Help please
29-06-2007, 13:49
I have recently made a new region for me and my friends. I have noticed other regions have forums where they roleplay etc. But I do not really understand how this works. How does having embassies in other countries or making factories actually do anything? Do they have their own rules? Does anyone have any tips or help for me to set up my own forum for my region?
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-06-2007, 13:55
Having embassies in other countries or making factories doesn't do anything. It's all pretend, for fun. But i don't know how to make a forum. i believe there are a couple of websites that let you but...
I have a very stupid question: How can I found my own region? I read the FAQ carefully, but I couldn't find any answer :confused:
Please help me quickly
Thank you all
To create a region: Click the link near the top of the region page that says
"Tired of life in <whatever region you're in>? Then move to a new region!" Then click "Create a Region".
Worldwide Ministries
29-06-2007, 19:49
Yes indeed there are forum websites available, free and useful; you can search for them in Google. Then modify it the way you like it and present the link in the World Factbook Entry:)
Have fun!
29-06-2007, 21:41
Okay, so they don't do anything for gameplay. I thought they had something to do with expelling people from regions and stuff like that. How do you do that then?
29-06-2007, 21:52
Okay, so they don't do anything for gameplay. I thought they had something to do with expelling people from regions and stuff like that. How do you do that then?
Kicking people out of your region can be found in the 'Regional Control Panel'. Which only the Founder can access (or the UN Deligate depending on how you have the controls set up).