Regional Elections
Ah, if anyone knows the ol' rules for Regional Elections, my region, The Federation of Genesis is having its own election. I'm a tad confused.. so, any help here would be hot.
I dont know about any old rules for elections but our region has its own elections with its own rules. if you want a simple version to give to your region I am happy to help.
Ah, if anyone knows the ol' rules for Regional Elections, my region, The Federation of Genesis is having its own election. I'm a tad confused.. so, any help here would be hot.
I'm assuming you mean Delegate elections. If so, here's what we did in Democracy:
Firstly, we allowed a five day period in which all interested nations could join the UN (if not already a member) and announce their candidacy for the election.
After that five day period finished, the candidates made speeches both on the regional messageboard and on our regional off-site forum. Non-candidates then had a five day period to ask any questions of the candidates' speeches, and as well to ask questions about other matters, such as how they would vote in the UN under certain circumstances.
When that five day period ended, all UN nations had another five day period to send their vote via telegram to our founder.
When the five day period ended, the founder posted the results and announced the winner of the election.
11-07-2006, 14:06
Can't help you with regional elections, I'm afraid. In Antarctic Oasis (, we're just a bunch of rogue dictators and evil capitalists come to hide out at the bottom of the world in order to make a quick buck, build a few nukes, give the whole world the finger, and shoot all UN compliance officials on sight. Oh, and we've strip-mined the joint, so we can profit off all of the uranium and oil reserves that lie beneath the ice shelves, and we've also laid waste to the environment with all our secret weapons labs, where many a test penguin has died in the service of their maniacal, WMD-crazed leaders.
Our current UN delegate, Gruenberg (, was selected based somewhat on his performance in our region's 2nd Semiannual Regional Delegate Pageant ( and on the fact that, well, we just like the guy. (You will notice that the voting does not coincide with the actual selection, as we don't give a damn about voting in Antarctic Oasis (
If you mean delegate elections then we didnt elect the delegate either ( me ) shortly after our founder was deleted we had some nut job crash our region and started demanding to be made prime Minister getting realy nasty with the residence there our then delegate was a bit inactive so I campaigned for as many endorsements as possible including using our allies to come in to endorse me so that we could get rid of the nutter. I have been the delegate ever since but we do leave it up to the members to choose who they endorse its not a compulsary thing inour region