18-10-2006, 15:32
Join the Greater Scherbistan Area! Are you tired of your region becasue you cannot have a certain kind of government or religion? Then come to the Greater Scherbistan Area! We are open to all types of government, so join and be free! Elections for leader are coming up, so join and become leader! Join the Greater Scherbistan Area now!
18-10-2006, 15:41
"What do we gain from it?" - Official reply from Central Administration, City of Babylon, Sparkind.
((No, really, what do I get out of joining your region? A list of its features would be nice.))
18-10-2006, 16:43
This should be in gameplay, me thinks.
18-10-2006, 16:45
this will last, only a shortwhile until the ads. see it then it will go away, next time read the stickys.