NationStates Jolt Archive


Aqua Anu
16-10-2006, 03:09
okay I figure this would be suited for Gameplay, but I'm not sure so you can do what you please. My complaint is, there are far too many Real-Life Roleplays. Okay too many. Everytime I turn around there seems to be another Real Life Roleplay. (The same goes for war but not much you can do about that) But seriously, I mean if this is supposed to be a game where you build a nation of your own and run it, why shouldn't role playing be the same? I mean I know not everyone Roleplays, and some just run the country, but to me that's really boring. So I try RPing, but I can never seem to get in on a good one, because they are all either in progress, die out, or something along thoe lines. Or I try to start my own and no one could care less. And when there is something that finally catches my intrest, it turns out to be a Real Life Roleplay, and I don't want to do a RL RP. I mean there's always a bunch of e20's which has been going of forever. I notice this trend increasingly with Past RP's, and I really want to do a PT but I can't, why because they are all real life!

So if I may make a suggestion, cut down on the number of RL's, or make an RL forum. Or otherwise you might as well just change the whole game to RL as well.
The Most Glorious Hack
16-10-2006, 04:33
We aren't going to start policing what era people can play in.