Looking for a region!!!
Nova Calabria
14-04-2007, 22:12
I was sondering if anyone had any suggestions on some good regions based on political beliefs or active in governmental simulation, elections, law making, etc., (preferably liberal, center-liberal, or social democratic) to join, or if there are any good regions to seek high regional office (possible regional job application.....)? Anyway, any help would be splendid, schwing, awesome, wunderbar, etc...
Kiru Tao
14-04-2007, 23:11
Well I don't know if it's precisely what you're looking for, but Asian Continent (http://www.nationstates.net/07019/page=display_region/region=asian_continent) allows the freedom for nations to run whatever sort of government they wish. It certainly helps facilitate international conflict and debate for prime RP.
Farming Deep South
15-04-2007, 00:49
There are job oportunities galor at the Deep South. We create them quickly and many of the newer nations prefer to be secretary or assistant. Not all of our nations are liberal, mind, but we want to build diversity and i think youll find liberal governments have a happy majority. also, if you join before 4/17 you can have a seat on the sec. council when it's set up with veto powers etc. etc.
Luna Dancing
15-04-2007, 20:46
liberty alliance. they have a forum and elections :)
they where my ex-reigon but i thought that i would go for a more relaxed approach. if you want that go to girls only :) we need people anyway!
16-04-2007, 12:49
Join Swilantis, we don't care about youu government system, and we will become one of the better regions of NS.
16-04-2007, 15:34
Region of the Free Peoples has just opened up and I strongly believe you will be more than satisfied. We have our own web site. Check us out. Look forward to seeing you soon. www.freewebs.com/regionofthefreepeoples We strongly believe in economic and political freedom. We are also looking for a UN Delegate as well as other positions in the region.