NationStates Jolt Archive

100% Income Tax

07-05-2006, 04:43
My nation seems to be permanently stuck with 100% income tax. My economy is a Powerhouse and I keep taking the "lower taxes" option on issues, but it never goes down.
Dancing Bananland
07-05-2006, 04:52
Its possible you took options that raised taxes while your taxe rate was at 100%. Thus, although youy cannot go above 100% tax rate, you still have stuff sucking up money, so you just need to keep taking those options to removed the 100%+.

Of course, I didn't code the game, and my nation had the same thing, but went down with just one issue. so it could be a bug, and I could be full of crap. Check NSTracker, or NSEconomy (don't have links, sorry) and take a look at the numbers, that might help too.
07-05-2006, 05:05
Well, I didn't code the game either, but Dancing Bananaland is more or less correct - if the game listed percentages above 100%, Tsaraine would probably be at several hundred percent. And one of my puppets would be at negative something percent.

Of course, that would be rather nonsensical, so the game only measures between zero and one hundred percent.

Just keep trying to lower taxes, and good luck - I've got a puppet whose tax rate I've been trying to lower for a while. It was 99%, and it's down to 29% now, but it's a fairly hard task.
The Most Glorious Hack
07-05-2006, 05:34
Yeah, I'd be one of those -% tax nations. Last time I checked my nationdata, I was around a -350% tax rate.

Also, something to keep in mind is that you've got a reasonably old nation. The older the nation, the harder it is to make sweeping changes as you've grown more entrenched. Also, not every issue is obvious with its effects. A good rule of thumb though, is that if it expands government services, you're probably looking at more tax.

If you want, check out the Got Issues? forum. The regulars there could probably point out a few issues that will help (also, there's a sticky with all the issues in it that you can skim for ideas).
Determined cows
07-05-2006, 11:10
I've noticed that keeping Tax rates below 100% has became a lot easier recently for larger nations.

Was the code changed or is it just me?
The Most Glorious Hack
07-05-2006, 12:40
It's just you.

Of course, I've had less than 0% tax for three years now...
Determined cows
07-05-2006, 12:59
It's just you.

Of course, I've had less than 0% tax for three years now...

I remember a time around 2 years ago where just about every nation of above 1 billion pop. had 100%. Politics must have changed, or some such.
Undivulged Principles
08-05-2006, 00:46
You certainly weren't looking at some of my nations.
06-07-2006, 16:21
I've been choosing the "lower taxes" option for weeks now! Is there any way to just "reset" my country?
06-07-2006, 17:06
I've been choosing the "lower taxes" option for weeks now! Is there any way to just "reset" my country?
Aside from starting a new nation, no.
The Black Forrest
06-07-2006, 22:55
I've been choosing the "lower taxes" option for weeks now! Is there any way to just "reset" my country?
Start dumping subsidies, don't support the environment, dismiss money allocations. That should make it go down.
07-07-2006, 05:09
i, over 4 bil an have 100 percent tax i wanna lower it to 30 percent
07-07-2006, 12:32
Start dumping subsidies, don't support the environment, dismiss money allocations. That should make it go down.

That's what I've BEEN doing!
07-07-2006, 16:52
That's what I've BEEN doing!
Well, keep it up, eventually you will get below 100%. Believe me, I've had to do it twice.
The Black Forrest
07-07-2006, 18:44
Well, keep it up, eventually you will get below 100%. Believe me, I've had to do it twice.

Correct. As it was previously mentioned, depending on how long you have been allocating money, it will take time for the change to happen.
07-07-2006, 19:30
I always thought this was the result of one of the issues in which there's an option along the lines of banning capitalism. I thought this set tax permanently to 100%. I guess not. With my other nation i tried for about 2 months to lower taxes by the aforementioned methods, so far that my nation was described as a "capitalist paradise" but the tax still didnt budge so set up a new one. I must have had like 1000000% tax before i started trying to reduce it. Anyway, i guess it wasnt anything to do with that issue then!