The UN passed a minimum wage law so I promptly quit. Now some smarmy officious UN bureaucrat has sent me a telegarm telling me that I have to comply with their law. How do I send a telegram back telling them they can shove their stupid socialist law into some dark and smelly place where it belongs.
07-12-2006, 19:42
You can't. There is no way to telegram the United Nations.
If you want to roleplay your nation doing something like that, you can use one of the roleplay forums.
Just take care to read the rules and follow them while doing so.
Frances Mcnaughty
08-12-2006, 22:13
This is pretty much the weirdest site i have ever been to!!! I don't get it! how do you play? how do you even send a "telegram"? WTF is a "telegram" anyway??????????????:headbang: :confused:
08-12-2006, 22:27
Telegrams messages to other nations that are sent by viewing the page of the nation you want to contact, and typing in the telegram field at the bottom of the page.
You can play the game in lots of ways.
Answer issues, regional politicking and warfare, roleplaying all sorts of things, and so on.