Coolest National Animal Contest!!!!!
12-06-2006, 15:07
Coolest National Animal COntest! Win pride and Glory! { is this spam :confused: ?}
You have to tell me ur natinal animal, why it's cool,Anything in your profile about it, and some facts-ex. nocturnal, endangered.....- so BRING IT ON. Sned me a telegram to tell me you want to compete! No telegram, no contest.
-Emily of Freidenburg
Margaret Alicia
13-06-2006, 13:37
Mine is the Roe Deer - a small, beautiful deer that lives in the forest. Mainly active at dawn and dusk and has both a winter and summer coat.
13-06-2006, 13:46
[QUOTE=Freidenburg]Coolest National Animal COntest! Win pride and Glory! { is this spam :confused: ?}
You have to tell me ur natinal animal, why it's cool,Anything in your profile about it, and some facts-ex. nocturnal, endangered.....- so BRING IT ON. Sned me a telegram to tell me you want to compete! No telegram, no contest.
Mine is the West Indian Manatee which could be getting off the endangered list very shortly. Like me, they can't seem to spell cephalopodia very well. They're playful, curious creatures whose whole existence is defined by eating, swimming, and tactile interaction.
Roo of Cephalapodia
Enrosol's national animal is the black swan. It's basically a swan, except black. Real creative, eh?
Cross-Eyed Penguins
13-06-2006, 15:00
I think mine is still the cross-eyed penguin. According to NS it "frolics freely" but it should be endangered because it never sees the predators coming until it's too late.
The Zombie Alliance
13-06-2006, 16:52
The Zombie Alliance's national animal is the rebel, which is also the nation's favorite main course...
Mine is the monkey. Except in my nation scientists are making monkeys super smart which can't be good, So they'll be demaning the vote.
13-06-2006, 18:47
Paradise2 24/7's national animal is the Dolphin, which "frolics freely in the nation's forests, etc."
As to coolness, we of Paradise 24/7 think that our Dolphins are right off the scale, because:
How can an animal that lives in the seas and oceans not be cool
Water animals that frolic freely in land forests are just far out
Renate van Buuren
The Paradise 24/7 Tourist Board
14-06-2006, 00:41
It's a friggen Land Shark. The thing is a shark, on land. It eats things. It's fast, unbelieveably tought, and "swims" through land. Oh yeah, and hunters can't shoot it. They have to "tag" it, or give a tap on the head. Tapping a 400 pound Land Shark ain't smart.
The Fennec Fox. Just say it. Fennec. Fennec. Fennec. Fennec. Plus it has huge ears and big ol' eyes.
Yeah, all those are okay I suppose, but compared to the magestic Arora, they're nothing...
Free shepmagans
14-06-2006, 12:50
The man-eating Iratus bug. *nods*.
14-06-2006, 15:47
Fangmania's national animal is the blood-smeared dingo, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.
They are blood-smeared because they feed on the small children and babies of both local and international tourists who venture to the outback of the country.
14-06-2006, 15:56
Are your animals , FLUFFY, CUTE, avaiable in allll colours of the rainbow, and do they like peanutbutterjelly ?!..
Our does !! Wuppie is not an animal, its an religion !
Our national animal is the T-Rex. This magnificant creature is extinct in most of the world, but survives in Ginet, due to our great environmental practices.
14-06-2006, 16:40
mine's the armadillo!
now, some may scoff at this, but consider a few facts about the nine-banded variety (native to North America): 1) they're actually great swimmers, 2) when startled, they can jump several feet in the air, 3) their bellies are covered with bristley wisker-fur, which is uglyly cute, 4) they always give birth to four identical quadruplets, 5) other than bonobos, they are the only mammals besides humans to have sex in the missionary position, 6) they're illegal to own in Maine, 7) their armor bands can stop small- to medium-caliber bullets.
and that's why armadillos rock :D
14-06-2006, 16:51
Well mine is the Flying Fish, it's just like an ordinary fish (not sure what kind) but it can fly! I mean how cool is that!?
Sadly, I know absolutely nothing about the actual Flying Fish...oh well.
Neo Edinburgh
14-06-2006, 16:55
Neo Edinburgh's animal is the Emperor Penguin or Aptenodytes forsteri. Emperor penguins are strikingly colored, with deep black feathers dorsally, including the head, chin, throat, back, dorsal part of the wings (flippers), and tail. This dark coloration fades to a brownish color as it becomes worn, between December and February. The belly is satin white from the upper breast to venter and including the underparts of the wings. Auricular patches are bright yellow at the head, fading to a less vivid yellow as the patch meets the white breast feathers. The upper mandible is black and the lower mandible is pink, orange, or lilac colored. Males and females are similar in size and coloration throughout the year. Immature emperor penguins are similar in size and coloration to adults, except that their auricular patches, chin, and throat are white. Chicks are covered with silvery-grey downy feathers with a black head and distinctive white eye and cheek patches. Adults weigh from 22 to 37 kg, depending on where they are in the reproductive cycle, as both males and females lose substantial portions of their mass while incubating eggs and tending to hatchlings. They stand up to about 115 cm.
14-06-2006, 23:27
The United Socialist States of Leninovka's National animal is the
Arctic Leprechaun, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.:)
Wyveros is proud of -- some, indeed, might say boastful about -- its beloved national animal the Griffin, misspelled by some as Gryphon but accorded protected status throughout the nation regardless of lexical preference.
To quote Ducal Resolution No. 34RX764: Wyveros recognizes in the Griffin, with its lion's body, eagle's head and wings, and body full of feathers, a noble and kindred beast whose whole far exceeds the sum of its multigenred parts. Though some may fear its long talon claws or covet its agate eggs, the use of Griffins purely for their natural talents of seeking gold and buried treasures is discouraged -- except, of course, by properly appointed Griffin Guardians and the Ducal Family itself.
GriffInfo (
St Edmundan Antarctic
15-06-2006, 19:08
Neo Edinburgh's animal is the Emperor Penguin or Aptenodytes forsteri. Emperor penguins are strikingly colored, with deep black feathers dorsally, including the head, chin, throat, back, dorsal part of the wings (flippers), and tail. This dark coloration fades to a brownish color as it becomes worn, between December and February. The belly is satin white from the upper breast to venter and including the underparts of the wings. Auricular patches are bright yellow at the head, fading to a less vivid yellow as the patch meets the white breast feathers. The upper mandible is black and the lower mandible is pink, orange, or lilac colored. Males and females are similar in size and coloration throughout the year. Immature emperor penguins are similar in size and coloration to adults, except that their auricular patches, chin, and throat are white. Chicks are covered with silvery-grey downy feathers with a black head and distinctive white eye and cheek patches. Adults weigh from 22 to 37 kg, depending on where they are in the reproductive cycle, as both males and females lose substantial portions of their mass while incubating eggs and tending to hatchlings. They stand up to about 115 cm.
This is also the national animal of the 'St Edmundan Antarctic'...
Precision Engineers
15-06-2006, 21:50
GinetV3, our national animal is also the T-Rex. Lots of our domesticated T-Rex's have been released into the wild over the years due to our high pet ownership tax and are now living semi-wild in the suburbs.
Emperor Homer
16-06-2006, 07:31
i think the lemur has to win, because who hates a lemur??? they rule and look cool, even though they are on the brink of extinction
Lunacal has dragons, and we pretty much allow them to do anything they want to do, even if some of our citizens get a tad singed once in a while. :rolleyes: They mostly live in the forest, which keeps our unemployment low (there are always jobs available in the forestry service and fire department). :D So, of course the dragons must win, because you don't want to see what happens if you hurt their feelings by letting someone else win. :eek:
17-06-2006, 05:04
I don't have a penguin, but those are the coolest national animals ever:gundge: :gundge: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :headbang: :D :D and I also support randomness
and penguins, penguins are kool.:eek:
I have a colony of drahks who made the "brawl hall twat" their national animal.