NationStates Jolt Archive

I need Help!

03-07-2007, 21:52
okay, i have a question. i cant tell if i'm godmodding or not! i said i have 200 B-52 bombers and people say it's godmodding cause i didnt say where i bought them. i dont get it. i need some help and some explinations to what i'm doing wrong or not. i dont know so i ask the all-mighty mods to give me some advice
British Londinium
03-07-2007, 21:55
Cazelia, it's probably that they don't think your budget's large enough to support all those bombers.
03-07-2007, 21:55
1. The Mods don't intervene in RP (usually, but if someone's being a jackass, or RP'ing something they don't like, sometimes they make an exception.) Godmoding is not an offense under the One-Stop Rules Shop.

2. 200 B-52's is not a godmode. You can just say you produced them yourself.

3. I think there're some tactics posts deep in the stickies, and the Draftrooms at and are helpful.