Stats not updating
Ever since my nation became a benevelent dictatorship, my stats have remained the same no matter what I do. I don't think I've had any issues, and I know economic has to do with economic strength, not economic freedom. But shouldn't my civil rights go up when I keeps legalising stuff. They've been staying stagnant at superb regardless of what I do.
Or does it just update a whole lot slower once you're past your first couple of weeks>
01-06-2006, 23:13
As long as your issues are going through your stats are changing you just may not always be able to see it (unless of course you're dismissing everything).
01-06-2006, 23:37
I found it really hard to get above Superb - it took me months. Towards the extreme ranges, stats seem to gather more inertia.
Yeah that may explain it a bit. Is it the same for a "Very Strong" economy?
Emperor Matthuis
02-06-2006, 11:40
Very Strong is quite near the top and obviously the higher up you get, the harder it is to increase your stats.
(--)Economic -----------Political Freedoms----Civil Rights(-- )
(15)Frightening---------Corrupted------------Widely Abused
(14)All-Consuming-----Widely Abused-------Frightening
(13)Powerhouse-------Excessive -------------Excessive
(12)Thriving-------------World Benchmark----World Benchmark
(11)Very Strong--------Superb-----------------Superb
(09)Good----------------Very good-------------Very Good
(06)Developing---------Below Average------Below Average
(02)Basket Case-------Unheard Of-----------Unheard Of