City Maps
Monkey Fights
30-04-2006, 22:25
I was wondering if anyone has made maps of cities, ports, or bases in their country. If so, what did you use to make it. I'm looking at Sim City, but I don't know if I would be abnle to upload it to something viewable. Paint won't get the look I want. Any suggestions?
The Campbell dynasty
01-05-2006, 10:58
What is the look you are after? Do you want it to be 3 dimensional or flat blueprint like?
Perhaps an image editor other than paint might be useful, such as paint shop pro or a free download.
Monkey Fights
01-05-2006, 17:32
I was looking for 3D, one where I can show buildings and what not. I just don't know how easy it would be to put online
For 2-D AutoRealm is pretty good. I made my country map with that. I have no idea about 3d though.
01-05-2006, 17:42
I am thinking if you use sims, or sims2 NOT simcity you can build up a "city" and you can take snapshots, YOu should be able to upload the snapshots from their file onto a more convient file, then go thorough something like photoshop and then you can put them on a site or somethign :) I think....I haven't tried it but it seems logical :)