25-02-2006, 23:35
Hello! I completed a constitution for Pythogria, and I'd like to show it.
Pythogrian Constitution
May this document hereby establish the rule of the Empire of Pythogria under the supreme rule of the Supreme General, Superior General, Platinum Council, and CASI, shall hereby be put into effect on June 20, 2006. This document may not be edited, revised, or in any other way changed, except by a 90% vote in favor of editing.
Article 1a: Branches of Government: The Supreme General
The Supreme General is in complete control of the Empire of Pythogria, as well as its surrounding waters. He has complete power, unless he is overridden by a 50% vote by the People. Only under these circumstances may he be evicted:
A. He is disliked by the People, and gets a 50% or more vote to leave.
B. He is unfit for the job due to any condition. In this case, until he can return or a new Supreme General is appointed, the Superior General becomes Sub-Supreme General, with the same powers.
C. He becomes too old to fulfill the job. In this case, that is 90 years old.
To become Supreme General, candidates run for office and a democratic vote ensues. The candidate with the most votes becomes Supreme General. Anyone 30 years or older may become Supreme General, but must have not committed any criminal offenses, and must have been a Pythogrian citizen for 5 years or more. He/she may be of any nationality, or race.
Before each decision, the Supreme General must consult CASI.
Article 1b: Branches of Government: Superior General
The Superior General shall have the same powers and restrictions as the Supreme General with these exceptions:
A. He/she may be overridden at any time by a 50% vote by the People, as well as by the Supreme General him/herself.
B. He/she can not access the nation’s superweapons, or anything else top secret.
C. He/she may not remove members from the Platinum Council.
Article 1c: Branches of Government: The Platinum Council
The Platinum Council is a group of individuals, which shall have rule of the nation in a specific area, such as the Pythogrian Military Forces. They shall be put in to office by a democratic vote, the candidate with the most votes going to office. The Supreme General adds and evicts members from the council, and gives them powers over a certain area of government. For example, the Energy General controls the production and usage of energy. All Platinum Council Members can be overridden by the Superior and Supreme Generals, and may be evicted by the Supreme General.
Article 1d: Branches of Government: CASI
The only advisor to the Supreme General shall be a completely unbiased and unopinionated A.I., known as CASI-- (Computerized Advisory with Sentient Intelligence.) CASI does not have opinions; it merely advises what would fix the current problems in Pythogria. If the economy is the problem, CASI will do things good for the economy. Example: If crime is at a high, and better police are proposed by a citizen, CASI may sacrifice some of the nation’s money for better police. If it’s proposed while the economy is bad, with no crime problems, it will probably reject the proposal. CASI also provides tactical advisory for the PMF (Pythogrian Military Forces).
Article 2a: Judicial Branch: Fair Trial
In any case where there is reasonable doubt, a suspect of any crime shall be given a fair trial. A fair trial is when:
A. An unbiased judge hears the story of both sides, in a civil case two parties, but in a criminal case the suspect and the Empire of Pythogria;
B. In civil and criminal cases, the judge then decides the verdict.
C. Said verdict follows the Laws and Constitution of Pythogria.
Article 2b: Judicial Branch: Crimes Without a Trial
In circumstances where a suspect is most definitely the perpetrator of a crime, police forces may apprehend a criminal and administer a sentence immediately. This never happens in civil cases, and it only happens in criminal cases, when the perpetrator has been convicted of offenses eligible for the Death Penalty. If evidence is found that the crime’s commitment is imminent, police may apprehend, or, if needed, fire upon the perpetrator.
Article 2c: Judicial Branch: List of All Permanent Offenses:
This is a list of all permanent criminal offenses in Pythogria. All possible sentences are below each crime. These may not be repealed, except by revision or editing of the Constitution.
1. Robbery
Imprisonment from 1 year to 5 years for a non-valuable item, 10 years to 50 years if a valuable item is stolen, 60 to Life if armed.
2. Murder
Life in prison for 1 person killed. 2 or more, or a horrendous murder, as defined by the judge, nets the death penalty.
3. Rape
Anyone convicted of rape gets an immediate sentence of life in prison, and multiple offenses nets the death penalty.
4. Substance Abuse
Anyone found using, selling, giving, or otherwise doing anything with illegal substances except reporting them to police forces may get up to 50 years in prison, and life if they do it again. “Illegal Substances” is defined in article 3.
5. Withholding of Information
If a citizen withholds information from government authorities, they may be sentenced to be in prison from 10 to 80 years, depending on the importance of the information.
6. Treason (or High Treason)
Anyone convicted of treason, which shall be defined as, “Any rebellious or unpatriotic act against Pythogria”, a citizen can expect a sentence of 80 years to life, depending on the seriousness. An example includes revealing information to a foreign power.
7. Unpatriotic Activities
Anyone found disgracing or defacing the flag shall pay a fine of 2000 e-Credits, and possibly go to prison for up to a year.
Article 3: List of Illegal Substances
These substances are illegal, and usage of them may net the perpetrator a sentence as described in Article 2c.
Tobacco (unless used in religious ceremonies, must have permission of mayor)
Heroin (may be used in hospitals as painkiller only)
Morphine (may be used in hospitals, but only as a painkiller)
Article 4a: Restrictions on Religion:
Any Pythogrian citizen may believe whatever they wish to, and build shrines, temples, or churches dedicated to this belief, with the exception of:
A. Any religion that involves animal or human sacrifice;
B. Any extremist views. “Extremist views” is defined as, “Views which involve ritual suicide, killing or destruction of other people or people’s possessions, as well as those of the government or nation, the carrying of illegal objects or weapons, or anything defying human rights.”
Religion will not come into play in government, education, diplomacy, military or war, or the court system. CASI also does not consider religion as a factor. The only place it will be taught is in a private home, or churches, shrines, or temples dedicated to said belief. Pythogria encourages freedom of beliefs. Religion is not an acceptable reason for the commitment of a crime.
Article 5: Pythogrian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
The following rights are imposed on any citizen in Pythogria:
A. The right to own property or possessions, except those declared illegal;
B. The freedom of speech, with exceptions explained in Article 23;
C. The right to live in peace and privacy;
D. The right to a full and free education;
E. The right of protection, be it police or military;
F. The right to all necessities;
G. The right to believe in whatever they wish to, be it a religion or idea;
H. To be protected by the entirety of the law;
I. To have equal rights regardless of beliefs, race, color, social standing, or any other conditions;
J. To obey all Pythogrian law.
Article 6a: Police Forces: Purpose
The police forces of Pythogria are there to:
A. Keep the peace in all cities and other settlements;
B. Enforce Pythogrian law;
C. To apprehend those who break the law;
D. And to present them to a court of law, unless their perpetration of the crime is proven, in which case they may be immediately punished.
A police officer, as well, shall be paid a reasonable amount defined by the Supreme General.
Article 6b: Police: Equipment
Equipment of any police personnel shall completely outclass any equipment a civilian has access to. All police transport must be through the air.
Article 7: Arrest
Any citizen shall be arrested if they break any sort of law imposed by the Supreme General or Constitution. If arrested, a citizen is to be:
A. Told immediately of the reason;
B. Be innocent until proven guilty, which includes evidence taken before arrest;
C. Not be treated unfairly;
D. To be given access to a legal defense, unless already proven guilty.
Article 8a: Fuels and Energy Sources: Banned Fuels and Energy Sources
The following substances and procedures are banned from Pythogria as fuel, and therefore cannot be used.
Natural Gas
Nuclear Fission
Article 8b: Fuels and Energy Sources: Approved Fuels and Energy Sources
The following are approved for usage in Pythogria as fuel.
Solar Power
Satellite Solar Power
Nuclear Fusion
Geothermal Power
Lightning Recovery
Article 8c: Neither Banned nor Approved Fuels and Energy Sources Policy
If a fuel is neither approved nor banned, a citizen may submit it to the Platinum Council for approval. You may not use it until it is approved, and of course can’t use it if it’s banned. Additional fuels may be put into effect by laws, but cannot produce emissions, or any other form of pollution.
Article 9: Banned Occupations
These occupations will not be available to a citizen inside Pythogrian borders. No citizen may work as these. The punishment for working in these occupations is 10 years in prison.
Drug Supplier
Article 10: Banned Recourses
The following materials are not for civilian usage. Punishment is 20 years in prison. Additional substances may be outlawed by laws.
Article 11: Immigrant Policy
Anyone may move into or immigrate to Pythogria, but all persons must submit to having themselves put into the National Citizen Database, be given a background check, must not have a criminal record, and must not have perpetrated any serious criminal offenses in other nations as well. Any race, color, or class may immigrate. No illegal objects will be permitted in. If illegal objects are found, or a criminal record is found, the person will be deported to wherever they came from.
Article 12: Emigrant Policy
If leaving Pythogria, you may leave as long as you do not have a criminal record, and do not have illegal objects. Illegal objects will be confiscated, and the owners tried in a court of law.
Article 13: Riot Act
Any citizen may protest, but only peacefully. (Example: Holding up signs and chanting, “Bigger police pay! Bigger police pay!” is allowed, if you do not impede traffic or attempt to cause any problems. You may not hold any traffic of any sort up, and must clean up any mess caused.)
An armed, violent, or non-peaceful protest will be broken up by police, and if protesters are armed, police may use lethal or deadly force. All property damage will be paid for by protesters.
Article 14: Scientific Freedom
Any scientific experimentation or research is allowed upon humans or mice, given it is not illegal, and the government knows about it. These rules are imposed upon any research or experimentation:
A. It is not “Government Only” research. “Government Only” research is defined in Article 15.
B. It does not disobey any human rights, or Pythogrian laws;
C. It does no harm to anyone;
D. It does not go against the human who is being experimented upon’s wishes.
Article 15: “Government Only” Research
This research and science is considered dangerous, and thus, until year 2050, any research involving these may not be carried out except by the government.
Cloning/Genetic Engineering
Nuclear Weapons*
Space Exploration/Colonization
*this will never be civilian-allowed.
Article 16: Bio-Rights
Any citizen created artificially, or that has been genetically engineered, has the same rights as a naturally born or non-genetically engineered citizen, regardless of differences. If this goes so far as for them to be a different species, this article is still enforced.
Article 17: International Aid Policy
Pythogria will provide aid to nations affected by natural or man-made disasters if possible, unless we have bad relations, or are at war with them. We will stop the war temporarily if they are in bad enough shape.
Article 18a: Economy: Currency- the e-Credit
The official currency of Pythogria is the e-Credit, a fully electronic currency. This cannot be changed, unless editing of this document is done.
Article 18b: Economy: Taxes
The only tax that shall ever be imposed on the citizens of Pythogria shall be a small tax of 500 e-Credits each year. This may change if the economy does. No income taxes shall be imposed.
Article 18c: Economy: Businesses
Any citizen may sell items, provide services, and start businesses. No taxes are imposed. What they pay is what you get. As well, any corporation may enter Pythogria and start to sell and profit, unless whatever it sells is against Pythogrian law. Corporations may be shut down by the Economy General, Superior General, and Supreme General.
Article 19: Government Services
Certain services in Pythogria are provided at no cost by the government. These are:
Public Sanitation
*these may only be government-provided.
**these can be privately provided, but public versions are free.
Article 20a: National Symbols: The National Anthem-Song of Two Islands
The Pythogrian National Anthem is The Song of Two Islands, by the Green Earth Association, an environmental organization, who awarded it to us for our amazing environmental cleanliness. Any citizen may download it at It is 41 seconds long, with a file size of 647KB, in mp3 format.
Article 20b: National Symbols: The Flag
The official Flag of the Empire of Pythogria is the Eco Crown symbol. This may not be changed except by editing of the Constitution. No citizen may vandalize or otherwise disgrace the flag, as explained in Article 2c.
Article 21: Gambling Policies
Gambling, defined as, “the risk of any object or currency in a game of uncertainty with the intent to acquire something of higher value, with the possibility of losing the offered item or currency entirely to another entity or person” is prohibited entirely. Any gambling institutions found by police will be shut down and its leaders and employees will be jailed for up to 6 years, with a fine of 30,000 e-Credits.
Article 22: Gaming Policy
The PBV/CGMC/R, or Pythogrian Board of Video/ Computer Game and Movie Censorship and Rating, organizes ratings on games on this scale:
Anyone and Everyone (AE): These titles contain little to no objectionable content. At most, contains a little violence. May be played by everyone.
Slightly Objectionable: (SO): These titles may contain some objectionable content, such as tiny amounts of blood or a substantial amount of violence, or a swear word or two. May be played by any citizen over the age of 10.
Objectionable (O): These titles may contain mature themes, lots of swearing, large amounts of violence, huge amounts of blood, or illegal acts. May be played by any citizen over 16 years of age.
Warning (W): These titles have crossed the line. Sexual themes, huge amounts of blood, highly illegal acts, racism, and other terrible things exist here. May not be played unless the citizen is over 21 years of age.
The PBV/CGMC/R may declare games contraband if they receive a 50% democratic vote, or by order of the Entertainment General or his superiors.
Article 23: Weapons Policy
Any device that is clearly a weapon may be owned by a citizen of Pythogria however must be filled with cement that prevents usage. Citizens may own a usable P-45 handgun for self-defense, however. These weapons are completely outclassed by police and military weaponry. The P-45 handgun may be replaced if a better, but still below police and military, version is introduced.
Article 24: Land Ownership
Any citizen may own land, but it must be inspected yearly by Government officials. All housing must be in L.U.’s however.
Article 25a: Healthcare: Definition and Overview
Healthcare shall be defined as, “Substances, procedures or treatments given to a person to help the body to get rid of, or to entirely get rid of, an illness or non-beneficial condition.”
Healthcare shall be provided only at public hospitals, all of which are strictly regulated and supervised by the government.
Article 25b: Healthcare: Medicinal Laws
All hospitals must use the most advanced and painless treatments available with no exceptions whatsoever. Chemotherapy is banned. No vaccines, medicines, or other treatments of any kind, type, shape or form may contain anything harmful, and must not cause any side effects. Herbal remedies are counted as medicine.
Article 25c: Healthcare: Medical Personnel
All medical personnel must go through the required education to acquire jobs at any medical facility. This education must come from a government-certified university. The personnel must have reviews every 8 months.
Article 25d: Healthcare: Hospital Conditions
All hospitals must be clean, healthy, mold-free, non-toxic, non-radioactive, secure, and structurally sound. These will be checked by government-approved personnel.
Article 26: Negative Ion Transmitters
Every community must have a negative ion transmitter installed in the very center of itself. These must be activated for 24 hours each day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Negative ions have been proven to increase general health.
Article 27: Pythogrian Military Forces (PMF)
The military of the Empire of Pythogria shall consist of six branches:
-Army (land/underground*)
-Navy (sea/underwater)
-Air Force (air)
-Black Ops (secret/special)
-Space Forces (space)
*This includes extraterrestrial bodies; or planets, asteroids, or any other land outside of Earth.
In times of peace, all military branches (other than Black Ops) shall act as supplement for police. Black Ops will always continue normal operation.
Article 28: Black Ops
Black Ops is the Pythogrian government organization that handles secret projects or missions. These include spying, infiltration, assassination, intelligence gathering, Special Forces missions, and destruction of enemy installations. Black Ops may not perform any mission without government order; or, in the single case of spying on Pythogrian citizens, court order may also be accepted. Black Ops will always provide the passive function of monitoring other nations and our nation, but only for threats to our nation, or allies. This includes threats from terrorism, other nation’s spies or assassins, or any other form of agent, as well as hunting down serious criminals.
[/LONG post]
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Pythogrian Constitution
May this document hereby establish the rule of the Empire of Pythogria under the supreme rule of the Supreme General, Superior General, Platinum Council, and CASI, shall hereby be put into effect on June 20, 2006. This document may not be edited, revised, or in any other way changed, except by a 90% vote in favor of editing.
Article 1a: Branches of Government: The Supreme General
The Supreme General is in complete control of the Empire of Pythogria, as well as its surrounding waters. He has complete power, unless he is overridden by a 50% vote by the People. Only under these circumstances may he be evicted:
A. He is disliked by the People, and gets a 50% or more vote to leave.
B. He is unfit for the job due to any condition. In this case, until he can return or a new Supreme General is appointed, the Superior General becomes Sub-Supreme General, with the same powers.
C. He becomes too old to fulfill the job. In this case, that is 90 years old.
To become Supreme General, candidates run for office and a democratic vote ensues. The candidate with the most votes becomes Supreme General. Anyone 30 years or older may become Supreme General, but must have not committed any criminal offenses, and must have been a Pythogrian citizen for 5 years or more. He/she may be of any nationality, or race.
Before each decision, the Supreme General must consult CASI.
Article 1b: Branches of Government: Superior General
The Superior General shall have the same powers and restrictions as the Supreme General with these exceptions:
A. He/she may be overridden at any time by a 50% vote by the People, as well as by the Supreme General him/herself.
B. He/she can not access the nation’s superweapons, or anything else top secret.
C. He/she may not remove members from the Platinum Council.
Article 1c: Branches of Government: The Platinum Council
The Platinum Council is a group of individuals, which shall have rule of the nation in a specific area, such as the Pythogrian Military Forces. They shall be put in to office by a democratic vote, the candidate with the most votes going to office. The Supreme General adds and evicts members from the council, and gives them powers over a certain area of government. For example, the Energy General controls the production and usage of energy. All Platinum Council Members can be overridden by the Superior and Supreme Generals, and may be evicted by the Supreme General.
Article 1d: Branches of Government: CASI
The only advisor to the Supreme General shall be a completely unbiased and unopinionated A.I., known as CASI-- (Computerized Advisory with Sentient Intelligence.) CASI does not have opinions; it merely advises what would fix the current problems in Pythogria. If the economy is the problem, CASI will do things good for the economy. Example: If crime is at a high, and better police are proposed by a citizen, CASI may sacrifice some of the nation’s money for better police. If it’s proposed while the economy is bad, with no crime problems, it will probably reject the proposal. CASI also provides tactical advisory for the PMF (Pythogrian Military Forces).
Article 2a: Judicial Branch: Fair Trial
In any case where there is reasonable doubt, a suspect of any crime shall be given a fair trial. A fair trial is when:
A. An unbiased judge hears the story of both sides, in a civil case two parties, but in a criminal case the suspect and the Empire of Pythogria;
B. In civil and criminal cases, the judge then decides the verdict.
C. Said verdict follows the Laws and Constitution of Pythogria.
Article 2b: Judicial Branch: Crimes Without a Trial
In circumstances where a suspect is most definitely the perpetrator of a crime, police forces may apprehend a criminal and administer a sentence immediately. This never happens in civil cases, and it only happens in criminal cases, when the perpetrator has been convicted of offenses eligible for the Death Penalty. If evidence is found that the crime’s commitment is imminent, police may apprehend, or, if needed, fire upon the perpetrator.
Article 2c: Judicial Branch: List of All Permanent Offenses:
This is a list of all permanent criminal offenses in Pythogria. All possible sentences are below each crime. These may not be repealed, except by revision or editing of the Constitution.
1. Robbery
Imprisonment from 1 year to 5 years for a non-valuable item, 10 years to 50 years if a valuable item is stolen, 60 to Life if armed.
2. Murder
Life in prison for 1 person killed. 2 or more, or a horrendous murder, as defined by the judge, nets the death penalty.
3. Rape
Anyone convicted of rape gets an immediate sentence of life in prison, and multiple offenses nets the death penalty.
4. Substance Abuse
Anyone found using, selling, giving, or otherwise doing anything with illegal substances except reporting them to police forces may get up to 50 years in prison, and life if they do it again. “Illegal Substances” is defined in article 3.
5. Withholding of Information
If a citizen withholds information from government authorities, they may be sentenced to be in prison from 10 to 80 years, depending on the importance of the information.
6. Treason (or High Treason)
Anyone convicted of treason, which shall be defined as, “Any rebellious or unpatriotic act against Pythogria”, a citizen can expect a sentence of 80 years to life, depending on the seriousness. An example includes revealing information to a foreign power.
7. Unpatriotic Activities
Anyone found disgracing or defacing the flag shall pay a fine of 2000 e-Credits, and possibly go to prison for up to a year.
Article 3: List of Illegal Substances
These substances are illegal, and usage of them may net the perpetrator a sentence as described in Article 2c.
Tobacco (unless used in religious ceremonies, must have permission of mayor)
Heroin (may be used in hospitals as painkiller only)
Morphine (may be used in hospitals, but only as a painkiller)
Article 4a: Restrictions on Religion:
Any Pythogrian citizen may believe whatever they wish to, and build shrines, temples, or churches dedicated to this belief, with the exception of:
A. Any religion that involves animal or human sacrifice;
B. Any extremist views. “Extremist views” is defined as, “Views which involve ritual suicide, killing or destruction of other people or people’s possessions, as well as those of the government or nation, the carrying of illegal objects or weapons, or anything defying human rights.”
Religion will not come into play in government, education, diplomacy, military or war, or the court system. CASI also does not consider religion as a factor. The only place it will be taught is in a private home, or churches, shrines, or temples dedicated to said belief. Pythogria encourages freedom of beliefs. Religion is not an acceptable reason for the commitment of a crime.
Article 5: Pythogrian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
The following rights are imposed on any citizen in Pythogria:
A. The right to own property or possessions, except those declared illegal;
B. The freedom of speech, with exceptions explained in Article 23;
C. The right to live in peace and privacy;
D. The right to a full and free education;
E. The right of protection, be it police or military;
F. The right to all necessities;
G. The right to believe in whatever they wish to, be it a religion or idea;
H. To be protected by the entirety of the law;
I. To have equal rights regardless of beliefs, race, color, social standing, or any other conditions;
J. To obey all Pythogrian law.
Article 6a: Police Forces: Purpose
The police forces of Pythogria are there to:
A. Keep the peace in all cities and other settlements;
B. Enforce Pythogrian law;
C. To apprehend those who break the law;
D. And to present them to a court of law, unless their perpetration of the crime is proven, in which case they may be immediately punished.
A police officer, as well, shall be paid a reasonable amount defined by the Supreme General.
Article 6b: Police: Equipment
Equipment of any police personnel shall completely outclass any equipment a civilian has access to. All police transport must be through the air.
Article 7: Arrest
Any citizen shall be arrested if they break any sort of law imposed by the Supreme General or Constitution. If arrested, a citizen is to be:
A. Told immediately of the reason;
B. Be innocent until proven guilty, which includes evidence taken before arrest;
C. Not be treated unfairly;
D. To be given access to a legal defense, unless already proven guilty.
Article 8a: Fuels and Energy Sources: Banned Fuels and Energy Sources
The following substances and procedures are banned from Pythogria as fuel, and therefore cannot be used.
Natural Gas
Nuclear Fission
Article 8b: Fuels and Energy Sources: Approved Fuels and Energy Sources
The following are approved for usage in Pythogria as fuel.
Solar Power
Satellite Solar Power
Nuclear Fusion
Geothermal Power
Lightning Recovery
Article 8c: Neither Banned nor Approved Fuels and Energy Sources Policy
If a fuel is neither approved nor banned, a citizen may submit it to the Platinum Council for approval. You may not use it until it is approved, and of course can’t use it if it’s banned. Additional fuels may be put into effect by laws, but cannot produce emissions, or any other form of pollution.
Article 9: Banned Occupations
These occupations will not be available to a citizen inside Pythogrian borders. No citizen may work as these. The punishment for working in these occupations is 10 years in prison.
Drug Supplier
Article 10: Banned Recourses
The following materials are not for civilian usage. Punishment is 20 years in prison. Additional substances may be outlawed by laws.
Article 11: Immigrant Policy
Anyone may move into or immigrate to Pythogria, but all persons must submit to having themselves put into the National Citizen Database, be given a background check, must not have a criminal record, and must not have perpetrated any serious criminal offenses in other nations as well. Any race, color, or class may immigrate. No illegal objects will be permitted in. If illegal objects are found, or a criminal record is found, the person will be deported to wherever they came from.
Article 12: Emigrant Policy
If leaving Pythogria, you may leave as long as you do not have a criminal record, and do not have illegal objects. Illegal objects will be confiscated, and the owners tried in a court of law.
Article 13: Riot Act
Any citizen may protest, but only peacefully. (Example: Holding up signs and chanting, “Bigger police pay! Bigger police pay!” is allowed, if you do not impede traffic or attempt to cause any problems. You may not hold any traffic of any sort up, and must clean up any mess caused.)
An armed, violent, or non-peaceful protest will be broken up by police, and if protesters are armed, police may use lethal or deadly force. All property damage will be paid for by protesters.
Article 14: Scientific Freedom
Any scientific experimentation or research is allowed upon humans or mice, given it is not illegal, and the government knows about it. These rules are imposed upon any research or experimentation:
A. It is not “Government Only” research. “Government Only” research is defined in Article 15.
B. It does not disobey any human rights, or Pythogrian laws;
C. It does no harm to anyone;
D. It does not go against the human who is being experimented upon’s wishes.
Article 15: “Government Only” Research
This research and science is considered dangerous, and thus, until year 2050, any research involving these may not be carried out except by the government.
Cloning/Genetic Engineering
Nuclear Weapons*
Space Exploration/Colonization
*this will never be civilian-allowed.
Article 16: Bio-Rights
Any citizen created artificially, or that has been genetically engineered, has the same rights as a naturally born or non-genetically engineered citizen, regardless of differences. If this goes so far as for them to be a different species, this article is still enforced.
Article 17: International Aid Policy
Pythogria will provide aid to nations affected by natural or man-made disasters if possible, unless we have bad relations, or are at war with them. We will stop the war temporarily if they are in bad enough shape.
Article 18a: Economy: Currency- the e-Credit
The official currency of Pythogria is the e-Credit, a fully electronic currency. This cannot be changed, unless editing of this document is done.
Article 18b: Economy: Taxes
The only tax that shall ever be imposed on the citizens of Pythogria shall be a small tax of 500 e-Credits each year. This may change if the economy does. No income taxes shall be imposed.
Article 18c: Economy: Businesses
Any citizen may sell items, provide services, and start businesses. No taxes are imposed. What they pay is what you get. As well, any corporation may enter Pythogria and start to sell and profit, unless whatever it sells is against Pythogrian law. Corporations may be shut down by the Economy General, Superior General, and Supreme General.
Article 19: Government Services
Certain services in Pythogria are provided at no cost by the government. These are:
Public Sanitation
*these may only be government-provided.
**these can be privately provided, but public versions are free.
Article 20a: National Symbols: The National Anthem-Song of Two Islands
The Pythogrian National Anthem is The Song of Two Islands, by the Green Earth Association, an environmental organization, who awarded it to us for our amazing environmental cleanliness. Any citizen may download it at It is 41 seconds long, with a file size of 647KB, in mp3 format.
Article 20b: National Symbols: The Flag
The official Flag of the Empire of Pythogria is the Eco Crown symbol. This may not be changed except by editing of the Constitution. No citizen may vandalize or otherwise disgrace the flag, as explained in Article 2c.
Article 21: Gambling Policies
Gambling, defined as, “the risk of any object or currency in a game of uncertainty with the intent to acquire something of higher value, with the possibility of losing the offered item or currency entirely to another entity or person” is prohibited entirely. Any gambling institutions found by police will be shut down and its leaders and employees will be jailed for up to 6 years, with a fine of 30,000 e-Credits.
Article 22: Gaming Policy
The PBV/CGMC/R, or Pythogrian Board of Video/ Computer Game and Movie Censorship and Rating, organizes ratings on games on this scale:
Anyone and Everyone (AE): These titles contain little to no objectionable content. At most, contains a little violence. May be played by everyone.
Slightly Objectionable: (SO): These titles may contain some objectionable content, such as tiny amounts of blood or a substantial amount of violence, or a swear word or two. May be played by any citizen over the age of 10.
Objectionable (O): These titles may contain mature themes, lots of swearing, large amounts of violence, huge amounts of blood, or illegal acts. May be played by any citizen over 16 years of age.
Warning (W): These titles have crossed the line. Sexual themes, huge amounts of blood, highly illegal acts, racism, and other terrible things exist here. May not be played unless the citizen is over 21 years of age.
The PBV/CGMC/R may declare games contraband if they receive a 50% democratic vote, or by order of the Entertainment General or his superiors.
Article 23: Weapons Policy
Any device that is clearly a weapon may be owned by a citizen of Pythogria however must be filled with cement that prevents usage. Citizens may own a usable P-45 handgun for self-defense, however. These weapons are completely outclassed by police and military weaponry. The P-45 handgun may be replaced if a better, but still below police and military, version is introduced.
Article 24: Land Ownership
Any citizen may own land, but it must be inspected yearly by Government officials. All housing must be in L.U.’s however.
Article 25a: Healthcare: Definition and Overview
Healthcare shall be defined as, “Substances, procedures or treatments given to a person to help the body to get rid of, or to entirely get rid of, an illness or non-beneficial condition.”
Healthcare shall be provided only at public hospitals, all of which are strictly regulated and supervised by the government.
Article 25b: Healthcare: Medicinal Laws
All hospitals must use the most advanced and painless treatments available with no exceptions whatsoever. Chemotherapy is banned. No vaccines, medicines, or other treatments of any kind, type, shape or form may contain anything harmful, and must not cause any side effects. Herbal remedies are counted as medicine.
Article 25c: Healthcare: Medical Personnel
All medical personnel must go through the required education to acquire jobs at any medical facility. This education must come from a government-certified university. The personnel must have reviews every 8 months.
Article 25d: Healthcare: Hospital Conditions
All hospitals must be clean, healthy, mold-free, non-toxic, non-radioactive, secure, and structurally sound. These will be checked by government-approved personnel.
Article 26: Negative Ion Transmitters
Every community must have a negative ion transmitter installed in the very center of itself. These must be activated for 24 hours each day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Negative ions have been proven to increase general health.
Article 27: Pythogrian Military Forces (PMF)
The military of the Empire of Pythogria shall consist of six branches:
-Army (land/underground*)
-Navy (sea/underwater)
-Air Force (air)
-Black Ops (secret/special)
-Space Forces (space)
*This includes extraterrestrial bodies; or planets, asteroids, or any other land outside of Earth.
In times of peace, all military branches (other than Black Ops) shall act as supplement for police. Black Ops will always continue normal operation.
Article 28: Black Ops
Black Ops is the Pythogrian government organization that handles secret projects or missions. These include spying, infiltration, assassination, intelligence gathering, Special Forces missions, and destruction of enemy installations. Black Ops may not perform any mission without government order; or, in the single case of spying on Pythogrian citizens, court order may also be accepted. Black Ops will always provide the passive function of monitoring other nations and our nation, but only for threats to our nation, or allies. This includes threats from terrorism, other nation’s spies or assassins, or any other form of agent, as well as hunting down serious criminals.
[/LONG post]
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