What is your political system?
19-12-2007, 10:53
I would define mine as anarcho-syndicalist, an ecclectic mix of left-wing politics such as anarchy, but also socialist and democratic political ideologies, that focuses on the working class.
Ordo Drakul
19-12-2007, 11:05
Theocratic oligarchy, staunchly capitalist and very anti-government. The private sector is a feudal meritocracy.
St Edmund
19-12-2007, 11:05
Parliamentary monarchy, although with the Kings still having rather more actual power than any RL monarch in Europe does today.
Parliamentary Monarchy like St Edmund's nation and with the same power given to the ruling Prince/Princess
20-12-2007, 04:06
Democratic socialist stratocracy/republic. Think something along the lines of the Federation from the book Starship Troopers.
Federated Democracy with a High Chancellor elected for life as Head of State but still Parliment holds majority power with a Prime Minister as Head of Government. Unrestricted Capitalism
21-12-2007, 02:38
Federal Republic, the people elect their officials, the economy is a mixed capitalist one
21-12-2007, 04:35
Benevolent Dictatorship with a hint of right wing policies and a dash of divine favortism
Zarquon Froods
21-12-2007, 04:58
A monarchy of sorts. Really an empire with a legislative body and ministries that oversees day-to-day public matters. However, the Emperor's word is law. No questions asked. Essentially the lower houses can check each other, but not the monarch.
21-12-2007, 11:08
Benevolent dictatorship. Wellfare state with high tax rate, and the local Prince holding all the power.
21-12-2007, 12:03
Bureaucratic collectivism, designed to turn every citizen into good little clockwork Prussian legalists. In D&D terms they're all Lawful Lawful.
21-12-2007, 12:19
I'm not sure. Maybe it's somewhere at a corporatism with environmentalist principles. At least that's how I like to see it.
United gaming Leauge
21-12-2007, 12:36
Confusionism with a mix of Democracy
Democratic elective monarchy. The monarchy is chosen through popular vote among the masses who choose between predecessors children, and he/she serves a life term until he/she either resigns or dies.
There is a tricameral congress which is renewed every two years. They hold no power but to vote bills into law, but the ruling king/queen can veto any legislation passed, and it can not be overturned unless by national referendum.
The economy is completely privately owned except for a couple of industries, namely; electricity, water, insurance, health/pharmaceuticals, and privately owned establishments of this nature are absolutely forbidden, unless their services are free.
Also income tax is unheard of, leading to a nation where the per capita income is in the region of $100,000 per year.
21-12-2007, 19:33
Hey I'm an elective Monarchy too! Only The King or Queen is chosen via popular vote of the masses (general public) not of their children. However like in a traditional monarchy if the King/Queen should die the child (if 18 years of age) will take over the office until the next election.
Yes... the predecessors children don't choose. The masses choose which of them to elect. ;)
21-12-2007, 19:46
oooooh I see
HSH Prince Eric
21-12-2007, 19:49
A realist dictatorship.
21-12-2007, 20:05
My nation is a socialist semi-democratic federal republic. Its structure is similar to the German Empire,There is a democratically elected tricameral parliament and a national judicial branch.The dictator rules for life or until he/she resigns,he/she has the same powers over the parliment as the Kaiser did.The Dictator chooses his/her successor but if dies before he/she can or if he/she just doesn't choose one,the Highest Camber of parliament called the "I Kerei va E Berosse'si"chooses the next dictator"E Berossesx" from among themselves.
22-12-2007, 01:05
My country is People's Socialistic Republic.We have parlament but important acts is voted by nation.Also we have Great Council as governament with elected (and can be "dimissioned by nation") First Secretary as Prime Minister. We haven't any Communistic or Socialistic party because everyone have full political laws.
In economics we have strongly controlled semi-capitalism (Private Sector with strong workers unions, which making "plans" projected by governament)
Third Spanish States
22-12-2007, 05:43
E-Direct Democracy with some bits of technocracy and anarchy as well. Voting is voluntary, and people use webcams to make Speeches defending one proposal or another, while there are other infamous "Filicambusters" and also the even more hated "Filispammers", which try to filibust the electronic forums where decisions are made and discussed with useless spam, trolling, beating dead horses among similar things to defend their ignored ideological interests(most of those are the anarcho-capitalists). Usually people just add them to their ignore_lists.
Its "Capital" is a virtual network known as EDDNet(Electronic Direct Democracy Networks) which has backbones around the whole country and is separated into different specialist issues channels where usually specialists or enthusiasts of each specific area group together to vote and discuss. They include the MilNet(Military issues, research and development, etc), the EduNet(Education), SafeNet(Security), HealthNet, WelfareNet, EconNet(Economy), EcoNet(Ecology), EngineerNet(City planning and construction, infrastructure, etc) among many others and their National, Regional, Municipal and Neighborhood divisions. Specialization is also deemed as completely necessary as it's considered impossible for a human being to have enough free time to think on all the proposals and issues that appear daily bar those he is familiarized with. On the other hand proposing laws to forbid or force something for the others isn't accepted, and this makes its anarchic part. Cities can organize themselves and choose whether to embrace neo-mutualist free market or communist economies, and citizens can easily move to the cities they share their ideals with. The government is also highly decentralized due to this reason.
On "compulsory" military training: this is more of a joke to prove its uselessness. Almost everybody loves weapons, it's impregnated in their culture, the truth is that most already know how to handle a gun when the supposed compulsory military training would come. And the number of people who insist on being capitalists by becoming criminals isn't a small threat. Finally the "Police only motivates weakness and submission" ideas mean each citizen should always be able to defend himself and those around him against these types, and opportunities for it aren't lacking.
Laid back with a huge temper.
They allow you to do pretty much whatever you want. They have a crime problem, which is deceasing. They have never been to war, they have prepared, but it never comes through. So all-in-all, they're peaceful, but they'll still die for their country, or die because another country beat them in a game.
Brutland and Norden
22-12-2007, 10:27
Constitutional monarchy with a largely ceremonial King.
Uploaded Minds
22-12-2007, 19:08
Economy 2.0 :)
22-12-2007, 21:22
Federal constitutional republic: multiparty elections, indirectly elected prez/VP, directly elected Congress, but the corporations effectively control who gets put on the ballot.
22-12-2007, 21:31
Monarchy, with a bicameral parliament. Only the House of Commons is elected, though, the other being the House of Nobles, seats in which come with nobility. Each house elects one Consul from within its ranks, and the consuls act as joint prime ministers. The Emperor has the final say in everything though, and he can dissolve the House of Commons and continually call for reelections, and he can largely ignore the House of Nobles if he so chooses. As for economy, while it is largely free market/capitalist, the government has passed many measures to make sure that common workers get a fair deal. There is a high income tax as a result of high amounts of government provided public services.
My nation is a meaningless monarchy. A direct democracy sits in a Senate, which proposes legislation and elects the members of the High Council. The High Council sits at the very top composed of all the government ministers and merely approves legistlation. However the High Council has a veto power if they vote unanimously against legislation. The Emperor has only symbolic power.
My personal political stance is Socialism, Liberalism, Environmentalism and Anarchism all thrown into a blender and with extracts of other ideologies to put the cherry on top. :D
The Fanboyists
22-12-2007, 21:47
The country is currently effectively Fascist. The democracy in the nation lasted only a few months before communists attempted to sieze control, and they were overthrown by the military, and are currently led by a dictator, though who is where he is more on merit of military skill rather than political skill. All major government decisions are made by the Generalissimo and his advisors, or his appointed administrators.
Limited amounts of democracy (Local positions, like mayors, other local level legislators) until one reaches the provincial level, where governors and all administrative positions (all admin positions at local levels too) are appointed. The government also decides who's on the voting ticket for the few elections that take place.
Press is largely free, though overly criticizing the government (over and over again, to the point where it is a disruption) is punishable by prison. As is membership in the communist party.
Country is largely free market, with some environmental and labor protection measures in place. The tax rate is monstrous, due to lots of government funded public services. All men between the ages of 16 and 60 are part of the National Guard/Reserves, and are trained in military skills in high school, as part of regular education.
Two levels of goverment, State and Workers.
State level= Constitutional Dictatorship
Workers level= Limited Democracy
Economics= A mix of capitalism and Socialism.
Federal constitutional republic: multiparty elections, indirectly elected prez/VP, directly elected Congress, but the corporations effectively control who gets put on the ballot.
Mine is similar, except that the President/VP are elected directly the same as the Congress. In one recent election, a candidate who didn't have corporate backing did well early, but there were drug charges. There was evidence that he was framed, but by the time it was cleared up, the corporate candidate had practically won the election.
Democratic Civilocratic Empire
23-12-2007, 23:26
The Eternal Imperial Hegemony of Deatharon is an absolute Monarchy ruled by the Imperial Hegemon (former Emperor of the Empire of Deatharon.) The Hegemony originally started out as an Empire but the sheer size of the nation being a little over 5 billion people forced the Empire to become a more Hegemonic force as opposed to the old strict Imperialistic government to accommodate for the many subjects of the old Deatharon Empire.
Cachette de Lions
24-12-2007, 00:04
Cachette de Lions' system is a parliamentary democracy. The head of state is the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the majority party in parliament. Parliament is unicameral and elected on a first-past-the-post basis; there are 531 constituencies at the present time. (This post seems so horribly robotic as I'm writing it.)
24-12-2007, 00:12
Matriarchal constitutional monarchy. Queen has all the power unless there are no suitable women to be Queen (such as, too old, too young, mentally ill, etc.) There is a Congress, that represents each province. Everyone is quite leftist.
24-12-2007, 14:40
Religionist Fascist Republic.
Economy is semi capitalism. However the nation still give work fields to the poor.
And there is no noble, everyone is the same to Allah...
Yeah, another Islamic state.:D
25-12-2007, 05:43
It really depends on what part of V-N you're in.
The nation is essentially divided into dozens of tiny and continually warring factions, each bearing a different ideology. Presiding over this awful mess is a Puppet Monarch with no power whatsoever, aside from a title and lots of money. Laws of succession have yet to be determined because the nation has only been in existence for a few months and the same Puppet Monarch has been in "charge" for the whole time.
Mine's a libertarian democracy, with a shit-ton of funding going into education and the environment, and religions are taxed by the gov't.
25-12-2007, 07:38
For tiny little Gargoylonia, it is currently - random! I just pick whatever I feel like from issue to issue. After a time, I will probably go more for my true feelings; that government exists FOR the people, for their rights and their well-being. This is a delicate balancing act, especially in NS, but I shall try.
Terran Tribes
25-12-2007, 08:44
Limited Federal Democracy. To earn full enfranchisement a citizen must serve a term in the armed forces or a longer term in civil services. Benefits of full enfranchisement are right to serve in public office, right to vote on a federal level, and right to bear arms. Limited citizens are allowed to vote on the territorial and local levels, and elect territorial governors. Territorial governors must be full citizens, and meet as a legislative body in the Counsel of Governors which can propose and vote on federal laws. The Counsel of Governors makes up half of the bicameral legislative body of the Foundation, with the other half being the Leagued Commons. The Leagued Commons is the entire portion of the population that are full citizens, and has enormous power, able to overrule and overturn decisions of the Counsel of Governors with a two-thirds vote as well as create laws in its own right. Legislation can be introduced by Chairman, who is elected by the Leagued Commons, or by petition which requires the support of at least 5% of the body of the Leagued Commons. The Chairman acts as a executive head of the nation who controls the various ministries and controls the armed forces. The Chairman rules for a term of 6 years and has no term limit.
Eureka Australis
25-12-2007, 08:54
Communism of course, but in particular I am a Marxist-Leninist and ardent anti-revisionist, so naturally I am partial to Mao-Hoxha-Stalin.
Tiera Del Fuego
26-12-2007, 00:05
A federation of democratic states, that rule themselves on most levels. the federal government oversees international and military affairs, while the state gvts. oversee the domestic issues and local trade
Gibiesk used to have a de iure democracy, but it really was a corrupt two-party dictatorship. Now the country is ruled by The Council of the Wise, which consists of top scientists, representatives of the people and (last but not least ;)) leading figures of The Green Party. The Council of the Wise knows what is best for the citizens and the environment of Gibiesk. :)
Oh, and we abolished gender equality. It didn't work out. Men shouldn't make important decisions.
26-12-2007, 20:39
democratic republik
The Realm of The Realm
27-12-2007, 04:14
A 'so called republic'. The political organization is actually a dictatorship with a representative advisory council and an executive cabinet. The current dictator is the former National Poet Laureate, who accepted the job "because people asked politely and mostly because no one else wanted it."
There is no national militia or police force; wards and districts and occasionally regions will hire local police, often on a temporary or part-time basis. Recent surveys estimated gun-ownership among adult citizens to be virtually universal. Most social programs are organized and funded at the local level.
Citizenship is organized as in a commune. Taxes that are unspent are returned to citizens as a dividend: cash and fractional shares. Adults who own at least one full share in the commune have the right to vote, and owning one share each among two parents typically allows the parents to grant a full share to each of two children after about 20 years.
Shares can also be sold outright, privately, or on an exchange. A recent bid/ask for a Class 1A voting share was 681,000 / 688,000 foresks.
The national government sometimes arranges share awards to entice certain high-value targets to emigrate to The Realm of The Realm.
The Former Nazi Party
27-12-2007, 16:12
Dictatorship as Nazi Germany from 1933-1945.
Daistallia 2104
27-12-2007, 20:55
A democratic minarchist (con)federation with a tricameral legislature (Congress of Representatives, Council of Cantons, and Senate) and triple executive (President, Chancellor, and Chairman), and independent judiciary.
27-12-2007, 21:34
A democracy with a twist.
The Chief Executive is elected to a minimum 4 year term, near the end of the 4th year, should the president desire to remain in office the population then votes on whether or not they desire to have them remain in office. If they elect to keep the current president then are re-elected for another 4 year term if not a new election is called and a new president is elected.
The Legislative branch is made up of a group of "Governors" elected to a 4 year term and the same process is held within the 5 "governing districts".
The Judicial branch is made up of a 9 person High Court and is elected in the same manor to a 6 year term.