NationStates Jolt Archive

NS Battle Generator

Andaras Prime
21-06-2006, 09:22
I am quite sure this is the appropriate area to ask about this, but I distinctly remember within my region while RP'ing a war that some new nation linked me a battle generator for Nationstates, the thing had no affect on the actual game and it was rather like the economic trackers for ns. I would really like to have to link to this if anybody has one or knows of one, thankyou very much.
Andaras Prime
22-06-2006, 02:34
22-06-2006, 05:27
There is no official Battle Generator from NS. Perhaps somebody in Gameplay can link you to a third-party site.

Moved to Gameplay.
Andaras Prime
24-06-2006, 13:26
There is no official Battle Generator from NS. Perhaps somebody in Gameplay can link you to a third-party site.

Moved to Gameplay.
That's what I meant, I knew it was third party, I have just lost the link as it was so long ago, if anyone is aware of this and knows the link please post here. Thanks.
Scythia Hyboria
25-06-2006, 00:41
If you find the link Please send it to Scythia Hyboria.

Thank you for your time, I hope you find the link.

King Austin of Scythia Hyboria
25-06-2006, 08:26
I'm not sure, but you may be thinking of NSBattle, developed awhile ago by Xenose.

The site can also be reached from the The Whissssssscat Islands homepage on NSWiki.

It works fairly well, the only problem is you need a password to access it. Xenose gave it to some members outside our region, after asking for testers, so it's possible that you came across it through these forums. Sadly Xenose is no longer with us and I have long-forgotten the password. If you feel that this is it than you could try to track him down.
Scythia Hyboria
25-06-2006, 08:51
Thank you fishyguy:D Now dose any one have the password?
Please send a telegram to Scythia Hyboria (and others intrusted)

King Austin
25-06-2006, 10:43
I'm not sure, but you may be thinking of NSBattle, developed awhile ago by Xenose.

The site can also be reached from the The Whissssssscat Islands homepage on NSWiki.

It works fairly well, the only problem is you need a password to access it. Xenose gave it to some members outside our region, after asking for testers, so it's possible that you came across it through these forums. Sadly Xenose is no longer with us and I have long-forgotten the password. If you feel that this is it than you could try to track him down.
back when I used it, the password was xenophobia. But i think he changed it beause it said the password was wrong wheb I just tried it again one minute ago.

EDIT: It works. must have mispelled it during the first attempt.
25-06-2006, 11:02
Hmmm... I just tried it with me and my puppet

password "xenophobia" worked for me
Scythia Hyboria
25-06-2006, 15:25
AWSOME! I just tried it password works and it worked fine:D :D :D :D I will be adding this feature to the ADN :D Thanks to everyone who helped

King Austin
25-06-2006, 19:22
Worked for me. Thanks to all who helped find this and congrats to everyone.
Accrued Constituencies
26-06-2006, 05:28
All this program needs is a "percent of forces to start with" option at the beginning, when going from attacking/defending against one nation to another in short periods.
Andaras Prime
26-06-2006, 06:57
Thanks alot, I think this was the one I was looking for as it seems no other battle generators exist, this will be good for my regional RP in properly deciding wars and battles rather than intricate description rp where the results have to be decided beforehand.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 07:14
The best wars on NS, have the outcome pre-determined, and agreed upon before it even starts.
The Phoenix Milita
26-06-2006, 07:28
btw... this is kinda innaccurate...

I think peace would be made by then^

26-06-2006, 15:56
Hey, this is cool beans.
West Corinthia
26-06-2006, 21:33
Interesting...but this ruins the point of actually RPing a story.
26-06-2006, 22:05
It also (theoretically) makes it more difficult for people who can't quite grasp the concept of RP to wank their wars. If all you want is number-crunching, then that's what this'll give you.

Politics is a game of people and perceptions. Sun Tsu knew that. So did Clausewitz. That's probably why Max never wanted calculated war as part of the game, as his fictionalised vision has always been more about political perception than numerical reality.

Programs like the Battle Generator burn right through the Fog of War ... and take the fun out of it, in my opinion. If that's what you want, though, click the link.
27-06-2006, 00:25
I tried that and it was a lot of fun! But, I enjoy doing actually war rping better.
27-06-2006, 03:00
It also doesn't take into account the various items you buy from the storefronts. Wish they could fix that.
27-06-2006, 07:59
Thanks to Swilatia for remembering the password!

All this program needs is a "percent of forces to start with" option at the beginning, when going from attacking/defending against one nation to another in short periods.
In the small print at the bottom that was one of the things he was going to add. If finished, I think this could have been quite enjoyable.
Hybernia Coast
01-07-2006, 11:53
I don't feel that the NS battle sim replaces RP, in fact if you have a military type goverment it helps you see what you need to inprove on, also it is not the final word since we all RP in groups it would not be hard to form a pannel of judges or judge to to make a formal call on the war or call it a battle instead of an entire war.
I read there is to be an updated verision of NSB hopefuly it will take other elements into account, like "is your major industry lemon aid or arms" a smaller nations the makes and deals in arme would have a better chance of defeating a larger nation selling lemon aide.
Just use it as a guide line and not carved in stone fact and I belive it can be very useful to any region. Until there is a better NSB you (the group) can add the things it lacks "Mentality of nation" "resource of nation" and so on
A judge would concider these factors in.
Then there is what happens after the war this leaves you a ton of questions to be answered in RP, International courts, peace talks, and reperations, if anythihg it adds to RP.
Andaras Prime
19-09-2006, 05:38
Shame, it seems the battle generator is not online anymore if you try the link, I wonder what the go is with that...
19-09-2006, 20:35
So I'm not the only one it isn't working for then?
19-09-2006, 22:15
Yeah, it don't work no more. Too bad.