I am looking for a good region to join!
Just got back into the game and would like to find a good region. I am in the Caribbean for now and while it seems nice, I am open to move.
I am looking for a region with similiar beliefs as our Nation, with legalized Marijuana, Capitalism, Moderate on Social, Enviromental and Police, Strong on Education and prefers diplomacy over war, but will fight if threatened or invaded!
Thanks again and looking forward to having some fun again!
01-08-2007, 05:19
Join The North Pacific! ^_^
The Indonesian states
01-08-2007, 06:49
By moving to Indochina.
01-08-2007, 13:50
Try Lavinium. (z3.invisionfree.com/lavinium)
The "Grey Sea States" have what you're looking for. They've got a small, active forum, the same ideals that you want, and a good UN delegate, Euleos.
Weh Ist Mich
01-08-2007, 14:10
You know you want to join "We really love Boobs (http://www.nationstates.net/61321/page=display_region/region=we_really_love_boobs)"
01-08-2007, 15:45
Move to Kingdom (http://www.nationstates.net/-1/page=display_region/region=kingdom), we're not exactly politically oriented but we've got a good crowd of people. And we're today's featured region :)
Edit: w00t 1700th post!
01-08-2007, 16:20
Join The West Pacific! We always have a fun bunch of people, and we offer cookies! :)
Monte Ozarka
01-08-2007, 16:22
Join The North Pacific! ^_^
New Vandalia
01-08-2007, 17:16
Give Conservative Paradise a try.
Cecilist Republic
01-08-2007, 17:50
The Region of Funny Guys is currently looking for nations just like yours. We need more people with differing views to help us build our region back to our former glory. With you on our side, we will have an easier time building a government, an army, and the jokes section!
Kiru Tao
01-08-2007, 22:44
Come to the Asian Continent (http://www.nationstates.net/76786/page=display_region/region=asian_continent). Any form of government is accepted, as none of us care too much what you do within your borders. We have a forum for role play and a map, so if you're ever interested, there's that.
Herr Killer Rabbit
02-08-2007, 02:38
Join the great nation of Gatesville, and make history
:mp5: :sniper:
02-08-2007, 11:17
hmm...perhaps you would tell what are you looking for because what i will propose you will require your involvement constantly....
Yours Sincerely,
UN Delegate of
The Alexandrian Union
Just got back into the game and would like to find a good region. I am in the Caribbean for now and while it seems nice, I am open to move.
I am looking for a region with similiar beliefs as our Nation, with legalized Marijuana, Capitalism, Moderate on Social, Enviromental and Police, Strong on Education and prefers diplomacy over war, but will fight if threatened or invaded!
Thanks again and looking forward to having some fun again!
Culebra, if you are into role playing, consider the FKC (http://www.nationstates.net/76786/page=display_region/region=the_federated_klatchian_coast). We even have a wiki entry! Telegram me for the password if you are inclined.