Osaia Iayis
07-06-2006, 23:33
........I am still "Minnow" in my own region. Whats with that? I have been in that region for a couple of days now. Wouldn't I be,by default, "Powerbroker"? I will soon open my region to players and if I have "minnow" when I do,I could quickly be removed from the region I created.
08-06-2006, 02:43
If you are the founder, all you would need to do is unban yourself, or set it so the delegate can't access the regional controls. As founder you don't use your influence to do things.
08-06-2006, 04:00
You had only been in the region for 21 hours when you posted, and the major update only runs once every 24 hours.
You're a Hermit now.
Osaia Iayis
08-06-2006, 05:08
So if I am the founder of the region I can set it to where I can't be booted and I don't need to worry about regional 'fame'? Good news. Thanks.