Philip Johnny Bob
08-06-2006, 20:41
Central Ohio is a green, peaceful region, with many suburban areas and Columbus, the capital of Ohio. So far the nations of Central Ohio are The Kingdom of Arionodor, The Dictatorship of Dumb Idiotic Idiots, and The United States of Philip Johnny Bob (me). The gross regional budget is $7,711,610,242,320, with a GRP per capita of $16,133.08. The people of Central Ohio are expected to dress appropriately, be nice, and not be not nice :) . UN Delegates are expected to use money wisely and vote for freedom, peace, more freedom, more peace, and to help the environment. We are currently recruiting and are not an invader nation.
;) I believe that you meant a new region, central ohio...
you have to give more reasons than just that, normally, as there are (currently) 14k+ regions.
Timon of Athens
09-06-2006, 02:16
Here, these may be somewhat useful.
I was never particulalry good at recruiting, primarily because I was afraid I might get a backlash.
-Want to attract more people to your region? Read this first.
Suggestions for Regional Recruiting (
-And read this second.
Nations' websites listing (
09-06-2006, 20:59
it helps to have regional forum
15-06-2006, 21:35
The founder of the region has left. I have joined and I am trying to make this a larger region. If you are looking for a small region to join, please come!