NationStates Jolt Archive

Region designed for Roleplayers of every sort!

10-12-2005, 01:28

The Honor Guard is a place where nations can come and find a community of serious roleplayers with the same fervor and resolve as some of the best roleplayers in all of NationStates. Our region's Loyalists hold our four values in each and every roleplay we conduct.

Trust in our fellow Loyalists to roleplay honestly and seriously.
Strength in each and every post we make to the best of our abilities.
Loyalty to the region and our roleplays.
Honor in finishing our roleplays with pride and integrity.

Our map is populated with many different types of nations, from theocracies to socialist states, from capitalist paradises to brutal oligarchies. We take each nation and integrate it into our community and into our world. A world that has a rich history of languages, peoples, religions and politics.

Whether you enjoy individual-based roleplays or national-based roleplays, The Honor Guard's members excel in producing some of the most in-depth and rich roleplays possible. We roleplay our nations to their most intimate realities, and the characters who inhabit them.

We have a community that encourages comfort and acceptance, often times going out of our way to help new roleplayers or improve our current roleplays. We have a chatroom and off-topic section in which our members can find out of character support.

Our Region in NationStates:

Our World Map:

Our Extensive Roleplay History:

Our Regional Forum:

If any of these aspects sounds appealing to you, then The Honor Guard is for you, and theres no better region you can choose to go to if you want serious roleplay. The Honor Guard
13-12-2005, 02:46
15-12-2005, 04:43
Roleplayers of NationStates unite!
05-01-2006, 08:16
18-01-2006, 02:17
"The Honor Guard" is a region that was created on December 1st 2005 and in little over a month it has already grown and had many regional triumphs. We have a roleplaying sector that is very active and we have liberated two regions from harsh regional oppressors. Our structure and organization is better than most regions that have existed for twice as long as we have.

Here is a statement made by one of our newest members, I think it says it all:

Norris Land

Seriously, I've been at this game for about 2 years now and this is the first time I've been in a region that I've liked and actually wanted to get involved in. Can't wait.


Norris Land is not the only one that shares this feeling. I began this region in order to have a region that focuses on good clean in-depth fun. Whether you like Invading, Individual Roleplay, National Roleplay, UN Delegate elections or simply Regional Government, The Honor Guard has it all for those nations serious enough to remain active and play by our simple rules. I hope that you like what you hear and if you have any other questions or comments feel free to TG me.

-Qlestine, President and Moderator of The Honor Guard
08-02-2006, 01:40
Do ya'll have any more information about your region/alliance?

Anything at all would be appreciated...
10-02-2006, 06:06
"The Honor Guard" is a region that was created on December 1st 2005 and in little over a month it has already grown and had many regional triumphs. We have a roleplaying sector that is very active and we have liberated two regions from harsh regional oppressors. Our structure and organization is better than most regions that have existed for twice as long as we have.

Our roleplaying section is more active than a lot of RPs here in the NS forums, and we have a very small group of dedicated players that breath life into our region daily.

Our RP section is organized the best it can be in order to maximize and streamline RPing and make it easy and fun for everyone! Heres the Roleplay section's link:

If your still not convinced, here is a statement made by one of our newest members, (now our trusted Recruiting Minister because of his fervor) I think it says it all:

Norris Land

Seriously, I've been at this game for about 2 years now and this is the first time I've been in a region that I've liked and actually wanted to get involved in. Can't wait.


Norris Land is not the only one that shares this feeling. I began this region in order to have a region that focuses on good clean in depth fun. Whether you like Invading, or Individual Roleplay, National Roleplay, UN Delegate elections or simply Regional Government, The Honor Guard has it all for those nations serious enough to remain active and play by our simple rules. I hope that you like what you hear and if you have any other questions or comments feel free to TG me.

-Qlestine, President and Moderator of The Honor Guard

Loyalty - Trust - Strength - Honor
10-02-2006, 13:16
honor is never served by vengence.

this is what the real purpose of censorship is to prevent people from realizing.

that and that no one ever needs to be led anywhere, or at least not any more then the degree to which they want how much of the infrastructure their comfort zones depend upon

and when emotions can be trusted and when they can't (the latter being far more often then the former)

10-02-2006, 20:13
Although your wisdom is I am sure well recieved, this is a thread for the purpose of recruiting members of The Honor Guard. I am sure they would appreciate it (as I would if I were recruiting for the DSB) if you kept to the subject and posted in regards to either their region or your intention to join. Riddles of wisdom help with nothing here.;)
27-02-2006, 00:32
I'd like to express my interest in your region...

I have never RPed before but I am looking to start. If things do not work out in my current region, I may well give you guys a look. Send me a telegram or something to remind me who you are.


27-02-2006, 00:59
Excellent, I will send you a TG asap. If you ever need a strong RPing region let me know. And if anyone else is interested please do not hesitate to TG me or reply to this thread! :)
01-03-2006, 02:34
"The Honor Guard" is a region that was created on December 1st 2005 and in little over a month it has already grown and had many regional triumphs. We have a roleplaying sector that is very active and we have liberated two regions from harsh regional oppressors. Our structure and organization is better than most regions that have existed for twice as long as we have.

Here is a statement made by one of our newest members, I think it says it all:

Norris Land

Seriously, I've been at this game for about 2 years now and this is the first time I've been in a region that I've liked and actually wanted to get involved in. Can't wait.


Norris Land is not the only one that shares this feeling. I began this region in order to have a region that focuses on good clean in depth fun. Whether you like Invading, or Individual Roleplay, National Roleplay, UN Delegate elections or simply Regional Government, The Honor Guard has it all for those nations serious enough to remain active and play by our simple rules. I hope that you like what you hear and if you have any other questions or comments feel free to TG me.

-Qlestine, President and Moderator of The Honor Guard

Loyalty - Trust - Strength - Honor
01-03-2006, 02:40
Amorivia fits these ideals and more, plus I'd love to see some active role-playing. :cool:

So, send me a telegram and I'll join ASAP.
03-03-2006, 23:32
I have invited some of my members to come and post what they like about our region and why its such a good RPing region for you to join! Hopefully their words will only help your choice an easier one! We have a great community and an incredible RPing element!
The True Al Bhed
04-03-2006, 01:25
I have been apart of The Honor Guard for about a month now and what I find fun about the region is that every single person finds their own individual roles and play them as if they were those people. There are some that if there weren't OOC threads i would swear are psychotic dictators in real life.
The UN abassadorship
04-03-2006, 01:45
Im not sure how RPing works, if I joined would you help me out?
04-03-2006, 01:56
I would suggest first reading the stickies in the International Incidents page here at the NS forums, and then looking through and reading up on all the RP forums on our regional forum, then if you still want to be a part of it, and you join then yes of course we will help you out! We are very friendly and helpful as long as you dont push too many boundries (which you find out what are from reading above text) We welcome both experienced and novice roleplayers to join and play with us.

As long as you both take it seriously (while following the rules) and remain active then you will be welcome to our region and forum.

07-03-2006, 00:33
One thing that really makes the Honor Guard great is the fact that members are always coming up with new ideas to improve the experience and we have a great leader who actually listens to the members.

Added to that there is the fact that everyone in the region is extremely helpful and friendly - honorable mentions; Qlestine, Norris Land, Gilead Zion and Western Akirema.
09-03-2006, 16:38
Those RPers who are interested should take a look at our latest RP, which in response to the use of biological warfare in our last RP has brought about the debate over what the international laws of war shall be. Read it and see how active and serious our forum really is about RPing:
The Marxist State
10-03-2006, 01:25
I love RPs but I'm not very fond of regional maps, other then that this region looks awesome.

However I'd be glad to join, hope I'd be welcome

I already picked land claims
10-03-2006, 02:33
First off, the territories you have attempted to claim are not allowed to be claimed yet. The map in post 1 is used to determine where you want to be. And as you will see upon viewing it, only the southeastern continent known as 'Rigin' is open to be claimed. You will have to go and pick a territory there.

We'd be absolutely glad to have you if you conform to the Forum Rules and the Roleplay Rules. These will include major activity and playing within Modern Tech and all that jazz. Understand also that you will be RPing on our forums and not here on the NS forums. Of course you are free to do both, but unlike the NS Forums, we have laws that must be abided.

As to your other mention that you made pertaining to not liking regional maps, please direct that discussion here as I am now interested:

Regardless, if you are willing to play by our rules and on our forums, we welcome you with open arms!
The Marxist State
10-03-2006, 03:04
Not meaning to be rude, but that map is very, very restricting.

All my previous and current RPs around an advanced navy and being seaside, but I'd be fored to be land locked or in an island.

If you have an AIM or MSN please give it to me.
10-03-2006, 05:37
As far as I know there is still a coastal spot near pax island. It would be great if you could join, its a great region.
10-03-2006, 06:08
Not meaning to be rude, but that map is very, very restricting.

All my previous and current RPs around an advanced navy and being seaside, but I'd be fored to be land locked or in an island.

Actually, you are being quite rude. I already stated I wouldnt want this thread to be cluttered with a discussion on our map, which is why I created the other thread for us to discuss that topic on. However dispite that you come here with the post I am now quoting.

If you like how we work and roleplay at The Honor Guard, then by all means come into the region and we will embrace you! However, if you dont, then thats ok too! The Honor Guard suits a very active player that will follow the simple rules he have in place. If you feel as though that appeals to you, then by all means contact me.

That goes out to any and all RPing nations. If you are a serious RPer and wish to be a part of an active serious RP region, contact me as soon as possible. Our region may not be right for everyone, but let me know if you think it is right for you!
The Marxist State
10-03-2006, 13:46
Bah, the spots I picked looked JUST like my map.

Oh well, I'll take the new opened costal spot.
10-03-2006, 20:37
I've never really roleplayed this sort of thing on a forum, or really on a forum at all for that matter. My RP experiance is pretty much restricted to some I did in chatrooms and that was a while ago, so i'm pretty novice at this. I'd like to join an RPing region though, this one looks good.
10-03-2006, 21:21
Well whether you are a veteraned RPer or a newbie with desire, you are welcome at The Honor Guard. As I spoke of before, as long as you follow the rules (the most infamous of which is activity) then you are welcome to learn and play with us.

20-03-2006, 05:03
The newest news coming out of our regional RPs:

The Loyalist Chronicle Issue 4 (

If this kind of serious active RPing interests you, send me a TG or post here.

We welcome experienced and newb roleplayers as long as you will remain active.
20-03-2006, 14:51
Deceit! Murder! Betrayel!

In a region that espouses the virtues of LOYALTY, TRUST, HONOR, STRENGTH, these are hard commodities to come by. But it is by no fault of the governing council though. Hero and villian alike abound in this region of remarkable contrast.

Already, in war, innocent civilians have been shamelessly murdered. Chemical weapons are rife. In response to this the regional collective has called to order a meeting of member states in: The Persepolis Convention. A hope, it seems, to bring back honor and trust to this great region.

I have been in The Honor Guard for a time. Long enough to see tenuous peace break and nations ignite into a region-wide war. In this, it is possible to witness feats of immesurable compassion as well as those who would plumb the depths of depravity.


Perhaps some people will be turned away by the need for activity, but I see that as no loss to us. The RPing in this region is some of the best I have yet witnessed, and I have seen a lot, let me tell you.

Do not worry about welcome, as you will be recieved with open arms and offers of trade and peace. Who knows, you may even rise to the head of the regional government! But that is something that one should work towards long term and should be done so by demonstrations of ones devotion to the region and displays of good character.

So come. The more active nations that we have, the greater the RPing shall be and the more diverse also.
22-03-2006, 00:23
Thanks Herspegova, indeed it is true that The Honor Guard has a lot of interesting parts and twists all the time. We have a great set of nations and a great community that stays active. If serious Roleplaying is what you are looking for, then The Honor Guard is for you!

Post here or TG me if you are interested.
24-03-2006, 04:53
We have recently compiled a Complete History of The Honor Guard.

It is a chronological timeline of our regions great RPs back from our formation, to present day RPs that are still hanging in the balance. Go ahead and check it out and see if you like our style and our environment.

If you are a dedicated Roleplayer, The Honor Guard is for you!
28-03-2006, 03:16
So you want to join The Honor Guard? Learn what we are all about by clicking here! (
31-03-2006, 04:38
We have a good news section in which you can post your country's national news, and keep updated on regional news by reading our very own Loyalist Chronicles:
Ekram Kiros
05-04-2006, 05:06
Hi all,

I rule over Ekram Kiros in Nationstates and I am a moderator at the Honor Guard Forums. I was also a preliminary member and driving influence int he creation of this region. We started off as a really small tight knit region and have greatly expanded. Admiddetly, our membership is not as high as mst forums, but we have dedicated users who easily post more than all those forums with more than double our numbers. We're in search of people who enjoy high quality role-playing. Maybe you're just looking to lear? Well, we've molded several beginners into top notch role-players here. People have come in with barely any knowledge as to proper etiquette and rules of role-playing and now hold important seats in our Conclave and Collective.

Really, we're just a bunch of fun-loving people who are interested in creating quality writing with other people who enjoy the same thing. Come by for a visit and tg either Qlestine or myself for more information or with any questions you have.
05-04-2006, 17:20
The fact that you can Rp without it having to be :sniper:WARWARWAR:mp5: is my favorite part of the honor guard. I've been a part of it for about three weeks now and i'm fully settled in. All you have to do is read through the forums for a few minutes, sign up and start RPin'. If anyone who wants to join but doesn't know where to start as far as RPing in a brand new region, send me a PM on the forums and I will help get you started.
07-04-2006, 16:05
Both of my comrades are totally correct in their statements.

My trusted The Honor Guard-Forum-Mod Ekram Kiros is right. If you want to learn how to RP we can help you get into it. We have a Player to Player section, tons of tips and guides, as well as Training RPs for those who dont know if they are ready to RP in a big RPing region. We will help you get involved, as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort.

And unlike alot of places, The Honor Guard does not RP only war war war as Vizcosa pointed out. Right now we are having an airshow in one of our nations. We have trade agreements and international conventions. The Honor Guard works as a world working with itself completely as itself. If any of these things interests you I suggest you TG myself or someone from The Honor Guard and come on into our region and get involved in our forums.

If you have any questions at all, let me know either here or via TG.

Thank you and I hope I will see you in The Honor Guard soon!
07-04-2006, 16:46
I am in fact interested in this. Im not the biggest fan of war, but instead I love doing Covert operations. Is there any place for that?
07-04-2006, 19:43
Indeed there is! If you look at our Military Calculator, you may 'buy' an "Extensive Intelligence Program" in which will give you spies, and black ops abilities. Then you could combine that with a "Satelite Program" to get spy sats and get the lowdown that way. Our RPs are not fully free-form, but they have a moldable ajustable set of simplified rules that allow your country to do almost whatever you can think of as long as its realistic.

Speak to Ekram Kiros about this, his country has a very extensive covert ops program and he has spies in most cities around our region! As long as you stay away from GodModding (which you can do, just as he does) you are allowed to use such units in our RPs.

Here, for your viewing pleasure, allow me to link a post by Ekram Kiros where (towards the end) he used some of his spies to assassinate some officers. He did this without GMing and he did it with class. (this is an older RP of ours)

Just because I figured it would interest you. I hope that you are still interested and if you have any more questions feel free to post them here or TG me or Ekram Kiros.
09-04-2006, 10:33
The new Loyalist Chronicle was just submitted! We report our regional RPs progression every week, and we have a Media Minitry that runs the regional newspaper regularly. Here is Issue #7:
11-04-2006, 06:45
For those nations in which are interested in diplomacy and trade, The Honor Guard is also a great place for you! We dont just have wars all the time, we actually have very in depth diplomatic relations, and an entire forum dedicated to it:
15-04-2006, 02:08
I have been in The Honor Guard for about 5 days and I have to say it is a great region. It has a small but very active group of roleplayers, and the roleplay is very in depth and intelligent. They welcomed me very warmly and quickly made me feel involved. If you enjoy roleplaying, this is the place to be.
15-04-2006, 02:21
Can I join?
15-04-2006, 05:06
This sounds like an exemplary group. How do we go about joining this roleplaying group?
15-04-2006, 07:59
Can I join?

Certainly, however I have two requests:

1) Understand (via reading all of our forum and RP rules) what you are getting yourself into and whether or not the region is right for you.


2) Starting a new nation or using a puppet nation in which has a more realistic name will be better recieved and much more useable and useful in the serious RP setting The Honor Guard offers.

Let me know, either through this thread or through TG, any other questions you may have or anything you are unsure about.

This sounds like an exemplary group. How do we go about joining this roleplaying group?

I have responded to your TG and I hope to see your retort shortly. Joining us is easy as pancakes really:

0) If you are unsure about if you should join, TG me with your reasons and I would be happy to help.

1) If you know we are the region to join simply move your nation into our region (again, if you need help doing this I can help you).

2) Then go to the regional forum (link also available on the World Factbook Entry) and register on the forum using your nation's name as your login.

3) Introduce yourself OOC in the Introductions thread, tell us about yourself and let us welcome you.

4) Get working on an 'Entry Roleplay' more information is in the Introductions forum, but this roleplay will be your IC Introduction to The Honor Guard. You will Roleplay a very short Revolution/Coup/Unification/etc of your nation starting in our 'world' of The Honor Guard. Again, if you need help, just ask.

5) Post in the Regional Map thread after looking over both of the maps in post1 and post2 so that you can claim your territory on the map.

6) After you have posted your Entry Roleplay and are fully accepted into The Honor Guard, get up to speed on our current and past RPs. Get yourself involved in the world in all of our various ways that we have available and have fun! Stay active, follow the rules and you can stay for good!

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to let me know. Thanks.

16-04-2006, 05:18
Because our region has boomed in population, we have recently opened our second continent to be claimed by newcomers. We at The Honor Guard believe that fluidity of roleplay is paramount, and since our focus is and will likely always be on roleplay we have only opened on continent at a time. The reason for this is simple: if all of the nations are together, then roleplaying will be easier and more realistic than if they were all spread apart.

Our first continent that was opened was in the bottom right hand corner known as 'Rigin' and now is nearly completely full. The continent just to the north of Rigin is known as 'Aegis' and is home to the map creator: Thracianhorse.

Now that Aegis is open, there will be many new RPs and international incidents regarding the new territories. If you want a place on Aegis, just get involved in the ways I have outlined in my last post and ask for your territory.

This is the post announcing the update:

If you have any questions let me know.
18-04-2006, 03:10
I joined the Honor Guard just a few days ago, and I have never been more pleased with a roleplaying group! Not only is there a fair system of balance in place for warfare (rarely used, but still a lot of fun to experiment with), but the backstory for each and every nation is rich and detailed, along with the RPs on the forum! Political intrigue and diplomacy are abundant, and a wonderful map of the world and country territories add a perfect amount of spice to an already spectacular roleplaying group. In addition, periodic worldshaking events involving large numbers of nations can be influenced by even the smallest nation! All modern nations are welcome and can easily integrate into the group, no matter what size or political affiliation!

Even if you don't join, this is one forum you should definitely check out.
22-04-2006, 07:10
Since the new continent opened up, it's been pretty cool actually seeing some nations across the oceans. I'm hopin' to get some Rp going over there, im interested to see what kind of stuff gets stirred up as the continent begins to fill up. =)
27-04-2006, 03:05
So, if I make a puppet nation, I get to keep the statistics of my parent nation? Right?
27-04-2006, 17:32
So, if I make a puppet nation, I get to keep the statistics of my parent nation? Right?

Wrong. The country you use on our forums is the country that you have in our in-game region. You will use the stats from that nation and only that nation. This is for the sake of both convienence and to prevent cheating.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask. We are a serious roleplaying region that attracts serious roleplayers.
01-05-2006, 15:55
Hey everyone. I joined this region a few weeks ago. It is a mature, well thought out organization with plenty of creative freedom. If you enjoy roleplaying, I suggest you check it out. Trades, peace and war. Whatever path you want to choose. I highly recommend this region.
04-05-2006, 02:59
I have invited some of my members to come and post what they like about our region many times over. I have collected their statements for prospective players to see what others think. I am certain that TGing any of these nations would only yield the same responses.

Now I will allow their words - not mine - to help you make your decision and understand why we are such a good RPing region for you to join. Hopefully their words will only help your choice an easier one!

===Norris Land===========================================

Seriously, I've been at this game for about 2 years now and this is the first time I've been in a region that I've liked and actually wanted to get involved in. Can't wait.


===The True Al Bhed=======================================

I have been apart of The Honor Guard for about a month now and what I find fun about the region is that every single person finds their own individual roles and play them as if they were those people. There are some that if there weren't OOC threads i would swear are psychotic dictators in real life.



One thing that really makes the Honor Guard great is the fact that members are always coming up with new ideas to improve the experience and we have a great leader who actually listens to the members.
Added to that there is the fact that everyone in the region is extremely helpful and friendly - honorable mentions; Qlestine, Norris Land, Gilead Zion and Western Akirema.



I've never really roleplayed this sort of thing on a forum, or really on a forum at all for that matter. My RP experiance is pretty much restricted to some I did in chatrooms and that was a while ago, so i'm pretty novice at this. I'd like to join an RPing region though, this one looks good.


===Ekram Kiros==========================================

Hi all,
I rule over Ekram Kiros in Nationstates and I am a moderator at the Honor Guard Forums. I was also a preliminary member and driving influence int he creation of this region. We started off as a really small tight knit region and have greatly expanded. Admiddetly, our membership is not as high as mst forums, but we have dedicated users who easily post more than all those forums with more than double our numbers. We're in search of people who enjoy high quality role-playing. Maybe you're just looking to lear? Well, we've molded several beginners into top notch role-players here. People have come in with barely any knowledge as to proper etiquette and rules of role-playing and now hold important seats in our Conclave and Collective.
Really, we're just a bunch of fun-loving people who are interested in creating quality writing with other people who enjoy the same thing. Come by for a visit and tg either Qlestine or myself for more information or with any questions you have.



The fact that you can Rp without it having to be WARWARWAR is my favorite part of the honor guard. I've been a part of it for about three weeks now and i'm fully settled in. All you have to do is read through the forums for a few minutes, sign up and start RPin'. If anyone who wants to join but doesn't know where to start as far as RPing in a brand new region, send me a PM on the forums and I will help get you started.



I have been in The Honor Guard for about 5 days and I have to say it is a great region. It has a small but very active group of roleplayers, and the roleplay is very in depth and intelligent. They welcomed me very warmly and quickly made me feel involved. If you enjoy roleplaying, this is the place to be.

Super Liberalism
04-05-2006, 05:54
I may move one of my nations to the Honor Guard, but can you link me to one of the entry RP's or into a little deeper detail on it? Do I just say "I'm so and so and I've decided to join the Honor Guard" or what?
04-05-2006, 06:25
I may move one of my nations to the Honor Guard, but can you link me to one of the entry RP's or into a little deeper detail on it? Do I just say "I'm so and so and I've decided to join the Honor Guard" or what?

This is an important question, and I will answer it as best I can.

The new 'Entry Roleplays' were created by our ModTeam because we had a problem with nations joining our region, then leaving without contributing at all. So the Entry Roleplay is sort of like your interview and resume. We will take it very seriously and we want to know that you are dedicated enough to stay with the region for a long period of time.

It is a relatively new process, but we are finding it is effective and makes alot more sense than your nation just appearing out of no where. Here are two examples of new nations who have completed their Entry Roleplays:

You will be allowed onto the map only after you have completed the Entry Roleplay. Then you can get involved in the other Roleplays we have going on at this time. Its pretty straightforward really, but if you ever need any help dont hesitate to ask.

You can come and introduce yourself out of character in the Introductions thread where you will likely be welcomed warmly by the rest of the community. Go ahead and move a nation into the region (one with a realistic name) and register on the forums using that nation's name as your login. Then make sure you know the region and get used to us.

Again, if you need anything at all, let me know and I will do what I can.

Super Liberalism
04-05-2006, 15:51
Interesting, I think I'll do that tonight.
05-05-2006, 00:19
Excellent, I hope to see you there, if you have any questions whatsoever, let me know.
05-05-2006, 00:20
pfft. you can't even spell honour correctly.
Super Liberalism
05-05-2006, 01:05
Ok, I've moved "imperious imperials" over there, I'll get around to introducing myself in a few hours.
05-05-2006, 03:49
@ Swilatia

I appreciate the joke, but please, this is my recruitment thread. Thanks :p

@ Super Liberalism

Indeed I saw that, I look forward to seeing you there, again if you need anything at all, dont hesitate to ask me.
The True Al Bhed
18-06-2006, 21:20
Hey everyone,

I am The True Al Bhed or TTAB for short and I have been apart of The Honor Guard since Febuary. When I first joined I had little to no experiance when it came to RPing. Since then I have learned so much and gotten to know everyone realy well here. It is a really great region to join that is invalved in every aspect of role playing including war, political, economical, and just resently sports. Right now we have the Honor Cup going on and I am trying to set up the Honor Guard Hockey League (HGHL). If you are interested check us out.
22-06-2006, 23:29
Did you know?

That The Honor Guard off-site forum has tallied over 4,500 posts at the time of this posting? 4,000 of those posts are completely on-topic and related to our roleplaying! We currently have 26 member nations which are extremely active in their roleplaying. If roleplaying is what your into, than look no further as The Honor Guard is for you.
31-07-2006, 06:07
The Honor Guard

Greetings Roleplayers!

This message is your invitation to join one of the most notoriously powerful roleplaying regions in NationStates today, “The Honor Guard”!

This region is full of energetic, hardcore roleplayers that love to go in depth in almost every aspect of the game, whether it be national politics, economics, culture, or of course, war. Creativity and imagination at its core, we stand for HONOR, STRENGTH, and LOYALTY in our roleplays. HONOR by not godmodding and stopping all godmodding in its tracks. STRENGTH by offering the best we can to our roleplays. LOYALTY by not abandoning our roleplays and seeing them through to the end. If you have these similar values you will feel at home right here in “The Honor Guard”.

Because I believe that a person must have all the information at their fingertips for them to make a good decision, let me supply you with a few links that you may want to check out before coming to our region:

Our Regional Forum:

Our Regional Map:

Our Roleplaying Forums:

Still not sure if The Honor Guard is for you? Click here to get the low-down:

In the past I have invited some of my members to come and post what they like about our region and why its such a good RPing region for you to join. Hopefully their words will only help your choice an easier one! We have a great community and an incredible RPing element!

===Norris Land===

Seriously, I've been at this game for about 2 years now and this is the first time I've been in a region that I've liked and actually wanted to get involved in. Can't wait.

===The True Al Bhed===

I have been apart of The Honor Guard for about a month now and what I find fun about the region is that every single person finds their own individual roles and play them as if they were those people. There are some that if there weren't OOC threads i would swear are psychotic dictators in real life.


One thing that really makes the Honor Guard great is the fact that members are always coming up with new ideas to improve the experience and we have a great leader who actually listens to the members.
Added to that there is the fact that everyone in the region is extremely helpful and friendly - honorable mentions; Qlestine, Norris Land, Gilead Zion and Western Akirema.


Deceit! Murder! Betrayel!
In a region that espouses the virtues of LOYALTY, TRUST, HONOR, STRENGTH, these are hard commodities to come by. But it is by no fault of the governing council though. Hero and villian alike abound in this region of remarkable contrast.

Already, in war, innocent civilians have been shamelessly murdered. Chemical weapons are rife. In response to this the regional collective has called to order a meeting of member states in: The Persepolis Convention. A hope, it seems, to bring back honor and trust to this great region.

I have been in The Honor Guard for a time. Long enough to see tenuous peace break and nations ignite into a region-wide war. In this, it is possible to witness feats of immesurable compassion as well as those who would plumb the depths of depravity.
Perhaps some people will be turned away by the need for activity, but I see that as no loss to us. The RPing in this region is some of the best I have yet witnessed, and I have seen a lot, let me tell you.

Do not worry about welcome, as you will be recieved with open arms and offers of trade and peace. Who knows, you may even rise to the head of the regional government! But that is something that one should work towards long term and should be done so by demonstrations of ones devotion to the region and displays of good character.

So come. The more active nations that we have, the greater the RPing shall be and the more diverse also.

===Ekram Kiros===

Hi all,
I rule over Ekram Kiros in Nationstates and I am a moderator at the Honor Guard Forums. I was also a preliminary member and driving influence int he creation of this region. We started off as a really small tight knit region and have greatly expanded. Admiddetly, our membership is not as high as mst forums, but we have dedicated users who easily post more than all those forums with more than double our numbers. We're in search of people who enjoy high quality role-playing. Maybe you're just looking to lear? Well, we've molded several beginners into top notch role-players here. People have come in with barely any knowledge as to proper etiquette and rules of role-playing and now hold important seats in our Conclave and Collective.
Really, we're just a bunch of fun-loving people who are interested in creating quality writing with other people who enjoy the same thing. Come by for a visit and tg either Qlestine or myself for more information or with any questions you have.


I have been in The Honor Guard for about 5 days and I have to say it is a great region. It has a small but very active group of roleplayers, and the roleplay is very in depth and intelligent. They welcomed me very warmly and quickly made me feel involved. If you enjoy roleplaying, this is the place to be.
31-07-2006, 13:37
The Honor Guard is incredibly good and active RP region. I recommned everyone to join it!

You surely won't regret it.
Gilead Zion
10-08-2006, 17:03
10-08-2006, 21:09
For all those runny-nosed noobs out there, if you want to get wet behind the ears then The Honor Guard is for you.

Well maybe not, now that I think about it for a bit.

Then again, who cares? If you get berated, embarrased, and completely defeated by their RPing than laughed at later (a lot later) all these facts will slowly fade from your memory, leaving only the good parts of it left.

Honestly, The Honor Guard is a good group of guys whose only fault is that they are sucking up all of the good potential and just leaving the NS Forum talentless.

Good to see The Honor Guard is still kicking!

Who was the guy who tried to start some RP or another than one of you guys found it out and then everybody had a field day making fun of this poor chap? Doesn't someone have that thread leftover in their profile?
07-09-2006, 08:35
Great region. I joined a little while ago and I can't stop. It is really fun to roleplay with these nations and create cool backstories and characters. This region has it all

-post-war reconstruction
-international organizations

...and anything else you want to bring to the table.
07-09-2006, 15:01
This message is your invitation to join one of the most notoriously powerful roleplaying regions in NationStates today, “The Honor Guard”!You have the Death Star too, huh?
07-09-2006, 16:18
You have the Death Star too, huh?

No, that would be Cluichstan (, and soon by extension, Antarctic Oasis ( as well, under the defense pact ( we're about to sign ( ;)
07-09-2006, 16:26
Pimping for other regions in recruitment threads is illegal, you baaaaaaad boy. ;)
07-09-2006, 16:29
Pimping for other regions in recruitment threads is illegal, you baaaaaaad boy. ;)

That wasn't pimping -- merely informative links. ;)
30-10-2006, 16:29
Qlestine, I've just merged the eleven outstanding threads you've created here asking essentially the same thing. Be thankful that I didn't simply delete them outright, like I have with at least one other. You must stop creating new recruitment threads.

Each region may have a single thread in Gameplay, NOT a new thread every 2-3 weeks. If you continue to create new threads on this topic, they will be deleted outright, and you may be warned or forumbanned. Clear?
31-10-2006, 04:59
I apologize Fris, its just I prefer clean threads to horribly long and messy ones such as this, but I will heed your command and not create any more.. :( I just thought the rule was more or less "dont create a new one within a month of creating a recruitment thread" and so I waited until the others were dead and burried. I mean, some of these posts go back absolute months. Well, regardless I am just going to go and edit the first post with the new plug and hope people dont get bogged down in all the other posts here.

Thanks, and I do wholly apologize, I never wanted to get under your skin at all.

31-10-2006, 16:11
Erm... you do know that you can just go back and delete all of your older posts in this super-thread to prevent it from being clogged up, right?
31-10-2006, 22:40
Im actually more concerned about the fact I cant delete other people's posts, its normally those which clutter the most, esp ones off topic.
01-11-2006, 19:27
This one region, out of all others has me seriously tempted to move, however, I have to ask, I am seriously into Magic and fantasy, as well as Future style RP, would I have a place there? I have a friend who feels much the same as I do. If I thought I would have a serious role, and not just be the crazy dud who believes in magic, then I would join. What do you have to say on this subject?
03-11-2006, 03:44
We have a forum for Alternative Roleplays, such as fantasy futuristic and all that jazz. However, our major focus is and will continue to be realistic (mainly) modern tech. If you are committed to post in our MT forum and keep up with that, any additional RPs you play are welcomed as well.

Let me make it concise; you may roleplay in that manner, however it is purely optional, whereas our realistic modern tech forum is REQUIRED for you to remain in the region.

Hope that clears it up. Send me a TG if you need anything else.

12-11-2006, 05:52
If you have any questions about the region, please feel free to TG me.
