18-09-2006, 11:10
:fluffle: At the risk of repeating myself, I really think it's important to spread these good news all around the world. The constitutional monarchy of Sunnylven has recently been formed, based on the most valuable values in the world, and it would be most beneficial to share this knowledge with all the world. If everyone in the world join behind this wonderful utopic idea, we can soon live the life of paradise on earth:
Political manifesto
Many people struggle with depressions and difficulties, that cause even idealistic-minded people to act in ways that are not beneficial to the common good.
Working with this question, it has become clear to me (André Ljoen, Constitutional King of Sunnylven) that all human beings define themselves based on the way we are treated by our peers. The amount of effect such treatment has on our definition of our self, depends on how much we care about and respect the person that treats us, either good or bad.
Arriving at such a revelation, it is clear that the country's politics should focus on getting its people to treat each other in a way that makes the most of its people to treat each other as well as possible, in such a personal manner that it will make all inhabitants feel valuable and treasured.
The imminent issue that must be adressed is obviously the human nature. Sadly, competition is a very natural basic instinct in human beings, and the everlasting fight for a mate in order to get a fertile development of the population will cause even best friends to compete against each other for the affection of a desirable mate. Not only that, but we also all have the weakness of laziness latent in us, to make all look for the easiest, and least energy-demanding way to satisfy our needs.
As public welfare is a great focus of The compassionate constitutional monarchy of Sunnylven, there is a high emphasis on achieving a general feeling of comfort and contentment within the population, trust in the inhabitants' will to collaborate with the government in procreating an ideal society of joy and happiness, and the national currency - the hug - shows a general opposition against the greed-idealizing and anti-human values promoting idea of capitalism.
Here is a sample for you all of this most lovely currency, of which we in Sunnylven have plenty: :fluffle:
In a world where love and compassion is a rarity, and that is in desperate need of it, may the constitutional monarchy of Sunnylven be a contagious inspiration!
Yours truly,
Andre Ljoen,
Constitutional King of Sunnylven.
Political manifesto
Many people struggle with depressions and difficulties, that cause even idealistic-minded people to act in ways that are not beneficial to the common good.
Working with this question, it has become clear to me (André Ljoen, Constitutional King of Sunnylven) that all human beings define themselves based on the way we are treated by our peers. The amount of effect such treatment has on our definition of our self, depends on how much we care about and respect the person that treats us, either good or bad.
Arriving at such a revelation, it is clear that the country's politics should focus on getting its people to treat each other in a way that makes the most of its people to treat each other as well as possible, in such a personal manner that it will make all inhabitants feel valuable and treasured.
The imminent issue that must be adressed is obviously the human nature. Sadly, competition is a very natural basic instinct in human beings, and the everlasting fight for a mate in order to get a fertile development of the population will cause even best friends to compete against each other for the affection of a desirable mate. Not only that, but we also all have the weakness of laziness latent in us, to make all look for the easiest, and least energy-demanding way to satisfy our needs.
As public welfare is a great focus of The compassionate constitutional monarchy of Sunnylven, there is a high emphasis on achieving a general feeling of comfort and contentment within the population, trust in the inhabitants' will to collaborate with the government in procreating an ideal society of joy and happiness, and the national currency - the hug - shows a general opposition against the greed-idealizing and anti-human values promoting idea of capitalism.
Here is a sample for you all of this most lovely currency, of which we in Sunnylven have plenty: :fluffle:
In a world where love and compassion is a rarity, and that is in desperate need of it, may the constitutional monarchy of Sunnylven be a contagious inspiration!
Yours truly,
Andre Ljoen,
Constitutional King of Sunnylven.