New Kid on the Power Bloc
Isca Silurum
28-12-2007, 02:53
Howdy folks!
I stumbled onto your community today and am intrigued with what I see. I hope I will be able to learn from all of you, and eventually contribute something worthwhile.
Thanks to all the vets that posted in Skenderbeg's intro thread (I'm gleaning intel from it as we speak!)
The one question I have at this time is: Does legislating two issues a day have any advantage over a single issue?
Welcome to the game. I think the only real advantage is it doubles up what your nation does in a day.
28-12-2007, 11:07
New nations get the first 31 issues in the first couple of weeks they play, so I'm guessing that doubling the number of issues you deal with would just mean that you start getting repetitions of issues sooner. Note, this is a guess, though the bit about getting the first 31 issues when you're new is true.
This ( thread explains why, no matter how fast or how slowly you answer, you'll eventually get an issue again that you've already dealt with.
This ( is the Issues FAQ, and tells you more about issues than any sane per-- ... than any person would want to know.
There's no in-game record (except the effects on your nation) of how you voted, so some players keep private records of their decisions on each issue. If you're going to do that, the sooner you start, the better.
St Edmund
28-12-2007, 17:54
Answering issues while your nation is still relatively small has a greater effect on the nation's stats (Civil Rights, Economy, Political Rights, & so on) than doing so later on, so if you're trying to take any of the stats in a particular direction answering two isssues per day from the start is the most effective way of doing so... Well, one of the two most effective ways: Joining the UN and pushing through appropriate resolutions can also help...