Imperial Domains Looking for new home
Imperial Domains
13-04-2006, 12:47
The Greater Commonwealth is looking for a new home after all other nations in its local region seem to have wandered off or degenerated into anarchist states.
Invitations from regions would be welcome. Provide a brief statement to why The Greater Commonwealth should graciously humble themselves to move into your region.
Either post a reply in this thread or telegram me directly.
Exodus Promoters
13-04-2006, 16:05
Join The Exodus!
We are a diverse and open minded region. We are a lot of fun, intellectual debates on our offsite forum. We are currently rebuilding, so there are many opportunities to get involved and have a say in the region. =) We also have a budding RP gropup on the forum, which is very exiciting.
13-04-2006, 16:19
I suggest checking out one of the best-kept secrets in the NationStates world: the vast moneymaking opportunities to be had in settling your nation in a hostile, imposing Antarctic wasteland! We have transformed what was once a frozen hell on Earth into the Antarctic Oasis (, a commercial paradise of bustling glacial seaports, breathtaking ice metropolises and endless mining enterprises to harvest the land of its plentiful gold, oil and uranium reserves. The indigenous penguins make excellent pets (and/or butlers), and the more vicious ones can be trained in the arts of war. Foul-mouthed dolphins are often seen frolicking off our coasts, and mutant gorilla roam the less-populated areas of the region. And who can forget the "servicewomen" that abound to satisfy all of your "adult" needs? Our natural isolation from the international community (as well as the tyrannical United Nations) also allows us to produce all the unconventional arms we please and sell them to whomever we like, making our region the perfect refuge for aspiring rogue dictatorships to build up their power and exercise their maniacal fury in secret.
Northern Sushi
13-04-2006, 16:28
Join Liberalia. One of the largest regions in the game we cater to all types of nations. We have world RP, city RP, and an excellent government.