Wanted: Defender region
The Isle of Pandaria
08-05-2007, 14:22
Hya folks!
I'm kinda new here, although I do know the basic rules, I got introduced to this by another (more experienced) NS-player and friend. Anyway, I'm getting all these recruitment TGs, and I was wondering if there was any "Defender Region" out there which helps regions who are being invaded. I started wondering about this when I got a TG from a raider-region inviting me to join and raid...
Anyway, the nation of "Furia Prime" (my friend) is also willing to join an eventual defender-region, so there's two of us...
also kinda new here and i have the same question.
Hya folks!
I'm kinda new here, although I do know the basic rules, I got introduced to this by another (more experienced) NS-player and friend. Anyway, I'm getting all these recruitment TGs, and I was wondering if there was any "Defender Region" out there which helps regions who are being invaded. I started wondering about this when I got a TG from a raider-region inviting me to join and raid...
Anyway, the nation of "Furia Prime" (my friend) is also willing to join an eventual defender-region, so there's two of us...
General Alexandra
08-05-2007, 15:25
Yep there are plenty of "FENDA" regions in the game and plenty of "FENDA" alliances.
If you want some help in finding any that suit your ideals then TG me at this nation.
Lord Sumguy
08-05-2007, 19:21
or you could just join a password protected region, like mine...
08-05-2007, 19:56
or you could just join a password protected region, like mine...
Being in a safe region is not the same as going out and actively attempting to protect others. That is, unless you're ...
[ da da DUM! ]
No evil shall evade my sight!
... unless of course it doesn't walk between me and the TV.
The Isle of Pandaria
09-05-2007, 08:21
Being in a safe region is not the same as going out and actively attempting to protect others. That is, unless you're ...
[ da da DUM! ]
No evil shall evade my sight!
... unless of course it doesn't walk between me and the TV.
Exactly... :D
I'm looking for some more active raider-busting activity...