I recently created this nation and it was an anarchy. However I recieved some issues and I must have selected some position that caused me to have a Capitalizt labeling. Is there any way I can return back to anarchy?
St Edmundan Antarctic
28-05-2007, 15:10
Hope for issues that let you increase 'Political Freedoms' again, because that's the factor that you must have changed too far in order for the reclassification that you've undergone to occur...
I started off as Psychotic dictatorship, and it has taken up to now for me to return to it, it is pretty hard, so i just dismiss most issues unless there is a reeeeeally evil option involved...
I believe that anarchy requires you to have extreme amounts of freedoms in all three rankings - economic, political and civil - so just answer your issues with this in mind and you should return to anarchy within no time!
29-05-2007, 18:44
This won't help you with your problem (good luck with that), but is more of a wider comment ...
I don't think anarchy is really possible in this game as it seems to presume private property and therefore capitalism, or state-owned enterprise, where the state effectively acts as the capitalist. The 'freedom' to establish corporations whose profits come from others' labour tends, in practice to cancel out social and political freedoms, as the freedom to accumulate profit dictates the limits of individual autonomy. On the other hand, a society in which the state regulates the economy is equally unfree in all areas. The game does not allow experimenting with a society in which both state ownership and private ownership of property are absent - what Kropotkin, at least, would consider proper 'anarchy'. Here individuals freely co-operate to productive ends, without wage-slavery, the tyranny of the profit motive, or state oppression.
I don't think a society with full 'economic freedoms' (read rampant corporations) has anything to do with 'anarchy' - but this is a common misunderstanding.
Of course Libertarian Anarchists will tell me that a truly free society involves private property and no state - which seems to be how this game defines 'anarchy'. However recent experience shows that extending private ownership, as in the UK in the 1980's for example, widens the gap between rich and poor, increasing social unrest and the need for an ever more repressive state.
As Libertarians are opposed to government they are as entitled to call themselves Anarchists as everyone else, but we will just have to agree to disagree over what constitutes 'anarchy'. I feel that private property tends to be oppressive in much the same way as actual 'government' -states and laws. Corporations tend to rely on states and laws to protect them in any case.
And before anyone accuses me of being a Utopian - I'm proud to be one. I think that if we cannot imagine better (not perfect, that would be horrible) ways of running human affairs than the one's we've got, then we are really in trouble.