Death and Disease in your Nation
How do you roleplay death, disease, and health in your nation?
Do you consider your nation to have found a cure to all of today's incurable diseases and disorders? (Cancer, AIDs, Diabetes, etc.)
Are your peoples immortal, or have unnatural lifespans? How?
Winter Vacationers
26-05-2007, 13:10
It might be a little boring, but this nation is fairly similar to the RW in technology, and presumably medical tech. I'd say, for disease, health, and longevity, Winter Vacationers is comparable to the RW US or Europe.
True Albion
26-05-2007, 16:06
The Kingdom of True Albion has begun augmenting our population with cybernetic enhancements. This has removed many of our problems with disease and has given the possibility of theoretical immortality. However, since we have no one who has been enhanced for a long period of time the effects on the human mind of such increased longevity have not been seen.
Worldwide Ministries
26-05-2007, 18:45
The Health Industry is chasing profits so a cure for a common disease that forces people to buy for example pills isn't a very smart idea and certainly not profitable.
Think about it, this is what happens in the real world...
28-05-2007, 07:10
We don't really believe in an antibiotic society, so finding 'cures' is generally limited towards things that would be lethal or severely degrade life (such as Alzheimers or various wasting diseases). Yes, we can go to the moon at will and still catch colds with frightening regularity.
Plus, with the Germ Factory and its hyperactive biosphere constantly pumping new annoying pathogens into the system, we can cure all we want but still have Richardson's Eggplant Skin Virus causing monthly outbreaks...
The Health Industry is chasing profits so a cure for a common disease that forces people to buy for example pills isn't a very smart idea and certainly not profitable.
Think about it, this is what happens in the real world...
Actually the Health Industry is constantly researching cures for stuff liek the common cold.
Strator has great medicines and doctors (by todays standards), but only those who do a job which is deemed worthy of supporting. People rarely meet, as there is no socialising time, just working time, so germs cannot be passed on very well. Reproduction is only done in labs, and since men and women never meet, there are no STDs. Strator is improving healthcare as Strator wants tolive for much longer than the average man.
Disease is non-existent in Maraque.
Glerican healthcare is on-par with RW. We've made some progress with cancer through the introduction of using soundwaves to combat the actual disease.
Our healthcare is just that, healthcare. It's fairly constant, so you don't just get care when you are actually ill. This means that diets, exersice plans and other such things are prescribed.