have been updated.)
12-04-2008, 11:00
All of Subistratica's military vehicles are emblazoned thusly:
Roundlet, inner circle white with a large, navy blue "S", single outer ring in dark red, around the ring is the following text: "בראשית ברא אלהים" (Hebrew for "At the Beginning Formed G-d", Subistratica's motto).
Revolutionary Esparada
12-04-2008, 12:25
The Esparadan People's Aviation Soldiers are represented by a simple red star behind a golden AK-47 being raised into the air.
The special "Escuadrilla del granuja" (Rogue Squadron, an air force version of special forces) emblem sports a red star with the letters 'EDG' in the centre. There are two red banners sporteing larger horizontal versions of the letters.
Espada Creciente
13-04-2008, 09:06
The Royal Espadan Army is represented by an Imperial Double Headed Crown Eagle with a black/red background signifying our duty to protect our Empire From enemies on all sides in the case of incoming war.
St Edmund
26-04-2008, 16:03
(The lists have been updated.)
The Morridane Aerial Corps uses a shield like symbol based upon the Morridane flag itself but with a yellow border as shown below;
Course, Morridane aircraft are either biplanes or airships.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
01-05-2008, 09:24
Itinerate Tree Dweller - A circular laurel ( a crown in the center.
Skaugra has five symbols denoting their aircraft, along with a general symbol that goes with the entire Airforce.
1st Air Division 'Fighting Vipers':
2nd Air Division 'Blood Wolves':
3rd Air Division 'Highland Harpies':
4th Air Division 'Falconers':
5th Air Division 'Spirits':
Those symbols are the only Division-specific symbols to be used, since they're the elite Air Divisions. Everyone, however, has this second symbol denoting that they're part of the Skaugran Airforce.
St Edmund
03-05-2008, 14:55
(The lists have been updated.)
03-05-2008, 15:13
Confederate Union Jack/ Our Flag is painted on the Tail
St Edmund
10-05-2008, 14:43
(The lists have been updated.)
10-05-2008, 21:26
It's standard practice in RL, as I'm sure you all know, for each nation to have some distinctive emblem (such as a disc or 'roundel', possibly composed of several concentric rings, a star or a cross, in specific colours) that it places on all of its warplanes for ease of identification.
I expect that the same procedure is widely followed in NS, at least behind the scenes (by the nations IC, even if their players haven't thought about this detail yet), although the sheer number of nations involved -- and the fact that many of those nations draw on a relatively small number of RL ones for inspiration -- means that some duplication is likely to occur.
So, what symbols do your nations use? Place descriptions in this thread, and I'll update the master-list that's spread across the next three posts from time to time...
Some time ago, perhaps a year ago, I created a roundel for the Miervatian Luftwaffe, later renamed Mikitivity Luftwaffe.
Obviously it bears the colors of the Mikitivity flag. Night and winterized aircraft would have variants. Airplane fans will recognize this as being nothing more than a variation on the Polish Air Force roundel. :)
St Edmund
17-05-2008, 16:10
(The lists have been updated.)
17-05-2008, 21:21
Red star, white border outlined by a thin red border.
18-05-2008, 14:49
Colors of the Bulgorian flag -
Roundel - white, green, black from center.
Here are the logos of our Air Force bases:
Cheshnegirovo -
Balchik -
Bezmer -
Dobrich -
Dobroslavci -inactive-
Graf Ignatievo -largest air base in Bulgoria- -
Kamenec -partially inactive- -
Ravnec 1 -
Ravnec 2 -main jon is military transport- -
St Edmund
24-05-2008, 17:18
(The lists have been updated.)
25-05-2008, 00:06
Varingtons (even though it's more mideveal than modern, but whatever :D) symbol would be this pic: :cool:
25-05-2008, 02:54
The military of Minervias uses our national flag on wings of our aircraft.
Thank you.
St Edmund
31-05-2008, 12:12
(The lists have been updated.)
The Royal Espadan Army is represented by an Imperial Double Headed Crown Eagle with a black/red background signifying our duty to protect our Empire From enemies on all sides in the case of incoming war.
You're aware identification symbols are supposed to simple so you can, you know, identify them perhaps?
01-06-2008, 08:50
Pretty self-explanatory, really.
The Amastoli Armed Royal Airforce (ARAF) Roundel in traditional 'Parade' (peacetime) colors.
THE ARAF Roundel in Low Visibility or Strike colors
The Most Glorious Hack
02-06-2008, 06:30
You're aware identification symbols are supposed to simple so you can, you know, identify them perhaps?Well, if nobody can identify it, they can always be "Those guys with the impossible-to-read roundels..."
St Edmund
07-06-2008, 16:17
(The lists have been updated...)
Good Saint George
28-06-2008, 12:17
The aircraft used by this nation's armed forces are identified by a white roundel, charged with a red cross whose ends extend to its edges, within a medium-blue ring.
This ( is Boico`s Aircraft identification symbol.
St Edmund
20-02-2009, 16:43
Updated (after what was admittedly, and unfortunately, rather a long delay...).