NationStates Jolt Archive

What are the Private Sector categories?

Vladimir Illich
23-05-2007, 16:35
How does the classification of private sectors go?

I've seen:

small but healthy
and powerhouse

Does anyone know?
St Edmundan Antarctic
24-05-2007, 18:40
I remember somebody else mentioning that their nation's private sector had been labelled a 'cottage industry', which seems to be unusual but would presumably be smaller than "small but healthy"...
26-05-2007, 15:38
I asked a couple of folk, but they hadn't seen any classification list, so it looks as if you might have the honour of drawing one up. As a contribution, here's what it says in some of my nations (preceded by UN category):

Democratic Socialists; Civil Rights: Excellent; Economy:Imploded; Political Freedoms: Average
The private sector is almost wholly made up of enterprising fourteen-year-old boys selling lemonade on the sidewalk, although the government is looking at stamping this out.

Democratic Socialists; Civil Rights: Good; Economy: Developing; Political Freedoms: Below Average
A nonexistent private sector is dominated by the Woodchip Exports industry.

Liberal Democratic Socialists: Civil Rights:Very Good; Economy: Fragile; Political Freedoms: Excellent
Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Soda Sales.

Authoritarian Democracy: Civil Rights:Some; Economy:Fragile; Political Freedoms: Average
An almost nonexistent private sector is dominated by the Basket Weaving industry.

Left-Leaning College State: Civil Rights: Superb; Economy: Good; Political Freedoms: Average
A substantial private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Retail and Furniture Restoration.

Scandinavian Liberal Paradise:Civil Rights: World Benchmark;Economy: Weak Political Freedoms: Very Good
Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Pizza Delivery.

Democratic Socialists:Civil Rights: Excellent; Economy: Developing; Political Freedoms: Very Good
An almost nonexistent private sector is dominated by the Retail industry.

Democratic Socialists: Civil Rights: Average; Economy: Reasonable; Political Freedoms: Very Good
A large private sector is led by the Uranium Mining, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Arms Manufacturing industries.

Father Knows Best State: Civil Rights: Excellent; Economy: Good; Political Freedoms: Rare
Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Arms Manufacturing.

Left-wing Utopia: Civil Rights: Excessive; Economy: Struggling; Political Freedoms: Superb (Private sector is the Pizza Delivery one again.)
Vladimir Illich
27-05-2007, 00:22
I asked a couple of folk, but they hadn't seen any classification list, so it looks as if you might have the honour of drawing one up.
Ok, I'll do it.

My country is going back and forth from lemonade stands to a "small" private sector (PS).

So here's my guess at how the PS is classified (when legal):

1 - nonexistent
2 - almost nonexistent
3 - lemonade
4 - small
5 - small but healthy
6 - healthy
7 - substantial
8 - large
9 - powerhouse

I don't know where the black market would fit, since it always seems to have the same description.

Any comments?
Imperial isa
27-05-2007, 04:25
left out Psychotic Dictatorship and there is a list
27-05-2007, 04:55
left out Psychotic Dictatorship and there is a list
That's actually *not* the list they're talking about, although that was my first instinct too when I saw this thread.
27-05-2007, 05:02
I think he's after a slightly different thing. You know that bit in the second paragraph of the nation description where it says a sentence about the private sector? That one.

I suppose you could check out the feeders and work your way through the various kinds of nations, if you're really dedicated, Vladimir Illich, but asking here is sure easier.

Thanks for posting the Euroslavia categories link, Imperial isa. I'm away from my regular computer and haven't bookmarked it on this one -- now I can!
Imperial isa
27-05-2007, 05:03
That's actually *not* the list they're talking about, although that was my first instinct too when I saw this thread.

all well you win some and you lose some

and i like your new Avatar
The Most Glorious Hack
27-05-2007, 05:12
I believe lemonade and black market only appear when capitalism is outlawed, which would take them out of the nonexistant -> powerhouse continuum.
Imperial isa
27-05-2007, 05:12
I think he's after a slightly different thing. You know that bit in the second paragraph of the nation description where it says a sentence about the private sector? That one.

I suppose you could check out the feeders and work your way through the various kinds of nations, if you're really dedicated, Vladimir Illich, but asking here is sure easier.

Thanks for posting the Euroslavia categories link, Imperial isa. I'm away from my regular computer and haven't bookmarked it on this one -- now I can!

your welcome

i would add to the list: robust private sector
Vladimir Illich
28-05-2007, 20:27
i would add to the list: robust private sector

One of my countries just went from a healthy to a robust PS with a piece of legislation authorizing spam e-mail, so this is my latest guess:

1 - nonexistent
2 - almost nonexistent
3 - lemonade
4 - small
5 - small but healthy
6 - healthy
7 - robust
8 - substantial
9 - large
10 - powerhouse
Eric cartmarn
30-05-2007, 08:47
This sentence seems to be stuck forever in my nation description, no matter what decisions I take. I've seen it elsewhere too. Sounds sort of boring, doesn't it..
The Macabees
30-05-2007, 09:39
If other nations don't have it, it must have something with the decisions you've made concerning the issues you've been given.
30-05-2007, 13:53
Posts 12 and 13 are from a merged thread.
31-05-2007, 12:17
was that not a thread before ^ ? is that some weird time warp?
31-05-2007, 12:17
Posts 12 and 13 are from a merged thread.

oh, okay
Imperial isa
31-05-2007, 12:27
One of my countries just went from a healthy to a robust PS with a piece of legislation authorizing spam e-mail, so this is my latest guess:

1 - nonexistent
2 - almost nonexistent
3 - lemonade
4 - small
5 - small but healthy
6 - healthy
7 - robust
8 - substantial
9 - large
10 - powerhouse

i'll go with that
Shade County
01-06-2007, 07:45
I believe the last one after powerhouse is frightening , I think I've seen it in the descriptions of big old nations.

Yes, I just checked The Aristocratic Hegemony of Praetor, last one possible is frightening.
The Most Glorious Hack
01-06-2007, 07:55
"Frightening" is for the freedoms, not private sector categories. ie:A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry.
Shade County
01-06-2007, 16:33
My mistake
Vladimir Illich
14-06-2007, 17:50
i'll go with that

One of my countries went from substantial to large with the description "the automotive industry soaks up huge government handouts". Another one went from large to powerhouse with some pro-market legislation, so I think I'm on to something.

"Frightening" is for the freedoms, not private sector categories. ie:

It's actually economic strength, not freedom. You can have a country where "if you go into business you are regulated to within an inch of your life" (or something to that effect) and still have a "Frightening" economy (maximum strength).