09-09-2006, 17:53
For the three barometers, "Civil Rights," "Political Freedom," and "Economy," which values are higher than others? For example, under "Economy" your nation could have "Thriving" or "Powerhouse" or "World Benchmark." Which one is the higher one? Another example: in "Civil Rights" your nation could be "Excellent," or "Superb;" which one is higher?
(--)Economic -----------Political Freedoms----Civil Rights(-- )
(15)Frightening---------Corrupted------------Widely Abused
(14)All-Consuming-----Widely Abused-------Frightening
(13)Powerhouse-------Excessive -------------Excessive
(12)Thriving-------------World Benchmark----World Benchmark
(11)Very Strong--------Superb-----------------Superb
(09)Good----------------Very good-------------Very Good
(06)Developing---------Below Average------Below Average
(02)Basket Case-------Unheard Of-----------Unheard Of