Looking for name, region for puppet
26-08-2006, 20:26
I want to start a puppet commonwealth nation, but I have no idea where to put it, or what to name it. It will be named "The Kedalfaxian Commonwealth of" once it gets enough people. I'd like a region that will let me do a map for myself. Even better if the region has a map.
Anybody have suggestions?
EDIT: I've decided on The Kedalfaxian Commonwealth of Giotizia.
Try International Democratic Union (IDU forums (http://s10.invisionfree.com/IDU/)). We've got a super map that is currently being translated into vector format, and you can design your own island on it if you like (map is obvious to find on the forums: Nations of the IDU > Cartography Department).
We've also got some RP forums that could use some activity... ;)
27-08-2006, 00:55
Would I be able to get a section of mainland, with a bunch of islands right nearby?
And are there any political obligations to joining the IDU?
Is there a standardized time zone? Climate?
I'd also like it to be relatively flat land.
27-08-2006, 03:07
Bah. Antarctic Oasis (www.nationstates.net/target=display_region/region=antarctic_oasis) is better. We have an active forum (s11.invisionfree.com/antarctic_oasis), an active roleplay component, an active UN contingent, a free-trade agreement (http://z11.invisionfree.com/Antarctic_Oasis/index.php?showtopic=59), a mutual-defense treaty (http://z11.invisionfree.com/Antarctic_Oasis/index.php?showtopic=88), and CPESL (http://z11.invisionfree.com/Antarctic_Oasis/index.php?showtopic=21)! We don't really have a map, but several members already have their own, and you're free to design yours however you like. Political obligations: none. Standardized time zone: naught. Climate: take a wild guess. :p
27-08-2006, 03:16
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom was planning on moving one of her Colonies into Antarctic Oasis. We will still debate this in the next meeting of the Prime Ministers of each colony with the Supreme Emperor of the Dark Empire.
Would I be able to get a section of mainland, with a bunch of islands right nearby?
Yes, I think so. There's a bit on a northish big island, towards the north side of it (Ceorana's moving into the south side). Also, there's little space on the far north continent, and a bit towards the southwest corner of the main continent. You can add islands for your nation wherever you want.
And are there any political obligations to joining the IDU?
You have to agree (mostly) with the fundamental values: democracy, a constructive UN, balance between individual freedom and national sovereignty, regional stability and security, community, and secular government.
Is there a standardized time zone? Climate?
Well, the map will have latitudes, so it's best if you follow roughly where you are, but we're flexible. You can pretend you've got a really warm current coming your wey or something.
As for time zones, we might decide on something in the future, but there's none right now, and you could influence the discussion on timezones.
I'd also like it to be relatively flat land.
Our cartographer's happy to level some mountains for ya. ;)
27-08-2006, 21:52
(Jolt's not letting me log out, so take this as if it were comeing from Giotizia)
Great! I'll be in the IDU shortly!