I am new here. Can someone explain this gma to me?
28-08-2006, 01:53
Is there any objectives or other things to play this game?
Could some1 explain hiow this game works?
At the very basic level, you just answer your issues and see how they affect your nation. You can also join the UN, vote on resolutions, and create proposals for resolutions.
You can roleplay or just chat here in the NS forums, or join an active region and post in their forums. You can also get involved with invading and defending regions. There's lots to do, but you have to get out there and do it yourself.
28-08-2006, 02:09
can you explain war for me?>
There are two kinds:
1. Roleplay it with other people in a NationStates or regional forum.
2. Join the UN, then join an invader or defender region, where (as an invader) you would go to an unsuspecting region and all endorse your own candidate for delegate, thereby "taking over" the region, or (as a defender) spying on the invaders and throwing your endorsement behind the orginal delegate of a region, thereby protecting it from the invaders.
28-08-2006, 02:14
any suggestions for role playing?>
Check out the International Incidents forum for examples.