Why are llamas a cooler national animal than squirrels?
21-03-2006, 22:17
Why are llamas a cooler national animal than squirrels?
21-03-2006, 22:33
Squirrels hide in trees all day and eat nuts, Llamas spit at people and there are funny songs (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php)about them.
A llama could totally take a squirrel in a fight.
West Corinthia
22-03-2006, 21:12
A llama could eat a squirrel. Also, a llama's brain is bigger than an entire squirrel and therefore they will develop nuclear weapons first.
Orthae Velve
22-03-2006, 22:06
I must speak in defense of the squirrel: There are no llamas in Magic: the Gathering, let alone infinite combo decks built around them.
22-03-2006, 22:15
A tortoise is cooler than a llama or a squirrel. It is not nuts like a squirrel or a spitter like a llama. It can live to be over a 140 years old and stays cool in the ocean.
23-03-2006, 03:10
Squirrels are the bestest!...est!:cool: and plus they're sometimes fat and cute! PLUS if you combine them with rabbits you get SQUABBITS!!:D YAAAY!!
Maniacal Bunnies
23-03-2006, 03:16
YAYYYYYY SQUABBITS:D :D :D :sniper: :sniper:
23-03-2006, 22:09
A tortoise is cooler than a llama or a squirrel. It is not nuts like a squirrel or a spitter like a llama. It can live to be over a 140 years old and stays cool in the ocean.
That's a turtle, not a tortoise. *sigh*
Nova Bazalonia
24-03-2006, 13:51
A Llamarel (Half-llama, half-squirrel) RULES ALL