Why join a Region?
Katie Is Amazing
03-01-2007, 06:53
I'm new here, and for the life of me I cannot find anywhere where it lists the benefits of joining a region. I have all these invites (because I'm cool, or maybe they just want more numbers, lets go with me being cool :cool:), but don't know who to choose or why join any at all.
So... 1) Why join a region and 2) What makes a good region.
Please only respond if you know what you're talking about. :p
03-01-2007, 07:08
Well, Katie ... you've already joined a region. Yes, you're a member of The North Pacific, a so-called "feeder region", because everyone that starts a nation joins one of the five feeders automatically.
So now it's just a matter of trying to decide whether you're better off in one of the massive feeder zones, or maybe moving to a smaller region where you are more likely to get to know a smaller number of people a bit faster. Or you could enjoy yourself in the larger crowd of a feeder - lots of people prefer that, and the feeders have their own cultures.
It doesn't matter what you do today. You can try out one, two, or a hundred different regions and see what they have to offer. It's all part of the NationStates experience. You'll find out where you want to be eventually.
03-01-2007, 07:09
Q: Why Join a region?
A: Because you have to be apart of one for the game. As to which region should you join? Can't say. Though I found it really good to join a region of friends I had made in NS through various things I was involved in. If you don't have that, make friends with region mates.
Q: What makes a good region
A: One that you feel happy with, a region that is really small can be stiffling as there just isn't that much activity and a too large a one can make you feel insignificant. These are totally dependent on you. I reccomend finding a region and building up strong relationships personally and through RP, be active and I think you'll get the most out of what NS has to offer.
As the previous people have said, you're already IN a region. It's up to you whether you want to participate in the region, but I've found it to be a lot more fun if you do.
As for which region, it really depends. In a small region, you can know everyone there, but if 3 people go on vacation that can kill the activity. In a big region, there are enough people to maintain activity while people come and go, but you have to work harder to stand out in a larger crowd.