I still Don't Get it
Whitmore Lake
08-06-2006, 15:45
I have been playing for about 5 days now and I still do not get what the point is. I have answered about 7 issues and I do not see any change to anything. Am I looking in the wrong place? Is there some screen that gives me stats on my nation? I am really at a loss.
Osaia Iayis
08-06-2006, 17:07
Are you looking at your nations' "home page"? It tells you how many people are in your nation. What the tax rate is if any. It also tells you what your exports are. To find this info out,click your nations name and you will find out that info.
08-06-2006, 18:42
A lot of issues produce subtle effects and not all the parameters are displayed on your home page. There is an xml feed that allows you to view some of your nation's financial information http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/nationdata.cgi?nation=whitmore_lake will show your nation's stats and locations like NSEconomy 0.7 (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/) and NSTracker (http://nstracker.retrogade.com/index.php) can show it to you formatted and with a lot of economic value added effects.
Cape Carnivale
09-06-2006, 06:47
A lot of issues produce subtle effects and not all the parameters are displayed on your home page.
Check the third paragraph of your nation description to see info about the issues you've just answered.
Timon of Athens
10-06-2006, 03:59
If you're trying to figure out the point of the game, there isn't one.
The fun of it was that we make our own games within the basic capacities Max has provided.
You may also want to develop more about your nation's background, culture, politics, geography, whatever... here (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page). Your imagination is the limit.
United Island Empires
11-06-2006, 12:02
One of the main things to do on this game is finding a region that suits you. If you find the right region, there are loads more things for you to do.