NationStates Jolt Archive

Quality Of Nations?

Fal Dara in Shienar
03-06-2006, 17:32
Do any of you guys notice the declining quality in names in the newly made nations? As a recruiter I have spotted more number III's and IV's and plain X's then I have before. Is it just me or is it the turn over rate of 18 months (for deleted nations) until it is able to be picked again finally catching up?
03-06-2006, 19:12
OOC: This belongs in Gameplay, or maybe Technical. And I haven't noticed, but I don't do any recruiting. You could well be right.
03-06-2006, 19:17
I would but I wanted to here the opinions of other players before bringing over to the moderators.
03-06-2006, 19:24
I agree
Aht Urghan Empire
03-06-2006, 21:42
Although it is the case, I believe it is in the common desirable name that is leading to this problem, fads come and go, the more people on Nationstates the less names to choose from.
04-06-2006, 02:03
Seriously...I was going to pick Fal Dara in Shienar, but got stuck with Bolgaronopoto instead.

I have to keep a post-it on my laptop, just so I can remember how to spell it right.

If I ever see a BolgaronopotoIV, I'm gonna cry.
04-06-2006, 02:35
I haven't noticed any problem. ;)

Actually, it's even worse than the OP suggests. If I understand correctly, old names are NOT being recyled in 18 months, mainly because of some oddball Jolt problem. It's a known problem, but even the mods don't know when or if it will be resolved. All we can do until then is get creative with our naming.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-06-2006, 10:26
Over 1.6 million nations served!As those old names aren't released, it gets more difficult to come up with new names. Also, many people don't want an original name, they actually want the numerials.
04-06-2006, 10:36
I've had difficulty with that a few times before. But generally I have no trouble at all creating a unique nation name. And I've done it very successfully...a lot of times. That damn puppetry, ya know? Which reminds me. I need to have some brought back and need to log in to others.
Fal Dara in Shienar
04-06-2006, 17:13
LOL, yeah I get where your coming from ;) , the main issue though is more conventional names like (off the top of my head) anything to do with drums. Drummers, Drumming Drummers, Ludwig, a lot there is taken up by nations that are dead. I had to take Ludwig Drums, which is not as good as plain old Ludwig.

That is just an example of the -sadly- dead nations which turn away many potential newcomers who may have actually been competent but now will not because Billy Bob Jimmy made it once, went on again, and promptly forgot all about Nationstates and now we will never have a competent person behind (Fill in conventional yet good name here).

No offense but I have to admit, Bolgaronopoto, the names are just not something where you say "now there is a concise, sane sounding name".

From what I can see most people agree, at least in part, with my idea. Now I am goign to wait a little longer (maybe three pages) before fully presenting it to the moderators.
Determined cows
04-06-2006, 17:44
My first nation, a couple of years ago, was called Bestiville.
My new one is Determined Cows. Neither of them are particularly bad names (in my opinion) and neither was already taken.

I don't really think that there's a problem, people should certainly not be resorting to numbers in their names *shudders*
Jovian Empire
04-06-2006, 17:49
The main problem is if you have a specific name in mind. My own name was easy. I've seen lots of variations for Jupiter, and if "Jovian Empire" had been taken, I would have just used another variant.

However, I've also tried to create a nation with a specific name, and for various reasons I didn't want to change it. There's a good chance that whoever had that name before created it and never used it. :(
The Zombie Alliance
04-06-2006, 18:11
I hate it, honestly. When I started out, I could not name myself Allied Zombies, and now that I am here, I have been contacted by new players named things like "Zombie Alliance," "Voodou Alliance," and "Alliance of Zombies" with messages like "Hey, that was going to be my name!"
04-06-2006, 18:29
I have a question for everyone. Is the name "Kedalfax" a good one? Some people I asked thought it was good only if you know how to pronounce it. (Keh-dahl-fax)

I actually had a history project assigned to me a few months after I started playing. Most of my group didn't like the name, but I basically copied all of the other things from my wiki page. I got an A+. :cool: The rest of the group didn't, because I had done all of the work.:D
04-06-2006, 18:37
I like it, most of my names are based off of real life things, The Gizatte Comapny, Moorish Caphlite, Moorington, well lets not get too deep but by my way of judging it checks out.
04-06-2006, 19:12
Well, when I got my name, I liked it, and I think it is one of the most comical names out there, but there are many names that I would liked to have had (Ruthenia, Veeland, Eurasia, Eastasia, Oceania)
04-06-2006, 20:45
I would but I wanted to here the opinions of other players before bringing over to the moderators.
Bringing what to the moderators? There's not a lot we can do apart from encourage you to be creative.
09-06-2006, 14:42
Maybe clear the database? Click some big button that says "delete deleted nations" and let them be usuable again, or revive them all and change the password, I am not sure how it all works but can't you change it someway?
Placatory people
09-06-2006, 14:49
Ahhhh yes however there are some like out thriving young nation that took out time to name our very spiritual lush land. We are quite proud and do want to offer our brothers and sisters a hello.

All will be hearing more from us as the spirit grows.

Your peaceful neighbors
Yama Suita
09-06-2006, 14:53
If I understand it correctly, there's a Jolt bug causing problems with reusing old names. The NS mods are waiting on Jolt to fix their problem, and it's not a high priority for them.
Timon of Athens
10-06-2006, 04:26
Look if you can't get the name you want, do something else.

Create a completely random name.
I used to do that for a lot of nations and rather liked the result.

Use another form of that name as Jovian Empire mentioned.
Can get some interesting and orginal names that way too.

Use a different name to say the same thing.
Say you wanted to be a Jain Empire and "The Jain Empire" and "Jain Empire" are both taken. Create an Empire of Mahaviran Followers or something.

Is it really that difficult to come up with a somewhat original name?
16-06-2006, 19:06
If I understand it correctly, there's a Jolt bug causing problems with reusing old names. The NS mods are waiting on Jolt to fix their problem, and it's not a high priority for them.

i dont know how you can say that
Emperor Matthuis
16-06-2006, 19:10
Well it is true.
16-06-2006, 19:19
i dont know how you can say that

Because I remember the mods saying that the last time someone asked why they weren't recycling old names.
16-06-2006, 19:23
Because I remember the mods saying that the last time someone asked why they weren't recycling old names.

so they are using old names?
16-06-2006, 19:25
so they are using old names?

No, they're not. Because of the previously mentioned Jolt problems.
16-06-2006, 19:32
No, they're not. Because of the previously mentioned Jolt problems.

ahhh now i see. thank you