NationStates Jolt Archive


26-07-2007, 01:28
I'm trying to understand how this game is played.
I'm playing Cybernations during the last month and have found the game intriguing and challenging. There, I rule a nation, and try to take care of its economy, military matters, population's happiness etc. In one of Cybernations' forums I met some guy who told me to come and start playing nationstates. So, I came... I'm playing during the last 2 weeks, and haven't found anything interesting in the game, although I read all the how-to-play guides.

I probably need some help on how to start. Till now, I've joined a region (something communist), took place on some issues and that's all.

Any help would be appreciated. In exchange, if you join Cybernations I can offer you all the help and advice u need to cope with all the dangers (you see, there are lots of dangers).

In cybernations my Ruler name is: grouchomarx, while here it is: RNU

Thanx in advance

p.s. in case I don't get any answer, I'll probably stop playing NS...
British Londinium
26-07-2007, 01:41
Most war and trading and such occurs on these forums in International Incidents. In NS, it's much more roleplay based instead of "click a button, win a prize". Read the stickies in II for more info.
26-07-2007, 16:26
Most war and trading and such occurs on these forums in International Incidents. In NS, it's much more roleplay based instead of "click a button, win a prize". Read the stickies in II for more info.

an example of war- BL pwning me and taking over my nation in less than a week. it was a big dent on my honor
West Corinthia
26-07-2007, 21:40
I just spent the past few hours on CN and I can tell you the primary difference between NS and CN is that NS is way less structured. On NS, you RP and make up most of your stats, and RP all of your wars. CN is different, and fun in a different way.

By the way, do you have any spare change for my new CN nation?
26-07-2007, 22:03
can sum1 explain to me how you make your own map?