RP forum
The Horned Rat
11-01-2006, 05:13
Hey, I was told to advertise this "Alternative RPing site", it seems to be small and I'm lonley there, so the administrator told me to advertise. I assume this is the right place, but it probably isn't...
Hope to see ya there!
11-01-2006, 05:31
Um.... it this a region at all? Are you part of NationStates and if so what is your region's name... that would help if you wanted to attract new players. ;)
The Horned Rat
12-01-2006, 01:07
I'm part of the Power region, this site is a random RPing site...I think. But please! Don't forsake me! It's cold and only two people post once in a too long while!
12-01-2006, 03:41
Sounds like you guys dont have much of a structured system there... I would like to ask both of your members to join "The Honor Guard" region. We are small enough that you can get involved and be noticed, but we have a large and ACTIVE RP community. We know how hard it is to recruit, and I would love for both of your members to move to our region and become part of our RPers.
The Horned Rat
13-01-2006, 22:25
Hold on, this site is ENTIRELY seperate, I just got the grunt work of advertising it...
where is this site? i would love to add it to my bookmarks, visit, possibly even rollplay there. i don't see any links or url's or how to get there. i'm very interested in rp'ing the kind of world i would prefer to live in, one with alternative energy and transportation infrastructure that is NOT about making war or the kind of armed robbery rp gaming seems to be usualy about.
i'm also into people having long furry tails and pointy ears which your name seems to imply the possibility of as well.
if either n.s. or jolt, isn't allowing even naming any such places i'd be real curious as to why.
14-01-2006, 09:36
Hold on, this site is ENTIRELY seperate, I just got the grunt work of advertising it...
Isnt this than... illegal here then?
are you roll playing the promoting of a site that doesn't exist? is this some equivelant of pointing at the sky and waiting to see how many people look up?