NationStates Jolt Archive

just a question

11-08-2006, 06:43
There's something I've been curious about: on the NSEconomy page, where it's giving your national budget details, it lists something called "consumption". What exactly is that, and is it a good thing to have it at $0?
11-08-2006, 13:04
You need to ask them about it. NSEconomy is a third-party site, and not managed by or affiliated with NationStates..
Call to power
11-08-2006, 16:30
Google is your friend:

(well actually its from encyclopaedia Britannica but same thing)


In economics, the final using up of goods and services. The term excludes the use of intermediate products in the production of other goods (e.g., the purchase of buildings and machinery by a business). Economists use statistical information on income and purchases to trace trends in consumption, seeking to map consumer demand for goods and services. In classical economics, consumers are assumed to be rational and to allocate expenditures in such a way as to maximize total satisfaction from all purchases. Incomes and prices are seen as consumption's two major determinants. Critics of the model point out that there are many exceptions to rational consumer behaviour-for example, the phenomenon of conspicuous consumption, in which the high price of a product increases its prestige and adds to demand.”

Oh and remember such calculation machines are merely a rough guess and its really up to you how your nation works (and I think this should be in gameplay)