Can the Pacifics be invaded?
23-07-2006, 18:33
Now we all know the 5 pacifics are the feeder regions and they usually have roughly 5,000 nations but is it actually possible to region crash them? not that I want to or are planning too but what if a couple of large non-feeder regions like gatesville, lazarus or the lexicon gained enough nations to invade one of the pacifics and take over would it be possible?
This has always intrigued me. Thanks in advance.
Valley of the Giant
23-07-2006, 18:52
Maybe, if EVERY member joined teh UN and invaded on teh Pacifics when it comes to Gatesville. Right now we've got just under a thousand. We'll be back up by the end of the day.
No single region can invade a feeder. Even Gatesville is 1/5 the size of a feeder, and the next largest region has about 750. However, I suppose an alliance of large regions could do it but it would take a lot of them.
23-07-2006, 21:19
I don't think that you can invade a feeder region. Seeing as new nations spawn in them, it would be impossible to invade and take them by force. Although thats just speculation on my part.
No single region can invade a feeder. Even Gatesville is 1/5 the size of a feeder, and the next largest region has about 750. However, I suppose an alliance of large regions could do it but it would take a lot of them.
It's only the number of UN endorsements possessed by the delegate that matters. The majority of nations in the Pacifics are not in the UN, and most are inactive - created to test various game features or made by people who left NationStates after a few days. Currently the delegate of the East Pacific has 205 endorsements, while Gatesville's delegate has 275.
The Zombie Alliance
23-07-2006, 21:56
Password-protecting it would be piontless, too, because the defenders or invaders could just spawn new nations within the region.
23-07-2006, 22:27
You can't password protect a feeder.
A true invasion of a feeder is possible, damn near improbable however, given the number of outside people needed in order to pull it off. Not counting the additional numbers needed as soon as defender types/allies of the feeder started to notice something was up.
You can't permanently regoin crash a feeder since simply being a feeder will get them more members with time. But the atlantic alliance, and nations that have become delegate by a glitch(such as the XYZ affair) are recorded on the wiki as having crashed some of them before.
I would however, forget about regoin crashing the rejected realms. I think it is completely impossible to crash that one.
24-07-2006, 03:41
I would note that since the advent of regional influence (plus the 200 nation limit on the ban list), it becomes even more impossible to truly crash a feeder and kick everyone out.
Pierconium, when delegate of The Pacific, managed to kick out somewhere close to 1300 nations, but it cost him a significant portion of his influence.
I would however, forget about regoin crashing the rejected realms. I think it is completely impossible to crash that one.
Interesting. I would have thought it would be easier, since Kandarin can't boot any potential threats. Of course it works both ways; any invader would still have Kandarin and all his supporters ready to reclaim the region. And, of course nobody HAS crashed the RR for years, if ever.
24-07-2006, 03:56
Gatesville stands for national sovereignty as well as regional sovereignty and we have treaties with 4 of the 5 Pacific regions. If any of them should be attacked we would respond in force to protect our allies. The Gatesville Guard is one of the finest fighting forces in all of Nation States.
The Most Glorious Hack
24-07-2006, 05:52
A true invasion of a feeder is possible, damn near improbable however, given the number of outside people needed in order to pull it off.Heh heh heh. Or several hundred UN Multis, like the National Stalinist griefer. Ah... I'll always remember good ole |-o_o-|
Valley of the Giant
24-07-2006, 05:55
That, too. Gatesville would probably stop exsisting in order to protect the feeders. We'd all join the UN and endorse the current delegate to protect it.
24-07-2006, 21:59
What about the other Pacific that your not allied with though? In the future more regions will rise to be as powerful as the non-feeder regions I believe to be the most powerful - Lazarus, The Lexicon and Gatesville and who knows maybe one day we'll see another region try to take over it...
Anyone else think this is a possibility?
25-07-2006, 06:37
If you'd really want to crash a feeder, you can. But it'd be difficult. You'd have to wound the delegate's endorsements plenty through unendorsement campaigns first (feeder dels are largely sitting on dead endorsements - they constantly have to gain new ones cause so many nations die off). Then you endoswap like mad with a nation and hope it flies under the radar (won't get into influence-related crap cause I don't know enough about it). If you endoswap with friendly personalized TGs an entire feeder region in a night, you can wake up with 100 endorsements the next day.
Emperor Matthuis
25-07-2006, 20:44
True but the best way is to have several (the more the better) nations picking up endorsements over a large period of time. Then all try and rapidly get enough endorsements (through invasion and endo-swapping) and hope that the delegate doesn't have enough influence to eject you all so that one of you overtakes the delegate and becomes delegate it. You then need to kick out the previous one and you will control your very own Pacific.
However the easiest way is a bug.