NationStates Jolt Archive

Region Hunting

Upper Teutonia
10-01-2006, 18:08
Greetings all,

I'm playing as a new nation, but I do play with several much larger nations. I'm looking to move to a region where I can get involved in RP. My preferences are:

1) 50+ member nations
2) An active RP section
3) Forums (Preferably invision)

These are my requirements, does anyone know a region which fits these criteria?

11-01-2006, 06:11
Well, heres the deal, we have a very active RP section (heres the link to it: We are very young and we dont have more than 50+ nations because we ONLY ALLOW ACTIVE NATIONS TO REMAIN in our region. As young as we are, we have a handful of very active nations that would warmly welcome another RPer to our grand region. If you cannot find another region to your liking, than I would strongly urge you to consider The Honor Guard as we have the promise that you seem to be looking for. Thank you and good luck in your hunt.
[NS]The Avenging Angels3
11-01-2006, 06:45
Join The Exodus we are a well established and active region. :D

Our forum is located here:

We have some decent RP stuff, but always ened active folks like yourself to kick it up a few notches. :D

So, join The Exodus.
[NS]The Avenging Angels3
11-01-2006, 06:58
Join The Exodus we are a well established and active region. :D

Our forum is located here:

We have some decent RP stuff, but always ened active folks like yourself to kick it up a few notches. :D

So, join The Exodus.