20-09-2006, 12:32
At the top of the nation summary, it lists the attributes: Civil Rights, Economy, and Political Freedoms... Aren't civil rights and political freedoms the same thing? Shouldn't civil rights read "human rights," and "political freedoms" read "civil rights?" Or am I way off here...?
20-09-2006, 12:49
As this is a semantics question and not a technical question, moved to Gameplay.
20-09-2006, 13:13
Poltical Freedom... How much input do citizen's have in government processes. Political Freedoms can be explotated by Businesses or groups with specific political agendas
Civil Rights... How much control the government tries to exert of it;s citizens. From Orwellian 1984 total control with no Civil rights to Anarchies where Civil Rights would most likely be exploitated