Magic Sorcery
21-12-2005, 20:55
The Empire of Magic Sorcery, dedicated to Magic, is looking to expand it's Empire, and relations with other Magical Nations. We are in no wars right now, so we are nutral, and we have recently annexed The Borderlands of Lautsburgia The Armed Republic of Seanovia (OOC NOTE: BOTH NATIONS CEACED TO EXIST if they restablished than we just annexed the deserted teritorie) we have an abundent source of natural Resources, including oil now no regional moves are necisary, but if you want you can move to XANADOU. But again you don't have to.
You can TELEGRAM me or post right here.
Sincerly, Sakura N. Kinimoto-Emperess
The Zombie Alliance
22-12-2005, 03:53
The Zombie Alliance(formally known as Kabar) is ruled by a man named Lord Necromancer. He and his cronies are not really magical, but they maintian that issusion in order to stay in power. Does that count as a magical nation?
22-12-2005, 04:21
I began a thread attempting to catalogue magical nations a while ago, I've just been too disorganised to write the NS Wiki article it's intended for. You might like to check it out to see if there are any nations you could develop links with. It's here (
You might also dip into the long-running thread The White Tower ( Go to Post No 1 to find out what it was intended to do. There seem to be some changes going on (, but it'll give you an idea.