NationStates Jolt Archive

what kind of government do you have?

06-01-2006, 05:42
basically, what kind of government does your nation have?
communist, democratic republic, fascist, monarchist, despotic, anarchy or democracy?
06-01-2006, 10:08
All my nations are monarchies.
06-01-2006, 12:42
A Plutocracy (economic oligarchy) ... but that's not a choice in the poll. :(
Emperor Matthuis
06-01-2006, 13:01
Monarchy: although you can tell by the name.
06-01-2006, 13:25
We're an anarchy.
25-01-2006, 00:09
The Great nation of Tygarjstan is a democracy. In the last election, the President and Protector of the Republic, Veshto Brovrovij Zhudakinaj, was elected with one-hundred per cent of the vote. Mister Zhudakinaj is so beloved by the citizens of his nation that noone was willing to run against him. May the rule of this wise and noble leader be long and prosperous.
Borjek Dmarivij Smevdarvon, Minister of Information Propagation
The Helghan Empire
25-01-2006, 02:26
The Marxist State
25-01-2006, 13:36
If you don't know what my kind of goverment is, I will shoot you.
25-01-2006, 14:14
We have a Neo-Athenian Democracy. It's basically Athenian democracy, adapted and expanded to fit in the modern world. I haven't yet fully extrapolated it, but it's something I really believe in.
Enis Pay
25-01-2006, 17:07
iron-fist socialism.
25-01-2006, 17:14
None of the above; Litherai is currently a nation of Democratic Socialists, although it's on the verge of going back to the good old Scandinavian Liberal Paradise.
United Brazil
25-01-2006, 19:02
None of the above. We of the Dominion of United Brail follow our leaders with absolute loyalty. We need not concern ourselves with questioning their abilities of leadership or involving ourselves outside of our assigned duties.

Ambassador from United Brazil
Itinerate Tree Dweller
25-01-2006, 19:12
Autocratic Monarchy
25-01-2006, 19:25
Kokovia is a pornocracy. Our rates are very reasonable.
25-01-2006, 23:14
Not listed-- . Direct Democratic Commonality
25-01-2006, 23:38
Socialist Republic.... Not on the list... and it's a Mixture of Communist and Republic.
Allied Anime Worlds
26-01-2006, 09:42
FAAW is a Federal Democracy.
Spiral Sun
26-01-2006, 20:50
I tried having a Despotic/Fascist Dictatorship but it didn't work out.
Oh, well.

Totrue Tufaar
President and Generalissimo of the Federated Republics of Spiral Sun;
Cofounder, High General, and Commander-in-Chief of the Pan Galactic Confederation
27-01-2006, 06:27
ecotopian socio-anarchist service state annonymous.

that means we're only here to keep people from freezing, starving, or beating each other over the head and to facility publicly useful tangable infrastructure such as energy and transportation and otherwise stay as much as possible out of sight and out of mind.

every village and neighborhood does things according to the consensus of its own population. (some have councils of elders, some have universal plebiscite, many are totaly nonhigherarchic, some even choose to eschew all semblence of social organization). our only national intervention in this proccess is to insure the right of everyone to move and migrate freely from one to another.

there are a few customs that are nearly universal to all, but these are of grass roots origen and none of our buissness as a nation to empose on anyone.

on the national level we do have a governing council, elected yearly by a convention of all bioregonal coordinating organizations. these in turn elected by the neighborhoods and villages.

as our motto goes "anyone can form a committee" and much of the bussiness of government is carried out on an ad hoc basis.

infrastructure maintainence enthusiests also formulate their own structural organizations, which we only oversee to the extent of ensuring their environmental harmony and compatability.

so you can't really say we're entirely any one sort of thing. it's all up to what people feel like getting togather and doing, with a little friendly advise from those who know how from having done so if asked with sufficient politeness.

we also have a certain amount of low key magic and psionics, that helps keep us togather. our national animal, though minimaly sentient and small in physical size, is charicterized by making up for what it lacks in either by shere power of psionics

27-01-2006, 09:10
Maraque now has a King, which still has power, but gives most of it to an elected government.

Within Maraque there are four Provinces:

York Island

Maraque holds claim to two territories aswell;

The Principality of Darkaan
The Principality of Liberal United States

The sons of the King govern these two territories. Maraque is also in a dispute with the land of Hythoria, claiming it as their rightful birth place, but the current government refuses, saying Hythoria was founded by them the entire time and Maraque is just trying to take control of smaller, weaker nations.
27-01-2006, 09:26
The United Socialist States of Kilobugya is currently a Democratic Socialist system, on its ways towards (Democratic, of course) Communism. I selected "Communist".
Disraeliland 3
27-01-2006, 09:28
The Confederacy of Disraeliland 3 is a federal republic.

It is democratic in the sense that the people can change the government, however, that government is limited to military functions, policing, operating courts, and some infrastructure (a national highway, a national railway operated by the Federal Department of Infrastructure, and some airports which are operated by the Federal Department of Defence which are shared between the armed services, and civilian operators).

The state governments (of which there are 10) are similar, though some operate education, and healthcare services.

The Principality of the Lago Free Port is a co-principality, governed by a local prince, with the President of the Confederacy of Disraeliland as co-prince. The government is confined to policing, and courts. They pay for the stationing of Disraeliland 3's troops there. The Kingdom of Gold River Free Port is the same.

The Protectorate of Disraeliland UN was governed by Disraeliland 3, but is now self-governing. It is a republic.